Goron City

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The journey to Goron City was quick to thanks to Link's shortcuts. The pair made it to Death Mountain in good time, and were greeted by the mighty Gorons.

"Hey, Goro!" Exclaimed Yunobo.

"Good to see you, Yunobo." Greeted Link.

Yunobo squeezed Link into a bone-breaking hug, and left Link gasping for air.

"Hello, tiny princess!" Greeted Yunobo.

"Greetings, it's a pleasure to finally meet you." Replied Zelda.

"Any point beyond here will be unbearable for you Hylians, to you might want to consider taking your fire proof elixirs." Explained Yunobo.

Zelda and Link took their fire proof sliders, and could no longer feel the sweltering heat.

"That feels so much better." Said Link.

Yunobo smiled and led the two Hylians to Goron City. It was a tiring walk due to the amount of rocks, which required them to climb.

After what felt like forever for Zelda, they had made it to Goron City.

"Aaand where here!" Exclaimed Yunobo with a flourish.

"It's uhh... Great..." muttered Zelda.

Link laughed at her slight disgust.

"May we please go see the elder?"Asked Link

"Yeah, Bludo is there, Goro." Replied Yunobo.

The young Goron pointed over to an old goron with a hunched back. Zelda nodded to Link, and they both walked over to Bludo.

"Ahh, Champion, Hello!" Said the elder," and he's brought along..."

"Princess Zelda, pleasure to meet you." She greeted.

"The princess?!" He Said in surprise," why, that can only mean that you saved Hyrule, Link."

Link looked a little flustered, and went slightly red.

"Oh, there's no need to be modest Link!" Exclaimed Zelda," You saved Hyrule, as well as the rest of the world, there's no need to be embarrassed."

"Yeah..." Link Said bluntly.

Zelda rolled her eyes.

"We're here about Daruk, we're here to reveal his story, a story that shouldn't be lost, for he have his life for Hyrule." Said Zelda.

"Hmm, I see," croaked the elder.

Zelda signalled to Link to start talking. He looked a little taken aback, but did so anyway.

"I saw Daruk as a father figure," started Link,"he was always supportive, even for the tiniest of accomplishments-"

"Like when you managed to get you hair perfect first try." Sniggered Zelda.

Link shot her a deadly look, then carried on talking.

"His hugs were... Firm, his strength was colossal, as was his bravery and determination. He never failed to put a smile on someone's face, and Daruk was a loud jolly soul..."

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