Rito Village

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Zelda woke up to the sounds of Link's soft snores. She opened her eyes to to find her head resting on Link's shoulder, and his head on her head. Zelda didn't want to move, she wanted it to stay like this, forever.

Link started to stir, and soon his eyes her open, and on Zelda.

"Good morning, princess," he said with a smile.

"Good morning ," she replied with a smile.

Link got up and started at making the fire again. He then went through his bag to find some food for the pair to eat. He then pulled out two eggs, some rock salt, and Hyrule herbs.

"Mmmm..." Zelda said, liking her lips," That looks like a breakfast fit for a king."

"For a queen," link corrected.

Zelda chuckled and Link continued making this gourmet breakfast. After a few minutes had passed, a delicious sent filled the air.

"I never knew you were so good at cooking," Zelda laughed.

"You'd be surprised at how much you don't know about me." He winked.

Link had finished making the breakfast and served them up in two giant leaves. He passed a leaf with a well cooked omelette to Zelda. She took a bite and was immediately put in paradise.

"Link!" she exclaimed, "your cooking is unparalleled! you should definitely become the royal cook."

He laughed, "I'll consider it."

After they were done with their breakfast, Link and Zelda got back on their horses and set back in track to Rito village.

On the way, they passed Hyrule Castle, and Zelda was full of regret and nostalgia.

"You know," she said sighing," I want to see the castle be restored to its former glory. In fact I want to see this entire kingdom as how it was before, maybe even better."

Link nodded, "Maybe. but we're going to have to work hard for it. Nothing comes for free. And there is no glory without hard work."

Zelda nodded in agreement, but was contemplating on his use of 'we'. Link didn't need to help her anymore, he fulfilled his duty as the Hero of Hyrule, and was free to live his life however he wished.

"I believe, in my heart, that we can do this. Not just us, but our people too." Zelda looked out into the distance.

The two finally made it to Rito village, and were greeted by the Rito. It was getting colder, and the two were shivering.

"Welcome to our village!" Greeted the guard of Rito village

"Thank you," replied Zelda politely, "would you awfully mind leading us to the elder of your village?"

"Of course, princess!" Said the Rito as he lead the to to the village elder, Kaneli.

On the way to the village elder, Link spotted the shop from which he bought his Snowquill set.

"Zelda, its getting cold. You should change into some warm clothes." Link said.

Zelda went to get changed, and Link did so too. Later they both met up in their respective winter clothes. Link in his Snowquill set, Zelda in her royal winter set.

They carried on to Kaneli and eventually arrived in his room.

"Ooh hoo!" He exclaimed at their presence, "Its the Champion's descendant along with...Hmmm"

Kaneli pondered on who might Zelda be.

"You look awfully like the princess who lead the Champions from an age past into the battle against Calamity Ganon. You are the princess's descendant, no?"

Zelda chuckled," Well actually, I am the princess, Zelda." She curtsied.

Kaneli looked at her in disbelief, then started laughing.

"Well, well! Pleasure to meet you, your highness." Kaneli boomed.

"We have come to tell you more about the Rito Champion, Revali." Zelda explained, getting back to business.

"Well of course!" Kaneli said.

"Revali was..." Zelda struggled a bit, and looked to Link for help.

"Revali was unlike anyone else. "Link said," His skills with a bow were unparalleled. " Much like his ego. "His dedication was exceptional, and never stopped to exceed expectation and be the best he could be. Unlike the other Champions, Revali had to work hard to become one, which made his feat even more outstanding. The Rito should be proud of their Champion."

Zelda looked over at Link. Considering Revali and Link didn't get along so well, Links till managed to find some kind things to say about the deceased Champion.

"Thank you very much." Kaneli nodded, "You are free to stay in this village for as long as you need, and the Rito are always at your service."

"Well, actually..." Zelda started, "Rito Villag elder Kaneli, I ,and the rest of Hyrule, would be very grateful if you aided us in rebuilding Hyrule."

"Of course!" He boomed, "We will help you in anyway we can."

Zelda and Link left Kaneli, and went round Rito Village. Link caught sight of Teba.

"Teba!" Link shouted out

Teba turned around, and gave slight smile when he saw Link.

"How are you doing, Link?" Teba asked. He saw Zelda, "So, is this the princess you were talking about saving?"

Zelda chuckled.

"Um...Yes." Link said bluntly.

"Well, looks like you did a good job, she looks 'saved' to me." Teba said then thought for a moment, "Say Link, why don't you come round to the flight Range later, I'm heading their right now. Maybe you could teach me some of you techniques?"

"Of course." Link agreed.

"See you later, then." Teba left for the Flight Range.

Link turned to Zelda, "We're going to be needing new Champions to pilot  the Divine Beasts..."

Zelda nodded," Yes we are..."

"We'll think about that later, but after I'm done with the flight Range, do you want to go shield surfing down Hebra Mountain?" Link asked.

"Oooh, yes!" Zelda looked excited.

"Great! I'm heading of now, see you later." Link waved goodbye and left for the Flight Range.

Thank you so much for reading. I would really appreciate it if you left any feedback, whether they are critical or praises.

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