A turning point

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A new day had begun, and the birds performed their daily song, as the sun rose to bathe Hyrule in its glow.

Zelda had woken up to feel her head rising and falling on a broad chest, and a muscly arm around her. The rising and falling continued, then she realised that it was Link's broad chest and muscly arms. Zelda started to wonder how they ended up like this, then she remembered last night. She liked it this way, both of them intertwined. Zelda wished for it to be like this more often. Alas, it was only a wish, nothing more, and wishes almost never some true, for only the blessed are permitted to have one.

Link felt something resting on his chest. He slightly opened his eyes to find Zelda's head there, and his arm around hers. He started to panic for a moment, thinking something had happened last night, but then realised they had merely shared a bed, and ended up like this due to the tossing and turning. Strangely, this felt natural to Link, as if the two were meant to be like this. He wished he could  be with her, like this, more often. But, he was only wishing, and Link knew deep down, that only the blessed got what they wanted.

Both of them didn't move, despite being awake. They wanted to savour this moment, in fear of it never happening again. However, Link had and urge to scratch his chin, and it took all of his will to resist, but the scratch got the better of him, so he moved his hand to scratch his chin.

"Oh!" Exclaimed Zelda, "You're awake!"

"Good morning to you too." Replied Link, smirking.

She gently smacked his chest, and got up. Her dressing gown flowed around her, the silk rippling over her body. Link thought that she looked immaculate, and no one, not even the goddesses,  could compare to her.

"Oh, I'll go make some breakfast." Link said, noticing that she wanted to get change.

He went down to prepare the breakfast, and once he did, he laid out a lavish meal for the princess. After doing so, he heard a knock on the door.

"Hello, M-Master Link!"

Link gawped for a while.

"Oh- Hello, Paya, pleasure seeing you here."

"I came here on some errands for my grandmother, then I remembered that you have a house here, so I tried my luck to see if you were home." Paya explained.

Link stared for a moment, taking in  the Sheikah girl standing in front of him.

"Do you... Want to go outside?" He timidly asked.

"I would love to!"

Link made his way out, then quickly back tracked into his house, and left a note next to Zelda's breakfast.

Link and Paya went out for their walk, both not knowing what to say to each other. Link thought for a while, wondering why she was here.

"So ...What sort of errand do you have to do?" Link asked, trying to break the tension.

Paya looked a little flustered, "Just, some stuff."



Zelda came downstairs, expecting to see Link, instead, she saw an empty room, with a lonely breakfast, and a note. She picked up the note and read it.

Gone to look for truffles, I'll be back.

Zelda knew for a fact that there was an ample amount of truffles in Link's house. Then, Zelda recalled a hearing a knock on Link's door, and the sound of a female. Zelda grew increasing anxious and abandoned her breakfast, and set out to look for Link.


Paya twiddled her finger, looking like she wanted to say something.

"Link, I'm just going to cut straight to the chase." She said suddenly.

Link looked anxious, fearing what she was going to say next.

"I know we ended it a while ago... But..." She started.

"Paya!" Link interrupted, "We talked about this. Our time together really was something special, but now..."

"Its Zelda..." She finished, "I know, but I just want you to know that I still love you, even if its one-sided."

Link looked mournful, then cupped his hands around her face.

"Paya... Please..."

Without warning, Paya pressed her lips against his, and the two were interlocked in a kiss. Link moved his hands to her waist, and Paya wrapped hers around his shoulders.

Zelda stood in the distance, spectating in horror at what was going on. She knew there was something going on, but she never expected to have to see it. Her whole world came crashing down, and her eyes began to tear up. she shook her head is disgrace and walked off, trying to remove the image burned into her mind.

Link and Paya separated. Link looked shocked at what had just happened, and Paya was all teared up. His hands were still placed upon her waists; her arms still wrapped around his shoulders.


"Link, I'm sorry." She said sorrowfully," I just wanted to have this experience for the last time. Knowing it was the last time... Now go, go get her."

He looked on at her, wishing to not be in this situation, then walked away, leaving his past love life behind him, hoping to start a new one.

I just added some drama in, cause why not. Please don't hate me!

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