Koko and Cottla

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"So, what did Impa have to say to you?" asked Zelda.

Impa had finished talking to Link, and he had just met up with Zelda near the graveyard.

"Weird place to be." remarked Link.

"It has a nice view. Any way you didn't answer my question: what did Impa have to say to you?" said Zelda, staring out into the distance.

"Uh...You know, stuff"  said Link looking down at his feet. It started to rain.

"No. I don't know, I've been sealing Ganon away for 100 years." retorted Zelda.

"Um...She was just-"

"Hi Zelda," Koko said walking in, "hi new Zelda, who's other Zelda's princess."

Link gave Koko a menacing look before saying," Hi Koko, what are you doing here in the rain?"

Koko stamped her foot," Zelda! You should know that Koko comes here to cry about Mother when its raining so Mother can't see."

Zelda gasped" Link..."

However, Link wasn't looking pitiful. He'd heard this sad story so many times before. On his quest to save Zelda, he'd often come here to comfort Koko. Link knew exactly how to cheer the young Sheikah up.

"Koko, go get your  sister, and any other children, to come here, then I'll tell you a story bout my adventures." Link whispered in Koko's ear.

Koko jumped up and down and ran to find the children.

Koko jumped up and down and ran to find the children

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Sorry, I just found this really funny

"Oh, I finally get to hear about the Hero  of Hyrlue's story. How intriguing." Teased Zelda.

Link rolled his eyes and got about finding some wood for a fire, since it had stopped raining. He threw the bundle on the ground and crouched down next to Zelda. He fumbled on the ground for some flint started striking it. After a while, he got fed up.

"Do you want me to do it?" asked Zelda.

"No, I almost got it." said Link, with his tongue sticking out.

Zelda found it cute. The concentration in his eyes, the fumbling of his hands, his steady breath, then a sigh of relief when he managed to get the fire working.

Link gave a look of triumph. He glanced at Zelda. She looked even pretty bathed in flames. Her golden hair, her emerald eyes with specks of the flame. Link willed to remember more from the past. Was there more between him and the princess than he knew?

Link and Zelda were looking at each other dead in the eyes, they were slowly getting closer. They were now so close they could feel the heat of each other's breath.

They suddenly backed away from each other, for they had been alerted by the sound of children's steps.

"Zelda! I brought my Cottla, and all of my friends." shouted Koko.

Zelda was blushing and Link had gone crimson.

"Are you ready for the story?" said Link rubbing his hands.

Wow! Two parts in one day! Link and Zelda got pretty close there :0

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