Night time stroll

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"I'm terribly sorry, but we've only got one room left, so you'll have to share."

Bularia showed Link and Zelda to a room, who were both able to change back into their normal travelling clothes, since nobody would be able to see Link.

"I'm sure you two won't mind." She said with a wink to Link.

Zelda stared into the room, assessing the situation.

"Well..." She said

"I hope you don't mind." Said Bularia.

"I don't mind as long as Zelda doesn't mind." Announced Link.

Zelda smiled at his enthusiasm.

"I don't mind." Zelda said to Link.

"Very well, I will leave you to it," Bularia Said," the Cheif has told me to tell you that if you ever need anything, do not hesitate to ask her, and she will help you, personally."

"Thank you, Bularia." Said Zelda.

Bularia marched out of the room, and shut the door behind her. As soon as she was gone, Link flopped onto the bed.

"I could get used to this..." he sighed.

"Get up!" Scolded Zelda," you'll mess up the bed."

"Sorry m'lady..." he mumbled.

Zelda looked at the bed, where many pillows and cushions were pulled up. Her lips curled into a smile as she picked up a pillow.

"That's quite alright, young boy." She said," But you shall pay for your mistakes with..."

Zelda smacked him in the face with the pillow. Link fell back onto the bed and smiled at her. He then reached for another pillow.

"Don't you even think about it..." warned Zelda.

"What are you going to do about it?"

He grabbed the pillow and made for a swing, but before he could, Zelda jumped on him, and repeatedly hit him with the pillow.

"Ok, ok... I get it, stop!" He Cried.

Zelda stopped and smiled cheekily.

"So pathetic and weak." She teased.

She moved two fingers up Link's arm, like a pair of  legs, and flicked him on the cheek.

"Hey!" He exclaimed,"Is it bully Link day?"

"You're adorable when you're getting attacked." She teased.

Zelda gasped at what she said and went red.

"I mean, you're funny." She said hastily.

Link looked up at her and chuckled, then gently tapped her nose.

"And you're cute when you're embarrassed." He Said.

It was his turn to go deep crimson.  Zelda blushed, then smiled softly and moved in closer. Link cocked his head to one side, then realised what was going on. He then moved his hand and hovered it over her waist.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!"

Minota was standing at the door, looking on at the two staring at her in shock. Zelda quickly got off Link, who hastily sat up.

"I-I am truly sorry.... I did knock..." Minota stammered.

Zelda and Link both went red, and moved slightly away from each other.

"No it's ok..." Said Link, slightly annoyed, "we were just about to leave anyway."

"Ahh, ok..." Minota Said bashfully, before leaving.

Link and Zelda avoided eye contact as then got off the bed.

"Where are we going?" Asked Zelda.

"Gerdudo Desert is particularly peacefully at night," Said Link," Fancy a night time stroll?"

"How are you going to get out, I don't think you're going to walk in the desert in your Vai clothes?" Pointed out Zelda.

Link indicated a door in their room.

"It leads directly out of the Town." He explained, "it's going to be slightly chilly, so you might want to wear your travelling clothes."

Link walked over to the door and opened it with a flourish.

"After you, m'lady." He announced.

Zelda walked out, and he followed. Once they were out, Zelda sighed.

"You're right." She said, "it is peaceful."

"No one to disturb us." Added Link.

Zelda looked at him, confused.

"I mean... you know... when you're deep into a conversation and someone just disturbs you..."

Zelda nodded. They carried on walking through the desert, their steps synchronise.

"Are you sure it's safe?" Asked Zelda.

"Ha!" Laughed Link," You're with me, what could possibly go wrong."

Zelda gave him a scathing look.

"Last time I remember, it was me saving your life from a swarm of guardians." She said.

"Yeah well... what about all the other times I've saved you." He remarked.

"Fair enough."

Zelda thought for a moment.

"Do remember everything?" She Asked after a while.

Link glanced at her.

"I don't know?" He replied.

"Do you not remember- never mind..."

Link looked down to see that their hands were close together. He then looked forwards, and interlaced his pinkie with hers. Zelda jumped at his touch, then held his hand.

"You look to tense." She remarked.

"Yeah... b-being me is pretty... tense..."

"I suppose that's true,"

Zelda stretches her arms and yawned.

"Shall we head back, You're tired." Said Link.

Zelda sleepily nodded, as she rubbed her eyes. Link started to walk, then went over to Zelda and picked her up. Zelda looked up at him, then smiled.

"I shall carry the princess of Hyrule to her bed!" Link declared.

"Yes, you shall carry her corpse!"

Link heard the sound of laughter, then red smoke appeared around him.

"We shall end your lives now, and avenge our master!"

Link set Zelda down, and drew his sword.

"You will not touch her as long as I live!" He Said fiercely.

"We will just have to kill you first."

Link placed a protective hand in front of Zelda, as three yiga blademasters and five yiga foot soldiers stepped in. The yiga foot soldiers attacked first, and Link did his best to keep them away. They soon had him on the floor, and the one blade master took hold of Zelda.

"Link!" She screamed.

Link pushed the foot soldiers off him and ran over to the blademaster holding Zelda. The other two blademasters blocked his way, and engaged him in combat. The blademasters has multiple swings at Link, and he was left with ripped and bloody clothes, gasping for air on the floor.

"Come to our hideout, and get her yourself." Said one blademaster, "But we won't extend our hospitality for long, so you better hurry up, else you will have her corpse."

Link held a shaky hand out for Zelda, but the yiga disappeared, along with the princess of Hyrule.

Sorry for taking so long with this chapter was supposed to come out sooner, but I changed the ending of it three times, before settling with this one. I hope this chapter was worth the wait, and hopefully our knight can save his princess...

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