Fulfilled desire

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After Link and Zelda were done with their nap -which made up for their lack of sleep the night before, thanks to the Yiga- they were back on the road, unsure about where to go next. Link wondered if Zelda still wanted to go camping. He'd been trying to think of a way to start a conversation with her for the entire journey, but all of the scenarios he thought of ended up with Zelda bursting in flames.

"Zelda, talk to me..." He whined after a while.

Zelda pulled on her horse's reins, and turned to Link, a fierce expression on her face.

"What more is there to say?" She Snapped, "your behaviour at the stable spoke for itself."

She urged Winter on, and left Link to digest what she just said. After a while, Link shook his head and snapped back into reality, before urging Epona into a canter to catch up with Zelda.

"I know you can't stay mad at me for long," He Said with a smirk, "I'm just going to have to get attack by Moblins, almost die, then you'll be weeping over my body, cursing yourself for being a bi-"

"Link, don't..." she warned, "the amount of times you've almost died, it's no laughing matter."

The smile on Link's face was melted away when he saw the tears welling up in her eyes.

"Zelda, it's ok, I'm still here." He Said, trying to stay cheerful, "look, that's the perfect place for our night time camping."

He turned Epona to walk up a hill, up to a tree, that overlooked Hyrule. Zelda stared after him, then made Winter do the same.

"We could camp out here for the night? With our picnic?" He Said hopefully.

To his delight, Zelda didn't object, so Link dismounted Epona, and unloaded the bags. Zelda looked down at Link, then gracefully hopped off Winter. She sat down, leaning on her beck against the tree, watching as Link bundled up bits of sticks, and crouched down to make a fire. He was right about one thing: she couldn't stay mad at him for long. There was this air around Link, which made him an extremely likeable person, not to his enemies, of course. Zelda saw a huge change in her knight since he saved her. One hundred years ago, a word would barely pass his lips, yet now, it seemed that he didn't know when to shut up. He had an entirely new personality, but he was still Link, through and through.

"There, that should keep us warm." He said after lighting the fire.

He turned to look at Zelda, and noticed her somewhat sombre look. He grimaced to himself as he awkwardly hobbled over to her, and slid down against the tree to sit next to Zelda.

"Want to talk?" He tentatively asked.

Zelda sighed and tried to order her words in her head, so that it wouldn't come out as a mess when she finally decided to spill her thoughts.

"The times I've almost lost you," She started, "The times you would've gladly laid down your life to save mine, why?"

She turned to Link, and gave him a pleading, almost desperate, look.

"Why?" she said again, the word barely audible.

Link pondered the answer to her question, if he should tell her the truth, or what was meant to be the answer from a princess's appointed knight.

"Because... I'm just doing my job..." He replied, cautiously.

Zelda's face fell, that wasn't the answer she wanted, but was the one she expected.

"Well, stop 'doing your job'!" She cried, "I can't lose you! I need you! I-I-I can't... I can't... I-"

To her surprise, Link tenderly placed a finger on her lip, and smiled. It was a different sort of smile, one Zelda had never seen before, one that looked like he wanted something. No, he didn't just simply wanted something, but deeply desired something.

"My job, isn't being your appointed knight," He said softly, "But my job is to protect you."

Link locked eyes with Zelda.

"My job is to my heart, and my heart..."

He gently moved her hair, and cupped her face.

"Is to you."

Link moved in closer, so he could feel Zelda's breath against his face. He knew nothing in Hyrule could stop them now...

"Wait, what?!"

Zelda drew back and eyed him up.

"If you want to be romantic, maybe try to come up with a more original line." She said.

Zelda couldn't help but laugh at his crestfallen face. She then laughed at herself, for stopping the moment she craved for the most, though Link still thought she was laughing at him.

"You can't blame me, I'm in love with the princess of Hyrule." he muttered.

The words Link just said sunk in. He stared at the ground, like he just got slapped awake.

"I'm in love with princess of Hyrule..." he whispered to himself.

He bounded up, then walked to spot which had a good view of the kingdom, and spread his arms out wide, as if he wanted to hug the whole of Hyrule.

"I'm in love with the princess of Hyrule!" He declared to the night sky.

Link started to laugh hysterically, laughing at his own stupidity, and hope. Zelda looked at him, slightly concerned, then walked over to Link.

"I'm in love with the princess of Hyrule," He giggled, "That's you!"

She gave him a scornful look, but then smiled.

"And I'm in love with my appointed knight."

The words barely came out of her mouth before the two where interlocked in a kiss. A kiss that was long over due. A kiss which both of them desired over everything else. A kiss that neither of them wanted to end. It felt so natural, Zelda arms wrapped around Link, Link's hands gently placed on her waist, their lips finally meeting in the middle.

Zelda's heart was pounding, pounding so hard she felt like it would burst out of her chest. This moment, this feeling, was what she wanted so badly, and she got it.

Link's heart was beating like crazy, he thought it would just rupture entirely. He'd finally done it, proclaimed his love to the girl he loved more than food. He'd finally been able to press his own lips against hers, to hold her close to him. He'd finally done it.

After this blissful moment, they broke apart, and maintained eye contact. However, this eye contact didn't last for long, since they both started to giggle.

"Well... I'll go get the sleeping bags." Said Link, "You'll be pleased to know that their quite big, fit for royalty,"

"Why don't you just bring one?" Said Zelda, with a cheeky smile, "I have a feeling that it'll get cold later in the night."

A grin spread across Link's face, which he unsuccessfully tried to hide.

"Don't you go getting any ideas, ok!" Warned Zelda.

Link chuckled to himself, and laid out one sleeping bag, close to the fire so they could feel its warmth, but not so close that it would catch fire.

As Link said, it was a big sleeping bag, so the two of them could easily slip in. Zelda got in first, and once she was in, Link clumsily tried to clamber in.

"So graceful..." Remarked Zelda.

Link playfully flicked her check, and wrapped an arm around her. Zelda shuffled in closer, and rested her head on his chest. She could feel the beat of his heart, and noticed that it was quite fast.

"Goodnight." Link said as he kissed her on her forehead.

"Goodnight." Zelda replied.

We've done it! We've finally done it! We can now die in peace. It has been done, they have finally kissed. Well actually we cant die in peace yet, because we haven't had a kiss in the game, but we'll be here for a while, so this will have to do.

I was keeping this for the sequel, but you guys have been so patient, I thought I'd give it to you, so now I'm going to have to come up with a different idea...

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