Awkward Situation

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Zelda woke up. She had a good sleep. Zelda's dream, was... strange. She heard Link's voice, but she didn't know what he was saying.

 She sat up, and stretched. She never remember getting into bed. The last thing she remembered was Link talking about Gerudo Town. she looked over at Link, who was sleeping soundly. Zelda worked out that Link carried her here. She smiled.

Zelda took this chance to ponder what they were going to do next. She supposed it was time they made their way to Zora's Domain.

She thought about last night. Before she went to sleep, she remembered Link saying something. She tried to remember what.

"Zelda...I think I l-"

She cursed. Link was going to say something, and she fell asleep! She wondered about what he was going to say.

Then she remembered a warm feeling on her cheek. Could it be that he...No, it was just her mind daydreaming. It was probably her drooling while she was sleeping. He was making her mind go crazy.


Zelda was startled, Link had woken up and  he was sitting on his bed.

"G-good morning, Link." Replied Zelda.

Link grinned, and jumped out of bed and did a massive stretch. Zelda thought he was acting extra cheery today.

"So did you sleep well, then?" asked Zelda.

"Me? Yeah, I did. Did you have a good night?"

"Um, yes." she changed topic," I was thinking we could make our way to Zora's Domain today."

"Ok, when are we leaving?" Link said.

"As soon as possible," Zelda said going behind a screen to get dressed.

Link took this opportunity to change his clothes. Unfortunately (or fortunately ;) Zelda came out from behind the screen whilst Link was topless. She blushed a took interest to something on the floor, whilst Link had gone bright red and hastily put his shirt on.

When they left the inn,  Paya came running to them.

"Hello, Paya," greeted Zelda," Does Impa wish to have a word with us?"

"Actually, I wish to have a word with Master Link...Alone."

Link smiled and went with her. Zelda was left wondering if something was going on between them.

When Link was done, he met with Zelda at the entrance of the village with Paya. He got on his horse  and grinned at Zelda.

"Have a  safe trip." said Paya, "and good luck with your task."

she was looking at Link when she said the second part.

"Will do Paya," said Link cheerfully.

"Yes, bye." Zelda said a little annoyed but as kindly as she could.

Their journey to Zora's domain was quiet. Both found it quite awkward. Zelda decided that she didn't like it like this, so she got over her annoyance and spoke.

"So um...Link."

Link looked at her.

"This morning, when uh... you know..." She was blushing.

Link nodded and saved her from having to say it.

"I, please don't think of me as weird, noticed several scars. I was wondering if you could tell me the tales of a few of them." she batted her eyelashes.

"Well..." Link thought for a moment, " I'll be honest, I don't remember how I got most of them, since they were probably from before the Calamity. But I can tell you about the ones I got during my quest to save you."

Zelda nodded eagerly. Link lifted up his shirt and started pointing at the scars. Zelda blushed.

"So, I got a few from fighting lynels, some from the blights..." he hovered over one and laughed, "This one was when a chu chu jumped out at me and a fell down a mountain. And this one was from when I accidentally stepped on 'flower girl's' flowers, and she, let's say, taught me a lesson."

Link carried on talking. Now Zelda had finally looked at Link, she couldn't help but notice his six-pack.

Link caught her staring, "I think that's all." and he put down his shirt.

They carried on ridding. Link started talking, but Zelda was daydreaming.

"So what about you." Link finally asked.

"What?! I'm not showing you my 'scars'!" she said coming back form her day dream.

Link was taken aback "That's not what I meant! What? No, I asked, do you like hearty fruitcake?"

"Oh..." Zelda was embarrassed, "Yes, as a matter of fact, that's one of my favourite cakes."

"Hm..." Link made a mental note.

"Oh look! We've reached Zora's Domain." pointed out Zelda.

This is a weird chapter...Hope you're enjoying this and please do give any feedback, because I don't know if I should continue or not

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