How punfortunate!

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Zelda and Link were back at Rito Village, making preparations to leave for Goron City, but they were no where near each other, for once.

Link was sitting on Revali's Landing, mapping out their route, but it wasn't the journey ahead that was on his mind... Link was perplexed, they held hands, yet he was unable to maintain that contact. He'd always wished for them to hold hands, but he was the one who had just let go and walked off. What was wrong with him! Maybe Link wasn't ready yet, maybe he was getting a bit too carried away. Maybe he was right to let go, for a night and a princess are never destined to be together, no matter what the fairy tales say.

Zelda was walking around the village, restocking all of her and Link's goods for the journey, but her mind was wondering on what had just happened. He looked into her eyes, and she felt a real connection, yet he let go like it was nothing. Maybe there was no connection. Maybe there really was something going on between Link and Paya, or some other lucky girl. He must have met countless girls on his journeys, there was bound to be a few who took to his liking, and almost all of them would've died to be with Link.

"Look out, princess!" called out Saki, Teba's wife, "You almost fell off the landing there."

Saki wasn't lying, for Zelda was one step away from certain death.

"Oh, thanks." Zelda replied, stepping away from the edge.

"You look dazed, what's on your mind?" Asked Saki

"Oh...Uh nothing." Zelda replied.

"Well ok, but be careful princess, your knight won't be able to save you all the time, what almost happened now is proof." The Rito walked off, oblivious to the anxious princess.

It was finally time for the princess and her knight to leave the village, so the two bid farewell to the Rito.

"Thank you ever so much for coming!" Thanked Kaneli, "And we will do all we can to aid you in your 'quest'."

"Many thanks, Kaneli." Zelda bowed, and went to wait by the horses for Link.

When he arrived, they departed Rito Village, on their way to restore Hyrule.

"So if we go this way..." Link mumbled, trying to make his way out of the map,  "We could get to Goron City in..."

"Actually Link," Zelda started, and Link looked up, "we should go to Hateno Village..."

Link looked a bit shocked at first, then went back to his map, pretending to be oblivious to her request.

"Do you have a problem with that?" Zelda called.

"No! Not at all." Link replied quickly, going red.

"Good! We'll head there then." She concluded.

Link was left panicking. In Hateno Village were all the girls who would definitely like to be Link's. Where ever he went in the village, he would hear them talking about him. It make him feel uneasy. There was going to be some friction between the ladies when they arrived, and Link was not looking forward to it.

"What's wrong?" Questioned Zelda, after noticing the expression Link had on his face

"N-Nothing. Nothing at all!" He said hastily.

Zelda nodded, then urged her horse to keep walking on, and Link did the same.

Dusk was falling, and the two had made it to Hateno Village before nightfall. The villagers where getting ready to make heir way home, some finishing their jobs for the day, others trying to get last minute buyers before closing their shop.

"We'll go to the Inn over there." Zelda said, pointing at the Great Ton Pu inn.

"Actually, that won't be necessary, Zelda." Link replied, rubbing the back of his neck.

"What do you mean!" Snapped Zelda, taken aback, "What, are we supposed to sleep on the floor?"

"I do, but you won't have to," Link yawned, "I have house just there."

He pointed to his house near the Shrine. Zelda looked at Link as if he were joking, but realising he was serious, the turned her horse to the house.

They crossed the bridge and boarded their horses in the stables, then Link opened the door to his house with a flourish.

"Its not fit for a princess..." He said winking, "But maybe she needs to learn how to sleep in dirt every once in a while."

Zelda pushed him aside playfully, and walked into the Hero's house. she looked around in wonder. A house holds the personality of the owner, and this house definitely represented Link. There were swords, bows and shields on the wall, a fighting dummy in the storeroom, along side an endless amount of food.

"What do you think?" Link asked cautiously, "If you want we can go to the Inn 'innstead'!"

Zelda gave him a deathly stare, "What did I say about bad puns..."

Link looked embarrassed, and quickly ran upstairs. Zelda followed suit.

"There's only one bed... So I'll sleep on the floor." Link explained.

Zelda was about to propose something, but then thought better of it. Link looked a bit disappointed that she didn't find an 'alternative' to the situation.

"Very well, but I feel extremely guilty that you have to sleep on the floor..." She said carefully.

Link didn't get the hint, and looked even more disappointed, "Its fine, I'm used to it anyway."

He got some sheets and went downstairs, "Good'knight' princess!" He called.

"Link I swear, if you make one more pun!" She called back, then calmed down, "Goodnight, sweet dreams."

"Don't triforcing it." Link mumbled.

Zelda got into the bed, realising that it was strangely soft. She never imagined Link as a soft bed person. Then it dawned on her that she was sleeping in Link's bed. She blushed, then closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Link was downstairs, but he wasn't sleeping. He was sitting at the dinning table, stuffing his mouth with a lot of food. He hadn't had a chance to do that recently, and now that Zelda was sleeping, he could eat to his heart's content.

Sorry, I got a bit carried away with the puns. I'm trying to be as PUNctual as I can with updating, so do bear with me. Feedback will be great, as always.

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