The ways of the sword

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Link walked into his house, laughing, followed by the Zelda. The walk back was full of jokes, making the two burst into stiches from laughter. Zelda wiped a tear of laughter from her eye, placing the material needed for Link's tunic on the table.

"I'm going to need to measure you first, Link." She said, turning to him.

She got out her measuring tape and went over to Link, who standing in the middle of the room. Zelda started taking the measurements, wrapping the tape around Link's torso, then moving to his broad shoulders. She asked him to stretch out his arms, then took the measurements of his arm length. When Zelda was done, she wrote the measurements down, and began tracing the outline of Link's tunic. Link watched from behind in awe, amazed by her skills.

"Its going to take some time, so be patient." Zelda said, noticing his tapping foot on the wooden floor, "These things take quite some time to make."

Link gave a reluctant sigh, then plopped himself on the sofa. After a little while, he got back up, unable to stay still.

"Should we start your training now?" He eagerly asked

Zelda stopped cutting up the material, and gave him a stern look. Link stared back his a dopey look, making him irresistible. Zelda gave in to his charm.

"Very well..." She agreed.

Link looked excited, then ran to his bag to pick a fine sword for the princess to use. He then returned a few moments later with a Royal Broadsword. Zelda eyed the weapon in Link's hand with uncertainty.

"Gosh Link!" she exclaimed, "That thing was only given to the best knights, and I don't even know how to hold a sword!"

"It'll be fine." He assured, "Its a nice sword to use, and its royal, like you."

He handed it over to her, and she took it. Zelda's hand dropped under the weight.

"Its heavier than I thought it would be." She said, "And how many of these things did you say you carried around with you?"

"Twenty." Link replied casually, "At the most."

Link ushered the princess outside to his yard, where he set up multiple practise dummies. Once he was done, he headed back to Zelda, who was waiting anxiously.

"Strike that dummy down." He said abruptly

"Wha- Just like that!" She said exasperated

He nodded, and signalled for her to go. She did so, holding the sword in her hand. Before she could even lift her sword up to strike, Link stopped her.

"No, no ,no!" He said, "You're holding the sword wrong."

He went over to Zelda, and guided her hand into the right striking position. Zelda shivered slightly at his  touch, and allowed her hand to be moved around, like a puppet.

"There!" He said, "Now try."

Zelda did as she was told, and lunged at the dummy. The dummy wobbled a bit in the spot, but stayed upright. She looked disappointed by the dummies resistant to her attack. Link sniggered behind her, but quickly regained his composure when Zelda turned around.

"Alright, let me show you how its done." He said proudly.

He walked towards the dummy, unsheathing his Master Sword. Link went to the dummy, and with a casual flick of his sword, knocked it over. Zelda looked unimpressed.

"Could you possibly make your movements more dramatic, rather than show off your skill." She said bemused.

Link looked embarrassed by the fact that she wasn't impressed. He tried again, this time making his unsheathing and lunging more dramatic. When Link struck the dummy, it went flying into he distance. He turned around to Zelda going red.

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