Hateno Vilage

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Zelda opened her eyes to hear the chirping of the birds outside. She sat up to see golden rays shining through the window, landing on  the body laying on the floor downstairs. He was perfect, the golden rays complementing his golden hair. Link looked so calm, and Zelda wished for it to stay that way.

She yawned and got out of bed, wriggling her toes on the wooden floor board. Despite never being in Link's house before, she felt at home. Zelda heard a tremendous snore coming from downstairs, and she used all of  her will power to stop her bursting into a fit of laughter. Zelda changed her clothes and went downstairs, and was surprised to see Link at the stove, cooking them breakfast.

"I thought you were still asleep, sleeping beauty." Zelda chuckled.

"You think I can't move around quietly?" He said, mocking offence.

Zelda sat down at the table, and licked her lips.

"What's for breakfast today, master chef?" She asked.

"Hearty fruitcake..." He replied bluntly, as if it were no big deal.

"That's my favourite!" Zelda exclaimed.

A smile spread across Link's face, and he carried on preparing the delicacy. When it was ready, he set it on the table in front of an eager princess, at sat down apposite to her. Without hesitation, Zelda dove straight into the cake, and devoured it without pausing. Link stared in shock, for he had never thought a princess would eat like that, then he smiled. When she was done, Zelda regained her composure, and used a napkin to wipe her mouth.

"That was delicious, Link!" She said, "But how did you  manage to replicate the recipe flawlessly? Only the royal family knows the recipe."

Link went slightly red, "I went into Hyrule Castle  during my quest, and read a few recipes... And diaries..."

Link looked scared and guilty. Zelda looked terrified.

"Did you uh... Happen to find mine..." Zelda asked.

Link went crimson, "Yes..."

"Did you read it..."


Link then laughed after answering, and Zelda looked embarrassed.

"You certainly had mixed feeling, princess." He said cheekily.

Zelda playfully pushed him away, "You know, its rude to read someone's diary."

"Well if that someone is trapped away, sealing a terrifying monster, in ruined castle, does that really matter? And can I just stress that's I was under a lot of pressure..."

Zelda rolled her eyes.

"Anyway, why did we come here?" Link asked.

"I wanted to see Purah." Zelda replied.

Link gave a sigh of relief, and Zelda looked puzzled.

After they had finished getting ready, Link and Zelda left from Link's house and made their way to Purah's lab. On the way, they met up with many of the villagers.

"Hey Link!" Greeted Nebb, who was amongst the other children, "Have you got  me a sword yet?"

Link smiled and pulled out a traveller's sword, "Oh would you look at that! I happen to have one."

Nebb squealed and took it off Link, brandishing it around.

"Thanks Link!" Said Nebb, "Now my grandfather can be happy!"

Link patted him on the head and kept on walking with Zelda. As they carried on to the lab, Zelda noticed that Link had a special and different connection with each if the villagers. He had gotten to know their every needs, and helped them in any way he could. Zelda wondered if there was a guy as amazing him, then her heart ached when she remembered Kass' song.

"Hiya Link," Waved Manny, "Don't mind me, just checki'n out, as usual."

Link noticed then he was eyeing Zelda up, "Hey Manny, why don't you just cut it down to Prima..." He said menacingly.

Manny was taken aback, and averted his eyes from the princess.

"She sure is pretty though" He whispered as Link passed by, " She could certainly give Prima a run for her money."

Link rolled his eyes and the look that he returned to Manny showed that he was not a guy to mess with.

The pair made it to the Ancient Tech Lab, and were greeted by Purah and Symin.

"Its Linky!" she exclaimed, "Back to see me again! Come on, give me that snap!"

"Snap!" He replied with equal enthusiasm

"And its the princess! Hi, how are you! Why don't you try out a snap?"

Purah and Link looked expectantly at Zelda, "Oh um...Snap..."

"Hmm, we'll have to work on that, but anyway, what brings you two here?" Purah asked

"We need your skills to craft us some equipment that could help us re-build Hyrule." Zelda proposed

Link took a seat, but then immediately got back up and started wondering around. All of his adventures in the wild have made it almost impossible for him to stay still.

"I wish I could, but we're all out of funds," Purah replied guiltily.

"We can pay you all you need when Hyrule is restores." Zelda urged.

"Very well, what do you need." Purah asked eagerly.

"We need..." Zelda started.

Link had wondered off to find Symin. He liked the guy, always interested in Link's adventures. Link found him outside, examining he sunshrooms.

"Ahhh, Link," Symin nodded in greeting.


"Bored?" Symin asked, then after seeing his expression, "I need more sunshrooms, why don't you use the Shiekah Sensor Plus to look for some?"

Link looked eager and ran off on his errands. He returned back to the village to look for sunshrooms.

"Hey Link!"

Link froze dead in his tracks, and slowly turned around. There he saw Sophie,  the girl who runs the armour shop, waving at him.

"H-hey Sophie!" he replied.

"I'm glad to see you here, again." She smiled, "Its always a pleasure to see you."

Link's eyes widened, and he shifted uncomfortably.

"Oh Link, you're here." Zelda exclaimed, as she walked towards him, "I've been looking all over for y-"

She caught sight of Sophie, they stared at each other for a moment.

"Hello, I'm Sophie" Sophie greeted, signalling Zelda to back off, "And who might you be?"

"She's my girlfriend!"  Link burst out.

He put his arm around Zelda, "Where've you  been, darling?"  He choked on the word.

Zelda opened her mouth to protest, but Link quickly cut her off.

"We really must be going Sophie, goodbye."

Link and Zelda left, leaving behind a dejected Sophie. He had still not removed his arm from around Zelda.

"What was that all about?" Zelda asked.

"I'll...Tell you later."

Zelda was still hung up on the excuse he made up. Now her hopes had raised again, but she was scared it would go so high, that when it fell, it would be fatal.

Thank you for all of the support! I honestly don't where this story will go, since I just write the first thing that comes into my head, without an thought. Enjoy!

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