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Zelda stormed into Link's house, fuming about what she just saw. She genuinely thought that she and Link has a special connection. Just her luck, he's just some stupid boy following the princess around. What was he doing with her anyway? He could've easily gone off with his precious Paya.

Zelda paces around the house. She couldn't appear to be mad at him, else she will reveal her feelings. No, she had to go on, for Hyrule. Their time together will be purely for business only, and nothing else. There was nothing between them anymore.

Link walked into the house, and caught sight of Zelda.

"Hey, Zel, you didn't eat your breakfast."

"Don't call me that," she replied coldly," And I'm not hungry anyway."

"But it's your favourite..."

"I said I'm not hungry!" She snapped back

Link looked confused and taken aback.

"Zelda..." he said calmly," Are you ok?"

"I'm quite alright, thank you..." she retorted, " Anyway, where are your truffles?"

Link looked panicked, thinking of an excuse.

"There... Weren't any..." he made up

Zelda shot a sneaky dirty look, and paced upstairs.

"We're heading for Goron City, now." She ordered.

Link looked down at the floor, absolutely confused by her change of heart. Maybe she saw what happened? No, why would she care so much? Maybe she was at that time of the month...

Zelda was stuffing all of her possession in her bag, hoping that doing something would help her keep back her tears. No, it wasn't him that was stupid, it was herself. She was the stupid one for falling for his irresistible charm. She should've been stronger, more in-control of her own emotions.

Link was sitting at the table, looking dejected. He was mapping out the route to Goron City, hoping it could distract him from Zelda's harshness. He wanted to help her, but she acted like the sight of him made her sick.

Zelda walked down the stairs, bracing herself for the sight of Link. There he was, looking up at her expectantly.

"What do you want?" She demanded.

"What's wrong?" He asked again.

"I told you!" She shouted," Nothing!"

"Why are you shouting?" He asked, trying to stay calm.

"Why am I shouting?!" She screamed, "Why am I shouting!' I'm shouting because your a good-for-nothing, son-of-a-"

"Well if you can shout, so can I!" He exclaimed, his voice raising.

Zelda held back her hot tears.

"Fine! Shout! I don't care anymore! I don't care about what you do or say or how you feel, because you are nothing to me!"

With that Zelda stomped out of the house, leaving behind a very upset looking Link.

Links stood there, looking at where the princess left. The door became blurry, then he blinked back his tears and slammed his fists on the floor. Why did he shout at her? There was obviously something bothering her, but instead of helping her, he made things worse. Link hated himself. No, he had to go after her, else something bad could happen.

Zelda walked away from Hateno Village, rubbing at her blotchy eyes. She wanted nothing to do with that knight. He was dead to her. He could go be killed by a gang of Moblins for all she cared.

Zelda was getting farther away from Hateno Village, and was becoming increasingly worried about her safety. Half of her wanted to run back to Link, but the other half wanted to go on, forgetting all about him. She listened to the second half, and walked on. She carried on walking and bumped into a massive pack of Moblins. She was doomed...

The pack contained around twenty silver and gold Moblins, each armed to the teeth with deadly swords and claymores. Zelda has no way out of this one, no knight coming to save her now. She whispered her prayers and accepted her fate.

She heard the clanging of a words and the grunts of Moblins. She could also make out the grunts of a man. She wondered if it could be... No, she pushed him away, out of her life. The roars of Moblins were blood curdling and the smell of their blood made her gag.

Zelda dared to peek, and she saw a knight standing, shakily holding a sword in one hand; the other clutching his chest. He looked over at her then collapsed on the floor. Zelda ran over to   Link, who was writhing on the floor.

"Oh Hylia!" She exclaimed," Link look at you!"

He held up a bloodied and shaky hand up to her face, and tucked a bit of hair behind her ear, staring deep into her green eyes.

"Whether you hate me or not, I will always protect you." He whispered.

Zelda cried into his hand, then it went limp, landing with a thud in the ground.

Zelda stared shocked, then cried into his chest. As she did so, she could still feel the faint beat of his heart, getting slower as time went by. There was still a chance to save him, and Zelda was not going to lose Link again.

She looked around for help, and caught sight of a man one horse heading towards Hateno Village. Zelda went running up to him.

"Please, sir!" She cried, "Please! Link has been fatally wounded, and if he doesn't get medical attention soon, he'll die!"

The man looked at the young princes with pity, then looked over at the dying knight. He got off his horse and picked up Link, placing him back in the horse.

"My dear," the man said," there isn't enough space on the horse for the three of us, and I need to get this young man to help immediately. I'll need you to make your way back to Hateno Village, and I'll make sure someone comes to get you."

The man galloped off with Link, leaving Zelda terrified for his life. She did as the man suggested, making it slowly back to Hateno Village. Every sound made her jump out of her skin, fearing it would be a monster, and this time there would definitely be nobody to save her.

Zelda was left walking, fearing what would happen to Link. If anything did happen, she would never, ever forgive herself.

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