Zora's Domain

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"Link! Pleasure to see you again!" Greeted Sidon, shaking Link's hand.

"Good to see you too, Sidon." Said Link, holding his hand in pain.

"I see you brought..." Sidon looked at Link for help.

"Princess Zelda." Link whispered.

"Ah... Princess Zelda. Us royalty better stick together." Sidon winked.

"Pleasure to meet you Prince Sidon." Said Zelda.

Sidon led them through the beautiful Domain to the throne room, where the Zora king, King Dorephan, was sitting. Link and Zelda both bowed.

"Link, nice to see you back along with the princess." Said the King in a low voice, "Princess, how are you? You've aged well in these 100 years I see." He laughed at his own joke.

"Your majesty, I am well thank you. Obviously it will never be he same, but I'm glad I could do something for Hyrule, along side Link." She smiled at Link.

"I see, well please, never hesitate to come to our domain or ask for our assistance. You're probably going to need somewhere to stay, what with the castle being destroyed."

Link started to panic. He couldn't possibly stay at Zora's Domain: the home of the girl who was going to marry him. It would be so awkward. Someone was surely going to bring that up whilst they were there, and Link feared about what Zelda was going to think.

"That's very kind of you, and I will keep the offer in mind, but first we have to go see the other race elders as well." Zelda said, as though she had read Link's mind.

"Very well. I take it you are here for a reason?" the king enquired.

"You asked to hear about Lady Mipha, your majesty." Zelda looked at Link, "I think it would be better if Link told you actually, he spent more time with Mipha than I did, so he knows more."

Link had a feeling that she knew. Zelda was looking intently at him.

"Well... Mipha was kind, loved by all." He started, feeling Zelda's gaze, "She was gentle, and maybe underestimated. Mipha looked after me as I grew up, I looked to her as..." He gulped, and apologised to her spirit, "as a big sister."

Zelda looked at ease now.

"She always looked after me, and made sure no harm came to me. When I was appointed as Zelda's knight, I saw less of Mipha as the days went by, but when I did go and visit her, she was always so welcoming."

Link held back tears. He missed her, and Link had meant every word he said.

"You should be proud of her your majesty. She knew her fate, yet she wanted to fulfil her duty, and her spirit was at ease to know that she could."

Zelda felt Link's anguish, and locked eyes with him.

Link felt at ease looking into her eyes. There was something about them, as if she had put a spell on him. Well, she did put a spell on him, a spell he'd been trying to overcome ever since they reunited.

"Thank you, Link," said King Dorephan, "It must have been hard for you to talk about her. I hope you know that she loved you dearly."

"King Dorephan," started Zelda," I humbly request for your assistance in re-building Hyrule."

Zelda was not one for heart-touching moments.

"Of  course, we will do all we can to help." agreed he King.

"And maybe build a royal family." whispered Sidon.

Link glared at him, and then Sidon chuckled. Sidon then signalled, "Don't worry" then winked.

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