sweet, yet dangerous

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Link and Zelda were at the reservoir bank, drying themselves up. Link had made a fire to warm them up. Zelda was shivering, not from being cold, but from the sheer recklessness of the dive. They could've died, but what was life without any danger, that's how Link liked to live his life.

Zelda had sat down by the fire, and Link had taken off his top to squeeze out the water and to let it dry by the fire. Zelda looked at him, but them dropped her gaze to the flickering fire.

It was truly beautiful thing. Beautiful, and graceful, yet dangerous. Fire was a great way to represent someone. It could represent passion, fierceness, danger, elegance and anger. This fire could be whatever a person wanted, and what they wanted represented who they were.  For Zelda, it represented a mix of emotions, which is how she was feeling. At one moment the fire was one thing, and the next it was something else. Zelda grew up having to hide her emotions from the rest of the world, lest she would disappoint them. But now, she was free to be whoever she wanted, and the fire could be whatever she chose.

"Zelda?" Link said, looking over his shoulder.

"Yes!" Zelda said suddenly, looking up from the flames.

"Are you ok?" He said, taking a seat next to her, with his top back on.

"I'm ok." She replied bluntly.

Link placed his hand on hers, and gave it a reassuring squeeze. She smiled, trying not to let him see through her.

The two were getting closer again, and showed no signs of stopping. Link's hand moved, but as this happened, he knocked a rock, which rolled into a hole. As they drew closer, a korok appeared in the middle.

"Yah haha!" The korok squeaked cheerfully, "You found me!"

The korok then pooped in Link's hand. The korok didn't disappear, and just left them in an awkward silence.

"So um... What's that?" Zelda asked, signalling to the poop in Link's hand.

"Korok seed." Link explained, holding it up," If I give these to Hestu, he will expand my inventory."

"I see." Said a bemused Zelda, "Well, we should head back and make some preparations for our journey to Rito Village. And uh... Think of some things to say about Revali...Nice things" She added, after seeing the face Link made.

They headed back to Zora's Domain, and bid farewell to the Zoras, accepting their many request to come back to the domain.

"Well, Link, Princess Zelda, it was a pleasure hosting you in our domain, and please do come back should you ever feel like it! " Sidon implored.

"Will do, Sidon." Link said, shaking his hand.

There was a moments silence, then Sidon pulled the two into a big hug. He then let Zelda go, and kept Link in his grasp.

"Go get her." Sidon whispered in Link's ear.

Link have him a playful punch and left the domain with Zelda. The two made their way back to the horses and headed off to Rito Village.

Link felt more comfortable around Zelda now, and Zelda felt the same way. It was as if they had become closer than ever before, but there was still some work to be done.

"So Link," started Zelda," what was your favourite thing to do whilst you were 'on your quest to save the princess'?"

"Well..." Link was a bit bashful, was he really going to reveal how much he was slacking off in his quest?

"I... Did some shield surfing..." Link said cautiously.

"Yes..." Zelda knew there was more.

"Did some gambl- I mean betting in Lurelin village..."

"Uh-huh..."Zelda waited, "What about Gerudo town?"

"Yes, and that." Link said quickly.

"I also saw you streaking through the villages, getting kicked out, getting invited back in due to your good deeds, destroying peoples resources and planting bombs in people homes," reeled off Zelda, "Not to mention, hit on that Sheikah girl, and take some very strange selfies." She gave a sly grin.

"You saw all of that?" Link exclaimed gobsmacked, turning a deep crimson.

"Oh I saw more, but I'm granting you the courtesy of not mentioning them." Zelda had the upper hand, "So much for the 'Hero of Hyrule."

Link admired her cheekiness. She may be the princess of Hyrule, but she sure did know how to make a well-accomplished knight weak.

"Its getting late, we should stop here for the night, and carry on to Rito Village tomorrow." Link pointed out.

They stopped at a large tree, and left their horses to graze on some grass. Link made a fire, and then they both sat around it. Zelda yawned, and rubbed her eyes sleepily.

"You get some rest," Link said softly," I'll stay on guard."

"But, you will need some rest as well." Zelda said with uncertainty.

"I've gone for days without sleep, "and its my job to protect you."

Zelda admired him. Despite all these years, he still remembers his job.

"Ok" Zelda yawned, "Goodnight..."

She fell asleep on Link's shoulder, and link was resting against the tree, on the look out for anything that could harm the princess, not that there would be, he only wanted her to have goodnights sleep.

Link couldn't  keep his eyes open anymore, and soon fell asleep too. The princess and her knight, asleep together in Hyrule field under a tree.

Thanks for reading. I'm not giving up on this, I'll keep on writing and writing, no matter what.

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