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"Well...Don't just stand in the doorway, come in." urged Impa

Zelda was speechless, a flood of memories from before the Calamity came rushing in. Finally seeing an old friend was something so special for Zelda.

"Impa..." started Zelda.

"No need to speak my child, your expression says everything." replied the elder.

"Humph, looks like these 100 years have done you good. You finally speak words of wisdom. Do you still use cuccos to fly around?" retorted Zelda, after getting her voice back.

Impa stared at the princess, it was hard and cold. The atmosphere was awkward. Link shuffled his feet and coughed. A smile then started to grow on Impa's face, then she started to laugh. Zelda started to laugh too. Link and Paya shared confused looks at each other.

"My, you haven't changed a bit." said Impa," And to answer your question yes I still do."

"Gradmother!" exclaimed Paya, "When have you been doing this!?"

"Calm, Paya, there's a lot you don't know about me." replied Impa.

"Yeah." agreed Link," Like that one time you-"

"That's enough Link" Impa said hastily, then thought for a moment, "What about when you went into Gerudo town?"

Link looked shocked, "So um... why did you summon us Impa?"

Zelda laughed, looked like she had a lot to find out about Link. She was looking forward to it. Seeing him like this put her at ease. She was aware of the hardships he had to bear in the past, and knowing that he can speak freely once again was a treat. Especially hearing his voice.

"Zelda...Zelda!" Shouted Link.

"W-what? I mean, pardon?" Zelda said, regaining her composure.

"Impa is asking you 'what are you planning on doing now?'" replied Link.

"Oh... I was planning on visiting the elders of each race. I-I suppose I could tell them more about their champions and... ask for their support in rebuilding Hyrule" Zelda paused," Lady Impa, I kindly request-"

"Say no more." said Impa proudly," we Skeikah will help you till the end. This also reminds me to give you something."

Impa beckoned to Paya. Paya nodded and went upstairs. When she returned, she was holding several garments.

"You can't possibly go round in your sacred attire. I got our dress makers to replicate your travelling gear, and your winter set."Impa explained," I also have one more, but I'll give it to you when I think you'll need it."

Seeing her old clothes brought Zelda close to tears.

"Thanks you so much!"

Link sensed her emotions and placed a hand on her shoulder. The feeling on Zelda's shoulder was bliss. She loved it.

"Zelda, I wish to have a moment alone with Link." stated Impa.

Paya escorted Zelda out of the house, and the princess left thinking Impa was far too old for Link.

I'm trying to update as often as I can. The picture I used is what Impa looked like 100 years ago. I don't own the picture. Hope you're all enjoying the story!

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