Gerudo Town

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"Rise and shine, sleeping beauty."

Zelda opened her eyes to see Link peering over her.

"Come on, we have to go Gerudo Town." Said Link.

Zelda swung her legs over the bed, and rubbed her eyes sleepily.

"Now it's going to be really hot, so we could drink some heat resistant elixir, or..."

Link held up a Gerudo Vai set and a Desert Voe set. Zelda gasped at the sight of them.

"We're going to wear those?" She Asked.

"No, I just bought them for no reason..."

Zelda took the vai set off Link, and ran her hand across the fabric.

"This is going to be weird..." mumbled Zelda.

"Well go get changed, and we can leave." Explained Link.

Zelda and Link both left to get changed.   They then met outside the stable, donning their new outfits.

Link's hair was ties up on the top of his head, and wore a headband and a pair of golden hoops. The spaulder  was red, green and gold, and only covered his left arm, leaving the rest of his chest bare, and his leggings were red with golden shin pads.

Zelda wore a golden head band, with her hair tied into a pony tail. She wore a light blue top, with a golden breast plate, and a blue skirt which covered her left leg, and left the other bare.

Link stared at Zelda, dumbstruck.

"You look... Beautiful." He muttered.

Zelda looked up from adjusting her arm bands.

"What was that?" She Asked.

"I said...  you look ready to go..." Link said hastily.

Zelda's face went slightly red at the sight of Link's barely covered chest.

"Let's go." Said Zelda.

The journey to Gerudo Town was long, and slightly awkward for Zelda as they were walking quite close to each other. They were almost touching, in fact.

Once they arrived near the entrance of the Town, Link put his hand in front of Zelda.

"Wait!" Exclaimed Link.

He dragged Zelda away from the guards, and went around the corner of the Town wall.

"Remember, no voe..." Said Link.


Link sighed and reluctantly pulled out another Gerudo Vai set. Zelda looked at it, then started laughing.

"You don't mean to tell me that you have to wear that every time you go in?" She laughed.

Link rolled his eyes.

"So um... I'm just gonna go get changed..." he said.

"Where?" She Asked.

Link frantically looked around, but alas they were in a desert. Link started to panic, then came up with an idea.

"How about you face that way." He Suggested," and resist the urge to look at me."

Zelda knew he was joking about he last bit, but she couldn't help but feel caught out.

"As if!" Zelda exclaimed as she turned to look the other way.

Link swiftly got changed into his Gerudo set, the classic turquoise veil and top, and purple sirwal.

"You can turn around."

Zelda braced herself for what she was about to see. She carefully turned around, and stared at Link.

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