Polymus Mountain

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Zelda was heading up to Polymus Mountain, a place that was said to have an amazing view. She had also heard that it was a fantastic diving point, and maybe she would have a go at it.

She had to go the long way, since Zelda didn't have Link's Zora armour to swim up waterfalls. The armour Mipha have him. Her blood boiled, but then Zelda felt guilty. It wasn't Mipha's fault that she was in love with Link, nor was it her fault that Zelda is. Link didn't understand, he only saw Mipha's actions in a sisterly way.

As Zelda turned the corner near the waterfall, she heard a series of splashes. It sounded like someone...No It was probably some ducks flapping their wings.

She was nearing the peak, and was exhausted from the trek. Zelda walked on past the rocks to the very peak when she heard a ferocious roar behind her. She turned around to find a lynel charging at her.  Zelda could see the shine of its teeth, the point of its horns, the sharpness of the sword and shield. Zelda accepted her fate with a scream and fell to the ground.

She waited for it all to end, the lynel must of finished her off by now. Zelda dared to open her eyes, only to find a young man with blond flowing hair in a pony tail standing in front of her.

The  lynel circled around to attack the young man, but he was as swift as the wind and jumped out of the way. He used this chance to counter attack and to finish off the lynel, but the lynel wasn't going to go without a fight and slashed the young man's arm as the lynel dropped down dead and exploded into a purple cloud.

"Link..." said Zelda panting.

"Are you ok?" Asked Link, dismissing the increasing amount of blood accumulating on his arm.

"I'm ok, but look at your arm!" cried Zelda, running over to Link, who had just dropped down onto the floor.

"You were stronger 100 years ago, Link" Zelda said fondly, inspecting his arm.

She pulled back his bloody sleeve and inspected the wound. Zelda couldn't help but notice his biceps.

Link's breathing had become irregular, he was tensing, which made his arm hurt more, but he couldn't let Zelda see his pain. The feeling of her touch on his skin was enough for him to forget all of his pain.

"I'm going to have to apply some pressure on to that. its going to hurt." explained Zelda, looking him dead in the eye.

He couldn't look away. He forgot all about his bleeding arm and got lost in her bright green eyes, a forest of beauty, her hair being the golden sun. Nothing could be more powerful than the forest and the sun.

"Ok, go for it," Link said, bracing himself for the pain to come.

She applied the pressure, and he gasped. Zelda smiled.

"I never thought the Hero of Hyrule would be crying over a scratch." She said tenderly.

"What do you mean!" He said outraged.

"You should definitely join the royal theatre because you are quite the actor," Zelda said playfully," Its just a small wound, that just bled a lot."

Link looked slightly annoyed, "Well anyway, what were you doing heading up here anyway, didn't you hear about the lynel?"

"Woah! You're one to talk! What were you doing following me!" Zelda retorted exasperated.

"I just wanted to make sure that you were safe."  He said bluntly.

The two got up and went over to Shatterback Point. The Zoras weren't lying: there was a magnificent view. The sun was setting, bathing the land of Hyrule in a golden light, making the world just stop still and enjoy this moment.

"I like sunsets." Link  said, " They say it is the only time when our world intersects with theirs...The only time we can feel the lingering regrets of spirits who have left our world. That is why loneliness always pervades the hour of twilight."

"Wow..." said Zelda awestruck by Link's words, "I suppose that's true."

"My father said this to me," Said Link looking into the distance, "He said that his father told this to him, and that my grandfather was told by his father, and so on. Apparently one of my ancestors was told this when Twilight was lingering in the light world."

Zelda took his words into account. They made so much sense and it was a truly beautiful thing to say.

"Well, there's two ways down: the fun way or the boring way!" Exclaimed Link.

"Well...It could be dange-" started Zelda, but Link grabbed her hand and dived down from Shatterback Point.

The two surfaced up after landing, and burst into a torrent of laughter.

Sorry I haven't been able to update in a long time, I had exams, but I should be updating more  often now. I haven't given up on this story yet and I hope you haven't either. Btw, did you get my Twilight Princess reference? It is my favourite game ever, what's yours?

OMG!!!! A sequel to BOTW is being made!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am extremely excited! I won't spoil anything so go watch the reveal trailer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry too many exclamation marks but this is sooo exciting I can't contain my excitement!!!!! Did I mention how excited I was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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