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"Are you okay?" Zelda asked.

Link had just returned to the house after his strange encounter. His face must've revealed a lot of his confusion.

"Yeah I'm alright." He replied.

Zelda nodded. She was sitting crossed legged on the floor, beavering away at Link's tunic. Link smiled and took a seat on the couch, which Zelda was sitting in front of. She looked back at him, then sighed before continuing with her stitching.

"By the way..." Zelda said suddenly, "Thank you for the lesson. I actually learned some things this time."

Link looked down at her slightly confused.

"You say that like you've had lessons before." He questioned.

Zelda looked a bit flushed and carried on with her work.

She did indeed have lessons before. With the captain of the Hyrulean army, Jorulph. There was no denying that he had good looks, the girls would all die to be with him , but he was vain, yet everyone overlooked that due to his looks and skill. The King tasked the captain in training the princess in the arts of combat, should she ever need it. Jorulph had always taken this time to his advantage to get close with Zelda, boasting about his endless list of accomplishments.


"You see... I've defeated three lynels all by myself, you highness."

Zelda looked at Jorulph, unimpressed. Her eyes then wondered to a blond haired knight behind Jorulph.

"Actually, it was a junior knight who killed the lynels, captain." Corrected Zelda, "Apparently you were cowering behind a tree calling for your mother."

Jorulph looked embarrassed by this news. Zelda completely ignored him and kept her eyes on the blond knight in the background.

The knight was quite young, about the same age as Zelda, yet he had skills unlike any other. He had golden hair and bright blue eyes. The slash of his sword was so precise, yet he looked like he put no effort into it. The knight finished taking down the thirtieth knight that tried to overcome him, and turned around. The knight caught sight of the princess, and smiled. Zelda looked embarrassed to have been caught staring, but returned the smile none the less.

Little did she know that this knight was going to be a big part of her life.
Zelda looked at Link. He really had a lot to remember. Maybe this was the right time to remind him.

"As a matter of fact, I did." Zelda said ,"By the captain of the royal family, Jorulph."

Link looked on intrigued.

"Link, you did know him..." she said cautiously, "We met because Jorulph was-"

Link was leaning too far back on his chair, and fell off, flat on his back. Zelda quickly got up to look at him, and found a heap laughing on the floor. Zelda stares down, bemused, trying her best not to burst out laughing. She saw Link's face, and a torrent of laughter came out of her mouth.

Link got back up, brushing himself off, pleased to see that he made Zelda laugh. He was grinning at her, and Zelda couldn't possible handle the humour.

"Joking aside, Link." Said Zelda, after regaining herself,"We should really make some preparations for our journey to Goron City."

Link nodded in agreement.

"I'll just go drop some sunshrooms off with Simon, then grab some food." Link explained, as he grabbed his hood and made his way to the door.

Zelda was left in the room, by herself. For once, she wanted some time alone, without Link. Zelda just wanted to contemplate. Mainly about the past. Her past was full of things to keep her mind going.

However, Zelda decided to be productive, so she went upstairs to start packing.

She walked upstairs, her mind set on packing, but she caught sight of a framed photo. She got curious and went to look at it. Upon closer inspection, Zelda realises it was the group photo of her and all of the Champions on the ceremony day. A sad smile crept on her face. These Champions gave their life for Hyrule; destroyed by the Calamity.

The photo was precious. They were all intending for a formal one, but Daruk pushed them all together, making them seem like the best of friends. They were the best of friends.

This photo reminded Zelda of what she owed to Hyrule. There was massive debt that seems almost impossible to repay. But it was up to her to try. She had to.

"Are you alright?"

Zelda quickly wipes her eyes and turned around.

"Yes, I'm alright, thank you." She replied

Link nodded and moved toward the photo. He touched it gently.

"Sometimes I spend some time just looking at this photo." He explained, "When all seemed lost, I just looked at it to remind me that I must do it. I must save Hyrule."

"But you've done it." Zelda said, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Link gave a sigh, and cast his gaze to the floor.

"I've only done half of it. There's still so much to do."

"That's for me to do, as princess..." Zelda thought for a moment," Why do you continue to help? You've saved Hyrule from Gabon, you can rest, and live a normal life."

"Ha!" Link exclaimed, trying to regain his humour," A normal life is weird, I like to live my life with danger, and adventure."

Zelda couldn't help but smile. Link really was one in million.

"I've got everything prepared for Goron City, shall we head off?" Link asked

"Yes, we should, there's quite a journey ahead." Zelda said

"I can't wait to bathe in the hot springs." Link mumbled, as he hobbled downstairs.

This chapter is really lame, I kinda had writers block. However, with this I came up with a whole new story, and I may have put a little preview in this chapter. Now I have a question for you, my dear readers: should I make a story where I focus on the events prior to this story, or a story with a completely different story line (aka the king and everyone else is still alive, and Zelda and Link have a totally different relationship). I could always do both, but I've had plans for a sequel to The Silent Princess. If we go for the second option, I could do it along side this story, and alternate between writing both of them. I just have loads of ideas floating in my head, and I really want to get them written down. Thank you for reading, and sorry for bombarding you with my crazy ideas.

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