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The next day Tony called us for a meeting bright and early in the morning. Those meetings ment something was wrong or he didn't sleep all night because he was working on something and he discovered something new and wanted to share it with us.

The second one was quite usual, actually. Tony really is a genius, in full meaning of the word. He is also a really kind person, although his sarcastic comments can really get on your nerves. I also realised that he has been playing a father role in my life for almost a year now. I really appreciated him.

We filled up the conference room and took our usual seats. I sat all the way in the back next to Nat and opposite of Cap. That was the only free spot when I came, but I liked it.

"Tonight I slept very well so lets just check that off the list" Tony started "and nothing really bad happened so, you all are probably wondering why the fuck am I waking you up at 7 for a meeting on your day off. Well, sorry for max two hours of sleep I took from you, but you also don't know what day it is today so I don't take complains."

If he remembered I swear--

"Anastasya, sweetheart, care to elaborate?" he smiled and pointed all the attention to me.

"I'd rather not do this" I confess "but since everyone is staring at me... it's my birthday."

Everyone looked at each other and let out a sigh of relief. I don't know what they were expecting, but it was probably no good.

"Happy birthday to you, happy b--" Sam started to sing and everyone joined him.

I looked around at everyone around me. I saw family and I saw love. And I appreciated it.

It wasn't comfortable though.

Back to this beautiful day Tony remembered.

"Also" Tony continued "I brought you a gift. I didn't buy it, I just called it over. For a sleepover or something. It's kinda a gift for Cap too, but more for you." he smiled.

My heart started racing as I stood up when my long lost friend entered the room with his arms wide open.

James Buchanan Barnes.


"Ana" he smiled widely.

"Buck" I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

I ran towards him and hug him tightly around his shoulders. Other than Steve, Bucky was the only one who knew my emotions and the real me. But those confessions between us were such a long time ago. Our last hug was such a long time ago...


"Are you scared?" he asked me.

"A little bit. They didn't use us for a long time, I just know it will hurt really bad." I confessed.

"That is true. We have been in this cell for quite some time now. After the experiments they did on us before they put us here, do you think they are trying to make more in some other ways?" he wondered.

"I don't know, Buck. I just know that I'm happy I don't remember that night." I chuckled.

"I agree with you on that one." he smiled.

"Soldiers!" we heard a bang on the door "Get ready. You'll be activated in five minutes." the voice from outside said.

I stood up and calmed myself down. I knew the pain will go away quickly and I wouldn't be able to feel a thing after.

"Don't worry." Buck said standing up next to me "We'll get through this one together too. Just like we always do."

I smiled "I love you, Bucky."

He smiled and hugged me tightly "I love you too, An."


"It's been so long." I cry into his neck not caring about all the tears streaming down my cheeks. This wave of emotion was too strong for me to hold it in.

"I know, I know." he said rubbing my back. I could feel a few tears drip down on my shoulder as he tried to hide them.

"I didn't think you were alive." I smiled cupping his face with my hands "I was so happy when Tony told me about you."

He smiled back "I know, I couldn't believe you were alive either."

I let out a laugh with a ton of happy tears still coming down my face. I hugged him again, tightly as ever. As much as I hated my birthday, nothing could top this gift. Nothing. I dreamed about this moment since I first closed my eyes in this compound. And now it's real.

"Not to ruin the moment or anything" Tony interrupted "but I have breakfast ready for all of you in the dining room. Feel free to gather up there." He smiled at me as I mouthed a 'thank you'. He nodded and left the room.

Most of the people followed him.

I let go of Bucky and turn to Cap. He was smiling ear to ear just like Buck was.

"Come here big guy." Bucky smiled and hugged Steve.

"How has it been for you down there?" Steve asked letting go.

"Really nice, actually. Got a new arm." he said showing his now black arm to us "It doesn't have the star anymore so that's nice. So much less flashy." he smiled "You should change yours too, An. This thing is so much better, you wouldn't believe me even if I explained it to you." he smiled at me.

"I believe you." I chuckled.

"It's nice to have you back." Sam said behind my back. I didn't even realise he was still here.

"Thank you, man." Bucky said hugging him. I guess they were close too.

Sam stood in the middle of the triangle Cap, Buck and I were forming and observed us for a second. "I'm gonna call us- America's squad" Sam nodded to himself walking away "and it's not a negotiable name!!" he pointed out. We all chuckled.

"Well that came out of nowhere." Cap smiled "Anyway, lets go eat."

I nodded and took Bucky's hand in mine. He smiled and we followed behind Steve. When we reached the dining room, Bucky let go of my hand and went to the kitchen. I looked at him, confused, but he just nodded towards the table letting me know I should sit down.

I sat down in my usual spot and waited for Bucky to sit down next to me.

He came back shortly after and tapped my shoulder. I turned around to face him. He had a little jewerly box in his hands.

"I know it's not much, but I couldn't come emptyhanded, and I know this means a lot to you." he smiled.

"You shouldn't have." I whined.

"Yes, I should've." he said confidently and shoved the box in my chest. I took it and observed it for a second before opening it.

"Buck-" I didn't know what to say. This was a literal moment where I had a loss of words. Pure shock.

It was a necklace. Silver. More like a thin chain. It had a tiny angel wing on it and a used bullet next to it. The necklace looked old and the metal wasn't shiny. That's why he thought it "wasn't much". But it was. It was everything.

"Do you remember it?" he smiled.

"Of course I do, Buck, how could I not remember this thing? This is more then something." I stared at him in awe. I hugged him tightly once more "Thank you for saving this and keeping it for such a long time."

"Of course." he said "I'm glad I got to give it to you."

"That's a really nice necklace" Clint said pointing at it with his fork "but due to your reaction, I believe it has a meaning. Do you want to share that with us?"

"You don't have to." Steve added.

I smiled at both of them as I turned around to sit normally at the table. Bucky took the seat between me and Steve.

"I gladly will." I started, this story I did love wholeheartedly.

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