twenty nine

184 5 0

We'll Get Him

We quickly got Tony what he needed and soon enough we were all in the living room again.

Everyone was minding their own business just like when I came, waiting for something to happen. Anything.

"He used the stones again." Natasha said as she stepped towards a planet hologram.

"Hey, hey, hey..." Bruce quickly stepped up "We'll be going in short handed, you know?"

"Look he still got the stones so..." Rhodey shrugged.

"So lets get him." Carol said "And use them to bring everyone back."

"Just like that?" Bruce asked, not believing in that kind of simplicity.

Neither did I. But if it meant getting Steve, Bucky and everybody else back, I had to.

"Yeah, just like that." I said, looking up from the hologram.

"Even if there's a small chance that we can undo this..." Nat explained "I mean we owe it to everyone who's not in this room to try."

"If we do this, how do we know it's going to end any differently than it did before?" Bruce insisted.

"Because before you didn't have me." Carol confidently said.

I smiled. I knew who would speak up now.

"Hey, new girl, everybody in this room is about that superhero life." Rhodey said, gesturing towards all of us "And if you don't mind me asking, where the hell have you been all this time?"

"There are a lot of other planets in the universe" Carol defended herself "and unfortunately they didn't have you guys."

Rhodey just rose his eyebrows and looked at me. I nodded. She had a point. We can't afford to have an argument right now.

Then Thor stood up from the table. He was sitting in the back the whole time.

He walked over to Carol, stood right in front of her and rose his hand next to her, waiting for his weapon. His huge axe flew by Carol's head, but she didn't even flinch. Instead, she smirked and looked straight into his eyes.

Thor nodded "I like this one."

"Lets go get him then." I said.

Carol turned around to face me. She nodded in agreement. Maybe she isn't so bad.


We sat down in the Guardians' ship. It was a really smooth liftoff. Nothing like anything I've ever flown in before.

"Okay." Rocket turned around to face us "Who here has never been to space?"

Natasha, Rhodey, Bruce and I rose our hands.

"You better not throw up on my ship."

Carol giggled. Rhodey sighed. I just smiled to myself. I never saw myself going down a path like this one.

"Approaching jump" Nebula said "In"

Everyone grabbed onto their seats. We were going towards a bright light. It was amazing.

And then we went through it. And just stopped. And there is was, in front of us, the planet that we were looking at in the facility, just much bigger and...real.

Carol went down to take a look at the situation. She came back with good news. At least I think those are good news.

We stepped down on the planet. It was green and quiet. There were only trees, mountains with waterfalls, flowers and grass miles around us. Nothing but nature. Nothing but nature and Thanos' shed right in front of us.

We developed a plan and engaged.

Carol was the first one to go in. She blasted the side of the shed and blinded Thanos. Then she flew inside and got his to his knees as she got her arms around his neck. Banner emerged from the ground in his Hulk suit and grabbed his left arm just as Rhodey flew in and took his right one. Then Thor flew in with his axe and cut the gauntlet and Thanos' left forearm clean off.

Thanos grunted in pain. Natasha, Rocket and I walked in. I turned the gauntlet around just as I stepped into the shed. To see the stones, to see hope. But there were none.

"Oh no." Rocket sighed.

I felt rage. I felt anger. I felt pain.

"Where are they!?" I shouted as I grabbed his head, strokes of red flowing around his head.

"Answer the question." Carol said as she tightened the grip around his neck.


"Answer. " I said as I tightened my grip too "I can crush your thick skull right now. Answer."

"The universe required correction." Thanos spoke up "After that, the stones serve no purpose beyond temptation."

"You murdered trillions!" Bruce shouted and pushed Thanos on his back.

"You should be grateful!" Thanos shouted back.

I looked over to Natasha. She was staring at Thanos, breathing heavily. Her eyes filled with tears, her breathing became shorter. She was so angry. "Where are the stones?" she asked one more time.

"Gone." Thanos said "Reduced to atoms."

"You used them two days ago." Bruce said.

"I used the stones to destroy the stones." Thanos said "It nearly killed me. But the work is done. It always will be. I am inevitable."

"We have to tear this place apart, he-he has to be lying." Rhodey said, looking around desperately.

"My father is many things, a lair is not one of them." Nebula spoke up.

"Ah, thank you daughter." Thanos looked up at her "Perhaps I treated you too harshly."

And then- woosh. Thor picked up his axe and cut Thanos' head clean of.

"What-" Rocket stepped up "What did you do?"

Thor breathed heavily "I went for the head." then he sighed and walked out.

The rest of us just stood around Thanos' body. Staring at it. I don't know about the others, but I was thinking how nice it must've felt to kill him. I wanted that too.

"We could've used him... He-Maybe he was able to help us get everyone back!" Rocket said, obviously angry at Thor.

"You really think he would've helped us?" I raised my brows.

"We are all obviously desparate to get everyone back. Lets not fight now." Natasha stepped in.

"Still." I shrugged "He's better off dead."

I walked out of the shed, towards Thor.

"If you came to lecture me, now is not the time." he said standing on the top of a hill next to the shed. He was just standing there and looking at the sun. Quiet and alone.

"I didn't." I replied and stood next to him "If you haven't done that, I would've killed him myself."

He chuckled.

"I know that, back at the facility, I said we'll get him and bring everyone back, but... look at us now. I failed everybody once again." I sighed "Hope sucks. I shouldn't have hoped for a victory I knew was impossible."

"You didn't fail anybody. We knew it was a risky move, but we decided we were going to make it. Together." Thor said and looked down at me.

"Thank you." I smiled "But nothing you say can change the way I feel." I nodded to him and turned around to walk towards the ship.

"I understand." I heard him yell behind me "I lost someone dear to me too and I don't know if I'll ever be able to forgive myself for not saving him."

I stopped and turned around "Your brother."

"Yes." he looked down "I think you two would've got along very well." he smiled.

Oh, God... I wish we got him. I wish we could get them all.

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