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Feels Like A Dream

Tony paused and looked at me with a confused, but also judgy look in his eyes "The future?"

"I don't know." I shrugged, embarrased of the idea "But I'm pretty sure those aren't my memories."

"Okay..." he nodded "I'll look into the possibilities and get you a notebook."

"Yeah... thanks."

"No problem kiddo, see you later." he said before exiting the room.

Kiddo. I could easily be his mom.


A thud of the door opening got me out of my thoughts. I looked up from the spot on the floor I've been staring at for at least an hour and met a blue pair of eyes looking back at me.

"Hi." Steve greeted me "Tony sent this for you." he said motioning towards the notebook he had in his hand.

"Yeah, I asked for it." I smiled and walked to the cell door. My heart pounded. I was happy to see him, to see anyone else besides Tony, but I was also scared.

He unlocked the door with his fingerprint and handed me the notebook and a pen. I took it from him, careful I don't touch his hand. I wasn't sure if I could hurt him right now, and I wasn't going to find out the hard way.

I looked up at him, meeting his blue orbs again, as he just stared back. His eyes full of confusion, compassion and...fear. He was scared of something. Me? Probably. I would be if I was in his place. Hell, I'm scared in my place too.

"Are you okay?" I asked after a minute of staring at each other, it wasn't a comfortable silence and the voices in my head just became louder as I began to overthink Steve's reaction on seeing me. He still didn't close the door and tears began to form in his eyes.

He opened his mouth to speak, but decided against it. His gaze traveled down to his feet, then to the door he was still holding open, and then back to my eyes. He sighed and took a step back to close the door between us. He then shook his head and took two steps forward. To me. He cupped my face with his hands, our lips quickly meeting. I took in a deep breath as I dropped the notebook and the pen in surprise. His action didn't only surprise me, it scared me. A lot. I was scared of our fingers brushing a moment before and now he is fully embracing me into a kiss.

It was... I don't have the words to describe it.

My thoughts rushed from joy to worry and confusion, and before my brain decided if I should let this happen or not, Steve pulled back, and I was once again met by his beautiful blue eyes.

"I-I'm sorry." he mumbled, his hand immediately going to the back of his head.

"No, don't be." I said, giving him my best reassuring smile as my eyebrows knitted together in worry. I lifted my hand up and caressed the side of his face. I didn't want to hurt him. In any way.

He sighed with relief and smiled back at me "I just wanted you to know that...I care about you. A lot. I wanted to tell you properly earlier today, but I couldn't. And with the current situation, where I don't know if I'm going to see you as you tomorrow or... an hour from now, I just got scared of losing you. Again." he paused, nervously looking around the room "I just don't want anything bad to happen to you but... I don't know how to protect you." he confessed, tears making their way back as he did.

I furrowed my eyebrows at him. He was so sweet. The sweetest soul I ever met and I certainly didn't deserve him. He deserved so much better. Someone who could love, someone caring, kind. Someone perfect. Like him.

"It's okay. It's going to get better." I said, caressing his face again, knowing damn well I didn't think that.

Steve just nodded with a small smile and stepped back to close the door. He finally did, causing me to let out a sigh of relief. He then walked to the exit door, looked back at me, and walked out.

And there I was, with all the things I had on my mind until now, I had one more. And with that one came a million others.

Steven Grant Rogers just kissed me. And I, the Soviet master assassin, did not know how to feel.


People started walking in front of the room I was in. That meant somehing was happening and my brain immediately went into full alert.

"He is coming, Tony! He'll be here really, really soon!" I heard yelling in front of the room as the door slowly opened "We need to do something about it!"

"I understand you, buddy, but I need to inform all units first before we discuss everything." Tony answered and entered the room.

Tony walked up to my cell and I stood up and walked towards him and the other guest. He was maybe in his forties, wearing a dark blue button-up shirt and black pants. He made a few steps towards me and took off his glasses, observing me carefully.

"Oh" he finally said "you must be Anastasya. I'm Bruce Banner, nice to meet you." he said with a smile.

I glanced at Tony, who was silently observing us, and then greeted the doctor with a nod "I am. It's nice to meet you too, sir."

"She really does look..." Bruce paused thinking of an appropriate word "...powerful."

Tony nodded in agreement "Yeah, well, An, sweetheart, I have some news for ya." he said, gaining my attention "Thanos is coming."

"Thanos?" I repeated the name of that monstrous creature as my eyes widened in surprise, fear and, well, excitement "When?"

"We are not sure but, apparently this guy" he nodded towards Bruce "and Thor fought him somewhere in space."

I glanced back and forth between the two men standing in front of me "Where is Thor now?" I asked Tony.

He sighed and looked at Banner "We don't know."

"You don't know?" I repeated his statement, making sure I heard that right "We need to go find him, then!"

Wasn't that an obvious next move? We can't just leave him out there, alone. No matter how strong he is, he could never defeat Thanos just by himself. He is a part of the team. If I learnt anything while working in a team for the first time ever, it's that you don't leave the others behind.

Tony sighed again and shook his head "How are we supposed to find him? Hm? How are we even supposed to get to space? There is no way we could pull that off."

I scoffed and turned around on my heel. I didn't like the fact that he had a point. I put my hands on my hips and made a few steps around my cell. Finally, I sighed and made my way to my previous spot "So, what now? Why did you come here?"

Tony just unlocked the cell without saying a word. I took two steps back and stared at him questioning his decision. He then walked outside the room while Banner and I followed him with our eyes. He came back with my combat gear.

"You'll need that." he smiled while handing me the gear.

"But" I said, still sceptical about all of that "I don't even trust my own mind."

"I have these." Tony said while holding up two earpieces "You put them in your ears, they radiate with waves that should calm your brain activity and help you focus. The only downside is you won't really be able to hear clearly what's going on around you, but I doubt that somebody could ever sneak up on you." he smiled and handed them to me "They have built in comms with a secure channel with me and another one with Steve." he proudly explained his invention.

I raised my eyebrows at him "A secure channel with Steve?"

"Yeah." he smirked "There are cameras in here hun, don't think I'm not keeping my eye on you." he said tapping my shoulder "C'mon, we have a Titan to fight."

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