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The Dangerous Trio

Thanos showed us a smaller ship we'll use to fight those Avengers who he fears so much.

He let us settle down and "get to know each other". Number 1 and I obviously didn't think that was necessary since we are here to do the job. But the Loki guy, he was a talker.

"So you really do not remember me?" Loki said after a while of telling us about his attack on New York "You didn't even hear about me? I thought what I did there was quite a big deal. I didn't realize I'll be forgotten so soon." he looked down and got lost in his thoughts finally.

After a while of sitting in silence, Thanos came on the ship and all three of us stood up to greet him.

"I'm here just to make sure everybody knows what to do. We can't risk the Avengers ruining my plan. I need them dead." he said for the hundredth time "Dead. And their headquarters' storage untouched. There are valuable things in there."

"Sir, if I may speak..." Loki stepped forward "...I believe the number of soldiers is quite small for us to murder all of the Avengers. Take it from someone who already tried doing it- you are truly underestimating them. Don't you remember what happened to the army you sent on New York."

Thanos heavily sighed "No, you are underestimating me. That victory was pure luck. Get it done."

We nodded and he left the ship. Loki sighed and sat down at the front of the ship. The big ship we were in opened and we flew out of it.


After a few hours, we made it to the Avengers hangar and landed a just in front of the gates.

Our instructions were clear- do not damage the storage building, kill the people in it.

We didn't want to risk tearing down the building by shooting at it from the air. None of us wanted to disappoint Thanos.

I opened the gates with my powers, red traces of power glowing from my hands. We walked in, Number 1 and Loki beside me. The Avengers were quick to respond and they were soon enough all outside, waiting for us to get closer.

"Excuse me, is this all Thanos has now? He literally took our guys to fight us for him. That's like, really not cool." a voice came from one of the two flying metal suits.

"Don't be mistaken, we are not here alone." Loki smiled in satisfaction making a few steps forward.

With a movement of my hand, the ship's entrance opened again and a few dozen animal and alien-looking soldiers ran towards us. As soon as they reached a few feet behind us, Loki raised his arm and they stopped.

"We are going to kill you either way. Surrender or feel the wrath of my army." Loki dramatically stated.

"Am I just having a déjà-vu or did this happen before?" a voice came from the  metal suit again.

"Anastasya, snap out of it." a red haired woman said.

I know her.

"Bucky, I know you can hear me." the man at the front of the Avengers said "Fight it."

"Brother..." the man holding a hammer said "You didn't die. Again."

"I did not. Nor I will today. You might, brother." Loki smiled to the man.

"So, you are not gonna stand down, then?" the metal man spoke again "Well. Lets kick their asses then."

Loki motioned to the soldiers and they charged towards the Avengers.

The red metal suit touched down in front of me. "Look, you can turn around if you want to." he said and I lit up my hands red, ready to attack "Anytime now." I lifted him up from the ground and attempted to crash him on the ground, but his suit repulsors kept him from hitting the ground. I lifted him up again, this time higher, and redirected him towards the ground with higher velocity. Something hit me in the back of my knees before I could finish him up and I fell on the ground.

I immediately stood up and looked in the direction of the hit. There standing was Captain America, putting his shield on his forearm again.

"Anastasya, snap out of it! Come on, you are strong enough!" he yelled over the noise of the battle.

I glanced back to the man in the red metal suit who was already being attacked by the soldiers "Stop calling me Anastasya." my eyes lit up red as I turned towards him, ready to fight. For this one, I had prepared a quick death, he is getting on my nerves from the last fight and all I wanted was to kill him. My eyes glowed as I collected as much power I could and simply choked the man in front of me. I still wanted to enjoy his death, a simple head cut-off wouldn't be as satisfying. He was grabbing his neck trying to fight whatever was killing him, slowly lowering himself on the ground.

Before I could finish him, a red beam of scarlet pushed me to the side. I dug the fingers of my metal arm in the ground to stop me from sliding to the side and looked towards the attacker.

She had long brown hair and her eyes had a red shimmer after she used her powers, just like mine did.

"I like you a lot, An. But I can't let you hurt my friends." she said and lit up her hands

I know her too.

I was relieved there was someone stronger in the Avengers. Someone I could actually fight.

Before charging towards her, I pushed away Captain America, who was slowly getting back on his legs.

I lit my hands up just like she did and shot a few scarlet balls towards her. She dodged most of them, but one hit her shoulder. She returned the favor and started shooting towards me too. We were shooting and dodging at the same time, both pretty successful, getting closer and closer to each other. We dropped our hands down for a second and continued to fight hand to hand.

She was a good fighter, but couldn't really take a punch. After she took three in her stomach, she fell on her knees but was fast to shield herself from my next attack. She quickly got up and continued to play more defense then offense.

I finally got a good hold of her, locking her fists with my powers so she can't use hers. She was trying to get out of my grasp as I pulled her closer to me. I looked her dead in the eye as I crushed her chest in. She screamed in pain until she went unconscious. I dropped her on the floor, she would die any moment now and I had more people to kill.

I turned around to face Captain America and the man with bird-like wings.

Captain pressed his earpiece and spoke into it "We need immediate medical assistance here. Wanda is down."

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