twenty eight

206 5 0

Without Him

The days at the compound were monotone, sad and lonely. So I left.

I didn't want to except that most of my friends are gone. Not until I tried everything to bring them back.

I talked to Banner about it. He just told me it was impossible without the gauntlet. So I went to the only place that I knew had something on the stones. Strange's place in New York, where Wong gladly welcomed me.

He showed me all the books he could about the stones. There weren't many, and they were mostly about the Time Stone. But it was better than nothing.

"Do you realize you are in deep denial?" Wong asked me while we had lunch. He said it was okay if I stayed there, I didn't really want to but, given my social skills, I figured this would actually be better.

"Why would you say that?" I asked, not looking away from the newspaper I was reading. I read them every day. Just to stay informed.

"You made me look for books about time travel." he said "And even though I knew there weren't any because I have been protecting the Time stone with Strange for years, I did look for them just to calm you down. You need to accept the situation you're in."

I took a sip of my coffee and sighed.

"You didn't give me many options. 95.2% of the books you gave me are about the Time Stone." I said while reading an article about a bank robbery "What was I supposed to do?"

"Did you not hear me?" he cleared his throat "You need to accept the situation you're in. They're gone."

My metal arm crushed the mug I was holding. Coffee spilled everywhere.

"Maybe. But that doesn't mean they're gone forever." I said, looking Wong in the eyes.

"If I find anything on time travel anywhere, I'll give you a call." he said "It's been more than three weeks, you should go back home." he opened a portal next to the table "They need you."

I didn't feel wanted here anymore.

"Okay, okay. I'll go." I sighed and went to get my stuff. I was back in less than a minute.

We said goodbye to each other, I thanked him, he wished me good luck. I'm gonna miss this guy.

I stepped through the portal and into my room at the compound. As soon as the portal closed, someone opened the door.

"Oh, it's you." Natasha said with relief and lowered her gun "I got new heat signatures so I had to check... you know." she put her gun away and put her hands on her hips "You could've walked through the front door, you know, like everybody else." she smirked.

"I missed you too." I smiled and hugged her "What's new?"

"I'm still scanning the sky every six hours in hopes some ship would show up but... that didn't happen yet. Although, I do have something to show you. " she said and led me through the door into the hallway "And with you? Did you find anything? "

"No, not really, my last clue was time travel so...there's that." I sighed as we walked towards the living room.

"Well, I bet you could help me here." she smiled and led me in the room where Rhodey and Rocket where watching TV, Thor was eating something by the window and Bruce and a... blonde woman in a red and blue suit were watching a planet simulation.

"Hi guys." I said as I entered the room. Everyone immediately turned around.

Rhodey got up and hugged me. Rocket gave me a wave. Bruce gave me a warm welcome and the new girl she... was something else.

"Hi, I'm Carol, Carol Danvers." she said with a smile and stretched her hand to shake mine.

"Anastasya, Ivanova." I nodded towards her and shook her hand.

"I heard so many great things about you." Carol continued with a smile "You are very powerful."

"Yeah? That's weird" I rose my eyebrows "cause I almost killed everybody last time I was here."

Natasha nervously chuckled "Anyway, we found a way to bring Tony, Peter and Strange back."

"You did?" I turned around to face her "How?"

"I'll fly to them and bring them back." Carol said.

"Really?" I turned back around "How?"

She just stood in front of me. Then her eyes and her hair started to glow gold. What kind of Tangled shit is this?

"Okay, bet." I said. I hope her glowing eyes help her fly.

After a few moments of discussing where they could actually be. Bruce and Carol came to a conclusion and she really took of.

Like, rocket speed. Flew straight up into space with nothing but her cute red and blue suit with a gold star on her chest. Now I just wanna know where she got that.


The rest of the day was quite... normal. I hung out with the rest of the crew and they caught me up to speed with what they've been working on.

Natasha called Pepper to tell her we are getting the ship back to Earth. She was very happy to hear that and she told Nat something about a message Tony sent her over Friday. I didn't quite get that part. I just know it means he should still be alive.

It started to get dark and I was heading to my room to get some rest. But as I grabbed the doorknob to enter my room, it started shaking.

Was it an earthquake?

A bright light from the window behind me caught my attention. It was Captain Marvel. She was here with the ship.

That was fast.

I ran down the hallway. Everybody was getting up to go outside as well.

I ran past them, two floors down the stairs and I was outside just as she touched down.

Tony, Bruce, Rocket and Natasha were outside by the time the ship opened. Pepper was the first one on the site.

I stopped running as they did, scared of what could come out of the ship. Or more of what wouldn't come out.

Tony finally stepped out with someone helping him walk. That must be one of the Guardians.

I ran up to them to help him get down.

"Tony." I gasped as I got hold of his starved body.

"An, oh, good to see you. I couldn't stop him. " he said, his voice quiet and tired,

"Neither could we." I admit.

"I-I lost the kid." he continued, obviously devastated that Peter didn't make it.

I pulled him in a hug. As I let go, Pepper stepped up.

Tony let out a sigh of relief.

"Oh thank God." Pepper cried "Oh my God." she hugged him tight, thankful that the man that she loves is still alive.

As they hugged, I looked over to the person that was in the ship with Tony. Now Rocket was sitting next to them. They were blue and looked more like a robot that something alive. That must be Nebula, Gamora's sister. One of Thanos' adopted daughters.

Pepper and I helped Tony get inside and everybody else followed.

Thank God he was alive. I can't do this without him.

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