twenty four

218 7 0

Easy One

I ran into the lab and immediately all eyes were on me.

"Anastasya, hi!" I heard from the middle of the lab "What's the hurry about?" Banner asked as I made my way towards him.

"The little metal box, um, on the back of Arbitria's neck?" I went straight to the issue "What do you think it is?"

"Oh, yeah." he remembered "Tony asked me about that. See, he thought it was some kind of an air filtrator thing but I didn't think it was so I got two of the best scientists S.H.I.E.L.D. ever had that work here now to take a look so... You should probably talk to them."

"Okay, sure, where can I find them?" I asked with anticipation. I just wanted to be at ease.

"There, at the lab in the back." he said pointing behind me "Just ask for Fitz and Simmons." he yelled after me as I already made my way towards them.

The automatic door opened before me and I was immediately met with four eyes.

"Hello, how can we help you?" the girl asked.

"Hi, I'm Agent Ivanov. I'm here to see how your research about the metal box on the back of the alien's neck?" I asked hesitantly.

"Sure, Agent. I'm Fitz, engineering, and this is Simmons, biochem. Follow us." the boy spoke, his words dripping in a Scottish accent.

I nodded and followed them to a computer with a model of the thing.

"First of all, it's not really a box since you can't put anything in it..." Fitz started.

"Fitz, stop..." Simmons interrupted him, obviously annoyed at his comment.

"It's okay. Not a box. Got it." I smiled at the young two "Continue, please."

"So, as I was saying. Not a box, but...also not an air filtrator. It seemed like it was because it does take in air and release it but filtrating the CO2. Which gives the illusion of it being like lungs to a being that breathes like that." he said.

"But it is just an illusion." Simmons continued excitedly "The CO2 actually reacts with some weird chemical substance that is in the thing, but we don't know what it is. It seems to have some properties like lithium or..."

"Don't bother explaining all that to me. I won't understand a thing." I stopped her "I just want to know is there a possibility that that thing is some kind of a GPS device."

"How did you know it was?" Fitz asked.

"It started blinking and then stopped and... then Arbitria said she's outta here. It only made sense it was." I explained.

"Well, I guess not all agents are stupid..." he muttered under his breath "Anyway, yes we do think it is. Partly also because it's not even connected to her veins or her nerves. But we don't know how far can it send the signal or can it go through the cell."

"Thank you, that really helped." I nodded and made my way to Tony's office, again.


"I was right." I said slamming the door open as Tony stared back at me. I then looked away from his eyes and met another pair. Steve was standing by the window. I obviously interrupted something important.

"Can it wait?" Tony asked, very much annoyed.

"Not really." I furrowed my brows at him "What can be more important than a possible alien attack?"

"It's nothing you should worry about." Tony said and glanced at Steve who was still looking out the window.

"You guys look super sketchy right now but we really don't have time for this." I sighed "Permission to inform the others?" I asked Steve.

"Sure, you can start getting ready, go over possible scenarios." he said, looking over his shoulder.

I nodded and left the room. I knew those two pretty well and there was something very off in that room. Steve could't even look at me. Did I do something wrong?

I arrived at the security room where the microphone attached to fifty speakers all over the compound was.

"Attention everybody." I spoke into the mic "Please report to the meeting room urgently. I repeat, please report to the meeting room." I said and went towards the meeting room myself.


Everybody was in the room by the time I got there. Five floors is a lot. And when something is urgent, it is urgent. And everybody knows that.

"Where are Steve and Tony?" Natasha asked as soon as I entered the room.

"In Tony's office. Discussing something that seems more important than an alien attack." I smiled.

"How do we know they're attacking?" Clint asked.

"We don't." I said "But we can't afford to be surprised by them. We need every advantage we can have."

Clint just nodded in agreement "So what do we do now?"

"I need someone to inform the others about what's about to happen. Strange, Lang, Peter, everyone we got." I said.

"So just send Tony, Banner and I back to the US?" Clint asked.

"That's not my decision to make but, probably." I nodded. "And I also need everybody to be ready. Think about strategies, battle plans. Tony and Steve will call another meeting as soon as we know more." I sighed "I'm just here to warn you...this won't be an easy one."

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