The Frye Twin x Young Sister Reader (Part 1)

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Okay here's the first story.

Imagine:- You're the little sister of Jacob and Evie and they don't know about you because you were living in America since you were 10. Until one day, you were sent to bring one of the American Assassins who betrayed the Creed and escaped to London where some of the Templars there and two Assassins will help you to get him.


" Tell me again, why are we going there?"

" We need to bring the betrayer back to America before he says everything to the American Templars there." You rolled your eyes as you looked ahead of you to see the beautiful city of London. " We're here." You and your partner, Eric stepped out of the ship with your luggage and looked around you. " Who are the Assassins?" You asked while looking around " I think the mentor said Evie and Jacob Frye." Your eyes widen when you heard the name " Why didn't you tell me about this before Eric?" You yelled whispered to him, although there was a lot of noise, but he heard you.

" What's wrong with this?" He yelled back " Y'know, I left London because of them!?" You said angrily " Oh, I forgot that your last name is----" you cut him off " Yeah yeah, I know. But don't say it in front of them, I don't want any attention." He nodded his head. Then you noticed two people, man and woman, walking toward you. You took a deep breath and approached them. " Hello, I'm Evie Frye and this is my brother Jacob. It's a pleasure to meet you. " she said with a warm, welcoming smile. You put on your best American accent and said " The pleasure is ours. I'm Y/N and this is my partner Eric." You offered your hand to shake and she gladly accepted it. You could feel Jacob eyeing you up and down, you glared at him and sighed " I think we should go." You said as you started to walk, you could hear Jacob say to his sister " Why does she reminds me of you?" She just shook her head and walked away.

Time skip:-

You followed the twins inside the train hideout. Your partner stared with awe around the train, you elbowed him slightly to show some confidence. " May you tell us about your mission here?" Evie asked " We are here to bring back an assassin to America so he can get his punishment for betrayal and working for the American Templars." You said coldly. When it comes to betrayal the Brotherhood, you would turn to cold killer with no mercy. However, this time your mentor told you to bring him back so he can take his punishment in front of all of the assassins as a warning if anyone tried to do the same thing.

" Rest for now and we will---!?" You interrupted Evie " I'm sorry for cutting you off, but I want to start the search right now miss Frye." Evie was taken back by your sudden request " We need to start the as fast as possible so we can stop him from giving the informations and go back home." Eric understood your statement and help you to convince them " Both of you are full of energy to start this mission, eh?" Jacob joked and shook his head.

All of you left the train and started to put a simple and quick plan " Jacob you go with Y/N and I will go with Eric. After we finish let's meet near the bridge." She said, but you didn't like her idea " Why can't we just stay the same, you with your brother and me with Eric." You firmly said, believing that she would agree, but no. Her brother was the one to give the excuse " You and Eric are new here, so we don't want you both to get lost, do we love?" He said and you rolled your eyes at his explanation  " Ugh, he get the point!? I forget my way around the city." You thought to yourself " Then let's move on." You made Jacob lead the way while Eric followed Evie in the opposite direction of you.

Another Time Skip:-😏

You were running on the rooftops of the building with Jacob who was running a few feet away from you. He stopped suddenly and looked at you while you made your way toward him. " I was wandering if you could tell me more about yourself, y'know?" You raised an eyebrow " Why would you ask such a thing, hm?" You crossed your arms while he laughed " Well, it's not everyday you would see such an American beauty, so I want only to know." You were about to say something when you saw the familiar black and green robes. It was him, the Assassin that betrayed your Creed. You didn't waist any time to jump from the roof and run after him as fast as possible, ignoring Jacob's voice behind you " Oi, where are you going? Wait for me?" He started to run after you, but unfortunately he lost a sign of you in the middle of the crowd " Damn it!? Where did she go? I need to find her and quickly." Jacob climbed up a rooftop so he could have a good view from the top " Found you!!" He spotted you running into an alleyway behind the man.

Jacob followed behind close on the rooftops until he reached you. He could hear the conversation between you and the man " You think you can run, huh? But guess what? I will show you what you get wgen you betray us. Surrender now or else......" You pointed your hidden blade, readying yourself for the fight. The assassin smirked and put one hand behind his back " As you wish miss Frye!!?" Jacob was shocked when he heard the man saying his last name " He called Y/N miss Frye. Why would he?" Then a smoke filled the alleyway. Jacob cursed under his breath and couldn't see anything, but he heard a scream coming from you. When the smoke disappeared, there was no one in the alley, even you disappeared. Jacob used his eagle vision and saw some footsteps, it was clear that it was a trap to catch her.

" Damn it, I need to find Evie and Eric!! And I think I need to find out about Y/N being a Frye." Jacob ran toward the meeting spot where they suppose to be there in short time.

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