Edward Kenway x Japanese Pirate Reader

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The photo up there shows your outfit and it's not my art. Also I'm using Google translate here.

Warning:- a bit long.


Imagine:- Being a famous Japanese female pirate and went to the tavern. Then you find your in a middle of a fight, making a certain pirate assassin intrested in you.

Ahh, what a lovely day in Havana!! You just docked your ship. Well, it's not your ship, it's your father's. But he died and left the ship and it's crew to you, and not only the ship but also your little sister who is antisocial with the strangers. She only talks to you and a few of the crewmembers, and she never leaves the ship unless you were with her.

" 妹はどこに行くの? ( Sister, where are you going?)" Your sister's voice came from behind you when you where about to step out of the ship. " 私は居酒屋に行くつもりです。私が背中に戻るまで、私のキャビンに滞在してください?( I'm going to the tavern. stay in my cabin until I turn back, okay?)" She only nodded and went to your cabin. You aske your quartermaster to check in her from time to time since he was also a close friend to her.

Well you might wonder, why are you talking like this? The answer is, your mother was a Japanese. She got kidnapped by slave merchant scum and took her away from her hometown. She was naturally a good fighter, but they were alot and she couldn't fight them alone. Until one day Captain L/N saw your mother trying to escape, so he saved her and the other slaves. However, your father asked your mother to join and they fall in love, then Bam you and your sister came to life. You parents thought you how to fight, also you learned how to speak English and Japanese not like your sister who couldn't learn English. Not because she refused, but because she found it difficult to learn it. After the death of your mother, your father took care of you and S/N ,especially you since you're the elder. When you became 17, you took the responsibility of the ship, the crew and your sister after your father died and vowed you will protect them all. However, one day your sister got kidnapped by another pirate and he harmed her alot. Y'know what it means by harm her. And that's Why she became antisocial and scared person, especially with strange men. But you didn't stop there, you destroyed his ship and took all of his money.

Anyway, you walked to the tavern as the slightly cold wind blowed the big feathers on your purple hat, it also has a simple design of a golden finish in the side. You wore a fancy,purple short jacket with golden accessories which matches your hat. And simple white shirt with brown corset, black jeans and brown, leather knee high boots. Your hair was tied up in a traditional Japanese hair style with some hair accessories hung slightly on the side. Your outfit and looks showed that you're not the type of fighting girl.... Your face doesn't even have a small scar or anything, but you have your weapons with you which were two swords in both of your sides and pistols under the swords abit and some throwing knives. In general, you were a legendary pirate.

When you stepped inside the tavern, all the eyes turned to you. It was felled with both men and women. Your E/C eyes scanned the place quickly and then you made your way to the bartender. You set down and you could feel someone was staring at you, you turned slightly and saw a hooded man looking at you from under his hood. You rolled your eyes and was about to order your drink until an unwanted person showed up.....

" Well well well, if it's Captain L/N...." your hands balled up into a fist, knowing who was the man behind you " What do you want?" You didn't even turn around to look at him.

" I'm surprised to see the person who destroyed my ship, killed my crew and took all of my gold in such place!!" It was obvious, he is the man who took your sister. You stood up and walked toward him, there was about six of his crewmembers with him. " You know what, I don't have the appetit to drink anymore..." you turned to leave this place still feel the hooded man's gaze at you. Your enemy stepped ahead of his group a few feet away from you. " I didn't know you become such a chick..." his friends laughed and you walked back at him, your face inches from him. " I'm not in a mood of making you drop down in your knees, begging for mercy." You said coldly, shutting him and his crew up.

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