Shay Cormac x Rogue Assassin Reader (Part 3)

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Shay didn't really want this, but he had to pick up one side to fight with and it's out of question to be an assassin again. After Colonel Monro's death, Shay took his decision to be a Templar. It surprised him how did thay accept him even though he was an assassin in the past, but he was grateful for them. He won't regret it, he would never regret being a Templar from now on.


Shay and Haytham were discussing their next step to stop the assassins, just then they witnessed the H/C haired woman struggle with an injury in her shoulder. Shay was surprised that she was holding herself even though the injury was deep. Not to mention, it was the first time he saw her after that incident in Lisbon.

" You seem interested in miss L/N, aren't you Shay?" Haytham said, pulling Shay out of his memories.

He chuckled and said " Not really, I just happened to know her very well." This made Haytham to pay more attention to the Irish man.

" Oh! You mean she was with you in the past." Shay nodded at his master's statement.

" We were close friends, but she changed since that day." But then Shay remembered something, why did she join the Templars from the start? He somehow felt that Haytham would tell him the reason, so he asked him "By the way Master, do you know what happened to her so she joined the Templars Order?"

Haytham shrugged his shoulders " If you want to know, ask her. It looks like you and miss L/N have a lot to talk about." He then turned, but before he leaves he said " I only know one thing Shay, miss L/N cares about you a lot otherwise she would never persuade me to accept you to be a Templar." And with that he left.

Shay looked ahead of him and saw two of the Templars helping you to the Infirmary. He heard that when he was ordered to stop Hope and her gang the master asked Y/N to help him, but she refused to help him. Y/N was doing her own mission, gathering more information about the next Temple. It pained him how distant she became, but he'll discover everything and tonight was the perfect time.

Time skip:-

Shay walk inside the Infirmary to look for Y/N. He looked around, but there was no sight of the H/C haired woman.

A nurse walked to him with a kind smile " How can I help you sir?" She said softly.

" I'm asking about Y/N L/N, is she here?" Shay asked still looking around.

The nurse softly sighed while shocking her head " You know that you can find her in the training field." Shay tilted his head in confusion, making the nurse sigh again " You don't know, do you?" He shook his head " She's always like that. Whenever she got injured, she goes to the training field to improve herself even with a fresh wound and nobody knows why."

" Thank you for the information, I will take my leave now." He then ran to where Y/N was. He had a lot to discuss for sure.


When Shay reached to the training field, he saw Y/N punching a hay dummy nonstop. Her shoulder was bandaged so tightly from the looks of it. He slowly approached her as in not to distract her, but he didn't know she already knowledge his appearance.

" Sneaking is a way for the coward to approach...Shay." She said with a cold voice.

Shay shook his head and said " I'm not a coward, I just didn't want to distract you." He stated.

Y/N turned around and crossed her arms, " What brings you here, Cormac?" He somehow felt that her become more cold-hearted then before.

" I want to know---"

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