Cesare Borgia x Reader (Part 1)

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Here comes this man again!!

Note:- I got so information from AC Identity. The photo up ⬆shows the information.

Hope you enjoy.

Imagine:- You and Cesare were childhood friends, but one day he didn't find you. However, fate had another word to say.


He just didn't want to be with them anymore, no one understood him. His mother died and his father was only focused on his elder son. Cesare did everything in his power to make is father notice him, but nothing worked. His life was nothing but studying to be what he dreamt to be, Captain General of the Papal Forces. However, Rodrigo want Juan, his elder son, to be the Captain. Cesare didn't want to let anyone take his dream, not his brother or even father. But Cesare didn't also know that another person will step in his life, a girl that made his life a bit bright then it's now. His first friend and love.

Let's see where all of this started.


It was all in one day when Cesare got lost in the market when he was 10 years old. He was with brother and father and it seemed that both of them did notice that he was lost since he had been setting on the edge of the fountain for long time, trying his best not to cry. Why didn't they come yet? Did they forget about me? Those thoughts made him afraid. If they really forgot about him, where should he go? To whom he had to go? He knew no one in the area and no one knew him since Rodrigo kept him indoor all the time. He could see some kids playing around, but he couldn't approach him, he was afraid.

"Are you okay?" An angel like, small voice said. Cesare turned around and saw a little girl around seven or eight years old with H/L H/C hair and E/C eyes, she was wearing a simple F/C dress and black shoes. She looked so pure and innocent, Cesare just stared at her with admiration. "Why are you crying?" She asked again. Cesare shook his head and wiped his cheek, there for sure were tears. "Did anyone harm you? If it was one of the other kids, tell me and I will show them." She said with a frown. Cesare laughed at her cute frown which made her blush, "No, just something got in my eyes. Don't worry." He said, rubbing his blue eyes. "If you say so. Oh by the way, my name is Y/N L/N. What's your name?" Y/N asked. "My name is Cesare Borgia." He said, whispering his last name.

"Nice name. Well Cesare, pleasure to meet you."

She offered her hand.

"The pleasure is mine, Y/N."

He shook her hand with a real smile.

They talked and played all day, not caring about the time. Unfamiliar, one of the Borgia's guards came to take Cesare back to the Villa. Y/N waved goodbye to him and he did the same, but Cesare wasn't planning on making it the last goodbye. He wanted to come here again and play with her.

And yes he did the day after and after and after. They became close friends and they shared everything together, although Y/N was orphan and poor, she still share everything she had with him. Cesare was trusting her a lot and she was glad, he told her his story and she immediately cried and yelled that it was unfair for him to live such a life. Cesare was glad that finally someone shared the same thought as him, Y/N even encouraged him to make his dream become true and beat his brother. Y/N also told him her story and how she ended up with that nice women who took care of children. Cesare sighed in relief when he knew she was happy in her life. With the time passing and both of them meeting everyday, both of them developed feelings, but kept them a secret to themselves so they can protect their friendship.

One day, the weather was so cold and Cesare and Y/N were setting on the fountain chatting. "...and this's how me and Monica stool the apples." Cesare laughed at the funny story Y/N said, "You should have seen his face, haha, he was like 'Oh god, they stole my apples!' Hahaha." Y/N laughed along. "You're a troublemaker, you could buy it." Cesare said, raising an eyebrow. "It was expensive and we don't have money, also we were so much hungry so no judge." She said, lifting her hands up in surrender.

However, she quickly wrapped them around her when a cold wind passed her. Her dress was a bit thin to protect her from the cold, Cesare noticed this and took off his long red scarf that his mother made for him and wrapped it around Y/N's neck. She looked up at him with wide E/C eyes, "Cesare, you don't have to do this! I'm fine." Y/N argued, "No, you're cold! This will keep you warm, my mom made it for me." He said, smiling slightly. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to shiver in front of you and now I took something your mother made for you." She said looking down.

"It's okay plus, my clothes are keeping me warm so don't worry. Also you can have it and don't argue with me!!" He pointed his finger playfully at her. "Alright, but you also keep this with you..." Y/N said, pulling out a small, white marble dove and put it in his hand, "...My dad made it for me too before he disappeared. Don't argue with me!?" Y/N did the same thing as him and both of them giggled. Then it was time to go home, Y/N hugged him tightly as if her life depended on it and he did too.

"See you tomorrow, Cesare."

"Yup, same place and time."

However, he didn't know that the only happiness in his life will leave him alone, temporarily.

The next day, Cesare went to the fountain where they always meet. He was expecting to see Y/N since she was always the first one to be there, but this time she wasn't there. Weird, why isn't she here? Maybe she is going to be a bit late. Those were his thoughts as he sat there waiting for her to come. Seconds, minutes, hours, Cesare didn't know how much he had been waiting, but she didn't come. Where are you Y/N? He felt there was something missing, he was about to give up when a boy came to him, "Are you Y/N's friend?" He asked. Cesare looked at him with a raised eyebrow but nodded, "Here. She told me to give you this." The boy give him a letter and ran to his friends. Cesare opened the letter and started to read it, which said:

Dear Cesare.

If you read this letter, that means I'm gone. When I went back to the house yesterday, the lady who takes care of me told me that my father is still alive and he will come to take me next day to a place I don't know. As I told you, my father disappeared and not died. I wanted to also apologize for not telling you, but it was to late even for me to understand. Also, you will be always my friend and I will never forget you. But what I hope that you won't forget me. Always be strong, Cesare, and don't care about anyone. You're a good boy and I hope to meet you again.

With love.
You best friend, Y/N.

Tears started to form in his eyes, 'Y/N'... his only friend was forced to go away. He wanted her to be with him, his first friend and love. Was it a lot for him to ask?

Where could she be? Will he see her again?

Let's leave this to the fate to decide.


Now I feel sorry for him.

Cesare:- Am I that sad in my own damn life?

Pffft, I don't know.

Cesare:- The Borgia are always in the top when it comes to the easy life.

Yeah Yeah, whatever.

See you soon.

Be amazing.

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