Darim Ibn La Ahad x Reader

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Hello again sweet readers, here's another story. I don't know when Malik died, but in this story, he is dead when the reader is older.

Hope you like it.

Imagine:- You and Darim are friends but always got into fights. However, after long years you both met again and told you what happened to him and Altaïr.


Darim and Y/N are 10.

"Darim, give it back!!"

Y/N chased after Darim who was running away from her. Darim ran to Altaïr who was standing with Malik talking about the next mission Altaïr had. Darim stood beside Altaïr while Y/N stood beside Malik, her father, glaring at him. "Y/N, what's the matter?" Malik asked her, "He took my diary father and doesn't want to give it back." Y/N said while pointing at Darim. "Did you take it, Darim?" Altaïr asked, almost scolding him. "No father, I didn't take! I don't even know how it looks like!!" Darim deprecated.

"You're lying!! I caught you reading it before!!"

"I didn't KNOW it was yours and it happened only once!!"

Both of them were about to assault on each other, but Altaïr and Malik managed to catch them in time. Malik held Y/N by the back of her dress while Altaïr held Darim by the hood of his shirt. "You read it on purpose and I indeed know that." Y/N yelled, trying her best to get close to Darim who was also doing the same, "I did not you Dotard!!" Darim yelled back which made Y/N furious because of what he called her.

"What did you say? Take it back!!"

"What are you going to do? Hit me with your small fists!?"

"You will see, Darim!!"

Suddenly, Y/N jumped on Darim, somehow escaping her father's grasp. They both rolled on the dirty ground for a few moments, then Darim managed to escape from her while she chased him again.

"Yup, they are such a great friends." Malik said as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "The fight they always have is a sign of a great and strong friendship and might as well lead to something more stronger." Altaïr said as he watched both of the children running around with a smile. "I think so too, but he better keep my daughter happy or he will have to face me." Malik said. "I'm planning on starting to train Darim to be an assassin, he seemed excited when he sees me or other assassins train." Altaïr said, crossing his arms. "Y/N has asked me to teach her how to draw maps. She said she wants to be a bureau leader like me." Malik said, showing a hit of honour in his voice. "Well, both of them will certainly be close even in their future hopes." Altaïr said.


End of flashback:-

Altaïr and Darim made their way out of Masyaf to escape the madness Abbas created, they had nowhere to go. Two of the assassins continued to follow Altaïr and his son. One of them was about to throw a knife at Altaïr, however, an arrow hit him in chest and another one kill the other assassin. "Father, over there!!" Darim yelled and pointed to one of the rooftops where a person stood there, waving for them to follow. Without hesitation, they followed them out of the village.


Altaïr and Darim found themselves in bureau exactly like the one in Jerusalem, but a bit far from the village. Altaïr looked around him as everything was so familiar, he spotted the person who saved them, walking toward them. They were wearing white robes with black coat on top of it, the hood was up,"You need no fear, I won't harm you." The voice was somehow feminine. "Thank you for help us, I'm in your debit."

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