Edward Kenway x Reader

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Imagine:- You're a famous pirate assassin, but then left to England because you feared about your son. However, you met Edward after long time in the theater.

I will use my male OC in this story as your son and yes you have a son exactly like Edward and he is older then Jennifer.


" You have to stay with me, Vincent okay?"

" Mother, you know I'm not young anymore, right?"

You smiled as you as your son, Vincent, walled to the theater, "I know, but you will always be my little boy." He rolled his E/C eyes which made you laugh. He was the only thing you had, you gave a birth to him in a young age. The Assassins kept his safe in the hideout since you were a pirate and it was so dangerous for him.

You and Vincent reached to one of the high balcony to watch the performance. Vincent was showing interest in the performance quickly.

Sometime later, Vincent leaned toward you and whispered, " Mother, I will be back okay." You looked at him with a raised brow, " And where do you think you're going young man?" He smiled at you and said, "Just around here. I won't be late, promise." You sighed and said,"Alright, but don't go far away." He nodded and excused himself.


Vincent walked out of the balcony to the empty hallway. He made his way to the window, watching the night sky. London was always a beautiful city in the morning or night. Vincent noticed an open door and he walked toward it. To his surprise, it was a balcony that overlooking a lovely garden. He walked in and leaned on the railing, watching the moon and the stars. However, he didn't know that there was another person coming in with him.

"You are enjoying the view!" Vincent turned his head and saw a girl, she had a blonde/red hair and blue eyes (I guess!) She was wearing a blue dress with some white, she looked a bit younger then him. She smiled and walked beside him, "Well, you can say that." He chuckled, " I'm Jennifer Scott, and you?" She asked, " Vincent L/N, pleasure to meet you miss Scott." He took her hand and kissed her knuckle. Jennifer giggled with a slight blush on her cheek, "Such a gentle man, aren't you?" She said, "It's all thanks to my mother who taught me this." He said rubbing the back of his neck. "You came here with your mother?..." Vincent nodded, "...Same as me, I came here with my father and brother." She said while crossing her arms.

Both of them kept talk for a long while, they found a lot in common between them. Both of them then agreed to meet in Vincent's mansion. However,, Vincent didn't know that Y/N was eavesdropping on them with a big smile.


Vincent came back to set beside his mother again, he had an uncontrollable smile on his face. Y/N raised an eyebrow and said, " You seem so happy! Did something happened?"

"Nothing important mother!" He said, a slight blush appeared on his face. "Really, then what is it with this little red mark on your cheek?" Vincent quickly put his hand on his cheek, he forgot to wipe his cheek because Jennifer kissed him on it before she left."Um...it's...it's...!?" He couldn't say anything, "It seems my son finally had someone interesting, hm?" Y/N smirked which made her son sigh, " You can say that!"

"I knew it!! When she is coming anyway?"

"Next week."

"Perfect, I will meet my future daughter in law."

" Mother!!?"

Time skip:-

A man with his daughter and son stood in front the large oak door of L/N's household. After knocking three times, a maid opened the door to reveal the Kenways.

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