Assassin Shay Cormac x Wife Assassin Reader

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Requested by Hanako109

Sorry for being late.
Hope you like it.

Imagine:- You and Shay were send in a mission, but you got in some problems.


Y/N and Shay were sent to do a mission by Achilles who ordered them to destroy a warehouse felled with Gunpowder and weapons and of course kill the Templar around the warehouse. Easy right? But for our dear married couple, they would never complete a simple mission without causing some troubles. Achilles always scolded them since both of them were so reckless, so that's why this time he asked them to do the mission CAREFULLY!

Both of them were walking to their direction, Y/N didn't like the idea of not challenging her husband nor Shay liked it since Achilles said ' No Challenges ' . However, she got an idea any way, "Hey Shay!" He looked at his wife. " Yes," He responded. Y/N smiled smugly " How about a small race from here to the warehouse, between you and me." She said with a challenging tone. Shay looked at her and raised his eyebrow," You know what Achilles said, right? No more challenges." He said, reminding her of Achilles words.

She pouted, looking at him with her best puppy eyes " It's just a race Shay! It won't harm anything nor cause a problem." Shay though for a bit then smiled at her, "You know what? Race you to the warehouse!"

"You're on!"

With that both of them race to the warehouse, ignoring Achilles' words.


"I win!!"

"No Shay, you cheated! I'm the winner."

Y/N and Shay reached to the location of the mission, hiding between the trees. Shay looked at her,"I would like to argue with you, but we have to start the mission." He said while crossing his arms. Y/N sighed and nodded her head,"Alright, but I bet I can reach inside the warehouse before you." Shay smirked at her and said "Let's see who will win!" Y/N laughed," I will win for sure, but what will the winner get?" She asked.

" The loser to do anything the winner wants."

" Very well!!"

Both of them started the mission after putting a simple plan and parted their ways, of course remembering the challenge and forgetting Achilles' warning. Y/N was looking at the two Templars who were talking near the window. " So~ easy! I will beat you Shay!" She whispered. She pulled up her hood and readied herself for the fight. However, she didn't know that there was a Templar making his was toward her. Then she heard," Oi, Assassin stop right there!!"

" Shit!!"


Shay just finished killing a few Templars and was about to make his way to the warehouse. However, he heard the sound of fighting behind the warehouse. He ran there and saw his wife fighting Templars, they were a lot for her to handle. And from the looks, it seemed like she was badly injured. Shay pulled his sword and ran to save his wife. Y/N was surprised to see her husband by her side, "Shay!!" However, she got injured in her upper arm and her shoulder by a Templar. She fell down and groaned in pain.

" Y/N!" Shay yelled and ran to her side to help her. The fight lasted for about an hour, Shay showed no mercy when it comes to hurt his wife. After the savage fight, Shay ran to Y/N to check on her. " Y/N, are you okay?" He asked, all worried about her. " I'm fine, just let's finish this mission." She said, holding her arm and shoulder. He nodded, taking her to a safe place and ran back to the warehouse. A few moments later, an explosion was heard. Y/N smiled after knowing that Shay finished the mission. He walked back and knelt beside her," Now, let's take you back to the homestead." He said with a smile.

" You forgot something Shay!"

" What's it?"

" We need to explain things to Achilles."



After Shay and Y/N reached to the homestead, Y/N was immediately taken to her ans Shay's room to treat her wounds. Liam and Achilles walked in the room and they found Hope already finished treating Y/N's wounds and Shay setting beside her. " You're lucky that your wounds aren't deep to kill you. You just need to rest." Hope said as she wiped her hands from the blood. Y/N chuckled, remembering what her husband always says, "I make my own luck, Hope!" Shay looked at her and said "This is my phrase!" Y/N laughed,"I know!"

Then, both of them looked at Achilles who cleared his throat in annoyance, "I hope you have a good excuse for this miss!" He said, crossing his arms. Shay and Y/N looked at each other then back at Achilles, " Well, nothing really happened! I just got outnumbered and Shay helped me." Y/N said, lying to save her and Shay from Achilles scolding. However, Achilles raised a brow as if showing that he didn't believe her. "Don't look at us like this Achilles! What she said was right!" Shay said. "Shay, Y/N!" Achilles called their names in a threatening manner.

Both of them tensed when they heard his voice tone change. Achilles sighed, "Another challenge, right?" He said, already knowing the answer " How many times should to stop this nonsense? Both of you aren't children and losing you both will cost us a lot!" He yelled at both of them. "Achilles, everything is fine amd I'm still alive as well as Shay too!" Y/N said, trying to calm him down. " It's not fine Y/N! You almost died there and the same goes for Shay. What did you do this time?" Hope said calmly. "We just wanted to see who can kill more Templars then the others." Shay said, holding Y/N's hand. "Wow, just both of you don't listen to what we say, I'm disappointed!" Liam said, looking pissed off.

Y/N and Shay sighed and prepared themselves for a long lecture from the three Assassins.


After a long arguement, Achilles' last decision was that both of them stop challenging each other or they will be moved to unpatrolled. Y/N and Shay agreed and said they would try to stop their game of challenging. Y/N was forced to stay at home for a few weeks to rest well so her wounds would heal.

It's now night and Shay and Y/N were both cuddling together in the bed. Y/N looked at Shay and said, "Are we stopping challenging each other Shay? I really enjoy it!" Shay kissed the top of her head, " We should stop it my love, if we want to keep to be assassins." He said, gently stroking her cheek with his finger. Y/N pouted and sighed, "Alright~!" She cooed. Suddenly, she remembered something she was going to say to Shay after this mission, but she forgot since she was getting scolded by Achilles.

"Shay, I have to tell you something!" She said  setting up which made Shay sat up too. "What's it sweetheart?" He asked, worry overwhelmed him. "I don't know if you like it or not Shay, I think...I'm...I-I..." Y/N couldn't say it to him since she was so nervous that Shay would be made at her. "You're what, Y/N?" He asked again. " I think I'm...I'm...pregnant!" She said, her voice a little above whisper.


Shay just stared at her not believing what she said, "Are you made, Shay?" She couldn't read his face, so she asked. Shay finally spoke up, "You mean...I will be...a-a father?" She nodded " I will be a father!!" Shay laughed and hugged his wife. " You're not mad at me?" Y/N asked. Shay smiled brightly at her, "Mad? Why would I be mad? I'm so happy right now!!" Shay beamed and then kissed Y/N's lips, she smiled in the kiss and then pulled away.

" However, I'm mad at you in one thing."

" Which is?"

" You should have told me about this from the start. You might get hurt and our child too."Y/N smiled and said, " I will be careful from now on." Shay kissed her again and lied down with her.

" I love you a lot Mrs. Cormac, you know?"

" I know Mr. Cormac, you always tell me that!"

And with both of the slept peacefully and soundly.


Sorry for being late, have a lot to do recently! I'm not good enough in writing about married couple's life, but I hope you like it.

See you soon

Be amazing.
RC ~😋

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