All the Assassins x Modern Reader

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It has been a while, right?

Here's another story and hope you like it.

Requested by @Redlocks01

Imagine:- All the Assassins appear in your house.


After a long day in the college and the part-time job, Y/N was already exhausted. But she always had time for playing Assassin's Creed since she had the whole collection. Come to think of it, when it comes to playing Assassin's Creed the exhaustion disappears so suddenly and this is going to happen today too.

She reached to her house and ran to her livingroom room, excited to play AC games. She quickly prepared everything she needed " Some snacks, check. Warm blanket, check. My favorite games, check. (Xbox/Playstation) connected, check. Everything is ready!!" She sat down and wrapped her F/C blanket around her and held the controller in her hands.

" What should I play? Oh, why not playing (your favorite AC game)!!"

She put the disk in and started to play. Time passed and she continued to play until something happened, "What? What just happened?" The game suddenly froze. "What the hell? It was just fine now!!" Y/N said. She tried the other games, but they did the same.

"C'mon, it can't be--" suddenly, a white light appeared from the TV making the shocked girl to cover her eyes. Thuds were heard after the light disappeared, she uncovered her eyes, "WHAT!?"

There, in her livingroom, all the Assassins were standing, looking around this place. However, they looked at her, and each one pulled his weapon which made her scared."Who are you? Where did you brought us?" A man in white hood said. "P-please, low your w-weapons first! No one will h-harm you here!" Y/N stuttered, afraid that they might kill her before she could explain everything. "I think we should give her a chance, what do you think?" A man with a top hat said, all of them nodded and looked at you again.

"M-my name is Y/N L/N, and all of you are in C/N (City name)." She introduced herself to them. The assassins were also about to introduce themselves, but she stopped him, "I know all of you...." she said with a smile and started to name them one after another.

The white hooded man "Your name is Altaïr Ibn la Ahad."

The man in white and red robes "You're Ezio Auditore Da Firenze."

The man in white and blue robes "You're Edward Kenway."

The man in grey robes" Your name is Shay Patrick Cormac."

The man with also white and a bit darker blue robes "And you, Connor Kenway."

The man in all blue robes "You're Arno Victor Dorian."

The man with a top hat "And last, your name is Jacob Frye."

All of them looked at each other then back to her. Arno was the one to talk, "How do you know our names?" He asked. Y/N pulled his disk case and gave it to him, "This is you! You somehow left the video game and came to my house and the same goes for everyone." She said which made everyone more confused.

"I guess I have to explain a lot."

Time skip:-

The second day, all of the assassin woke up before Y/N. Last night, she explained everything to the men and did some sleeping arrangements. It turned out that she had to share her bed with Ezio who likes to flirt with all of the women,  but she had to study almost all night since the next day she had no classes. The assassins sat in the livingroom waiting for the H/C haired woman to wake up.

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