Father Ezio Auditore x Teen Daughter Reader

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This will take a place in AC Revelations. I don't have lots of informations about the game and the characters, so if there's any mistakes, I'm sorry.

Hope you enjoy.

Imagine:- You are Ezio's daughter and he finds you asleep while setting. By the way, you like to tease him about him liking Sofia.


For a 15 years old girl, Y/N was so smart and curious. She likes to explore places and discover new things, and Sofia was the best person for Y/N to be close to. They both shared the curiosity of knowing new things.

One day, Y/N and Ezio where walking around the city, chatting happily. "I like it here father, it's beautiful." Y/N beamed happily which made Ezio chuckle " Sure it does, but it's nothing like Roma or Firenze." Ezio said. Y/N giggled, but it soon faded when she saw the familiar woman being annoyed by a man. Y/N tugged her father's robe to catch his attention, he looked at her with a questioning look "What's it Y/N?" Y/N pointed her finger toward the woman and said "Father look, it's Sofia! It seems like this man is annoying her." Ezio looked at where she was pointing "You're right, let's go and say Hello to him." Ezio said with a gentle smile as he petted Y/N's head.

Ezio and Y/N made their way to Sofia and the man. He was talking to Sofia and it was obvious that she didn't want him near her. Y/N on the hand was walking behind her father closely as if she was hiding because she didn't like the man.

"Is this man bothering you, Sofia?" Ezio questioned which made both of them look at him. "Excuse me mister, but the lady and I are--" the man said, but stopped as he suddenly started to shout and ran away when he saw Ezio. Y/N giggled behind her father which made Sofia and Ezio look down at her. "It seems you made the little Signora (lady) laugh." Sofia said, giggling as well. "I'm always glad to make my little princess laugh all the time." Ezio said, stroking her H/L H/C hair.

It turned that Ezio know this man, he was engaged to his sister. Sofia asked Ezio if he can bring her some sort of package and Ezio agreed.

"I would like just to ask you a small favor. Can you do it?" Ezio asked. "Depend on what is it." Sofia said, crossing her arms and smirking. "I want you to watch over this little curious girl over here." Ezio said which made Y/N pount. "I'm not curious! I just like to learn new things." Y/N said. "Yes yes, la mia piccola bambina (my little girl) you're not curious. Anyway, what would you say Sofia?" Ezio said while smiling.

"With pleasure! I will watch over her."

"Molte grazie (Many thanks)"

Time skip:-

Y/N and Sofia turned to her shop so they can wait for Ezio to come back. Sofia went to her desk while Y/N looked around in awe, "You have a quite big shop signora Sofia!" Y/N said with sparkling E/C eyes. Sofia chuckled,"Why thank you, I work hard everyday." She said as she sat down. Y/N walked toward her desk and there was a book that caught her attention, "Signora Sofia, can I read this book?" Y/N asked politely. Sofia smiled, "Sure you can." She said.

"You know, I met a lot of women who wanted to be close to Padre (father), none of them were like you." Y/N said with a soft voice. Sofia looked at the little girl confused, "What do you mean? I don't really understand." Sofia said with a nervous smile. Y/N looked up at her and said "I didn't like them, they were just looking at him in a weird way. But you're different, you always smile a genuine smile when he comes. You're curious to know him. Other women only looking at his looks not his soul." Sofia knew exactly what Y/N meant. Since Y/N was still young to say those things directly, but that didn't prevent the blush to appear on the woman's face. She was glad that Y/N didn't see her like the other woman and allowed her to get close to her father.

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