Haytham Kenway x Reader

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A new story is coming ~🏃‍♀️

Since I have exams next week, I won't be able to write for a short time. So wait for me after the goddamn exams. 😅

Imagine:- Having a nightmare of your past and Haytham wakes you up.

This story will be before Ziio and Connor.


You were chained in the wall, breathing heavily and blood running down the side of your face. Everything was dark, you were alone and scared. You knew this place prettywell and you wanted to leave.

" H-how did I g-get here again?" You asked, expecting an answer.

Then the door opened and in walked a man with a small candle in his hand. He smiled evilly at you and your pathetic starte.

" You did an iniquity when you escaped this place with that man, but now you will get what you deserve...." He looked over him shoulder and ordered " ....Bring him in!!" Two men walked inside, holding a beaten up man. You then recognized him, the dark blue outfit. It was none other than......

" Haytham!!!...."

You yelled for him and he weakly lifted his head up. He smiled at you sadly and tried to talk.

" Y-Y/N.....!" Was all he said.

" You will witness his death with your own eyes Y/N." The man from before said while holding a big knife.

" NO!! Please, he did nothing!! Leave him alone, let him go!! Kill me instead!! Just please don't kill him!!" Your E/C eyes were already felled with tears which made your vision blurry. The man laughed and walked toward Haytham.

" I think this is one thing I can't do for you....." He looked at you with a cold gaze " I will make you wish to die!!.... Watch how your mistakes make the people you love die." With that he stabbed Haytham in his abdomen, making him wince for the pain.

" NO, HAYTHAM!!" You tried to reach him, but the chains prevented you from doing so. Haytham fell down on his knees, holding his abdomen. However, the man who stabbed him kicked him off, so he Laying on the ground. The other one came to you and released you from the chains.

You ran to Haytham and held him in your arms, trying your best to keep him awake. He just smiled at you..... again. You were ready for this moment, the moment when you lose the man you loved, the moment you will see him fade away and you can do nothing to help him. He saved you several times, and here you were not able to save him as well.

" Haytham, please... k-keep your eyes o-open!! Look at me!!... D-don't go!?" You said between the sobs. He put his bloodied hand on your cheek and stroked it gently with his thumb finger.

" D-don't cry...... R-run away..... Be happy Y/N....For m-me!!" You cried even more hearing those words. " I-I wanted....to....tell y-you somet-thing...." He said as he gasped for air" I c-care about you Y-Y/N...... Your s-smile, your laugh....E-Everything about you.... is w-wonderful.... So that w-why....I l-love y-you Y/N."

" I-I love you t-too Haytham!!" His hand then went to the back of your neck and pulled you down for your first and last kiss, you closed your eyes and kissed back. It was gently and weak kiss, but you felt how much of love it had. He really did love you and you did too. Just then you you felt his hand slid slowly and fall down lifelessly. You reopened your eyes and pulled away from the kiss to see his eyes closed and a small smile formed on his face.

" No no no no, Haytham please wake up!! Don't leave me alone!! Open your eyes for me please!!" You cried as you hugged him tightly, but the two men pulled you away as you struggled to free yourself.



" Y/N!! Y/N wake up? Y/N!!" You heard a voice calling you with a gentle shake. You gasped as you set up, breathing heavily with sweat covered your forehead.

" Y/N, what's wrong? You were yelling and calling!! Are you okay?"

You lifted your head and saw the concerned face of Haytham. Tears fell from your eyes as you hugged him. He was taken aback by the sudden hug, but then he hugged you back.

" I-I thought.... I l-lost you!!" You said crying.

Haytham then moved his hand in circles on your back, trying to comfort you. " There there.... I'm here know. It okay my dear, I will not leave your side. It was just a nightmare!!" You cried in his arms for a few minutes then calmed down as he stroked you H/C hair gently. " Do you wish to talk about it?" He asked with a hushed tone.

You pulled away from the hug and nodded. You told him everything, and he knew since he saved you from that gang you will be effected by them. He saw more tears ran down your cheeks and he wiped them away.

" It's quite alright, love. You're safe here and no one will harm you."

" Thank you Haytham!!"

You smiled at him and her turned the favor. Both of you stared at each other for a while, his eyes looking at your E/C as if he was looking at your soul. He leaned forward and you did the same, you closed your eyes and felt his soft lips against your. It was the same kiss and the same feelings from your nightmare. He pulled you closer by the waist while the other rested on your cheek to deepen the kiss. However, you unfortunately needed to pull away for air. You face was as red as tomato which made Haytham chuckle.

" Now love, I hope this explains what you're for me." He said with a genuine smile. " Yes it did Haytham!! It did!!" You smiled brightly at him.

" Well then, prepare yourself for I want to take you to precious place I know." You nodded and went to prepare yourself.

Since thar day, you and Haytham were known as lovers and he vowed to protect you. It seemed this nightmare made you have the man you loved dearly.


It's now midnight in my country, so my brain is no longer working properly. Sorry ~

Edward:- * Laughs *..... Seriously lass, Haytham is bad in love.

Me:- Everyone should have a chance in love, y'know?

Edward:- But not Haytham!!

Haytham:- And what do you mean with that Father?

Edward:- * Shrugs*.... Just what you understand, son.

Haytham:- At least I'm not a drunken man like you.

Edward:- * Angrily*.... Watch you tongue, I'm your father!! At least I know about your existence.

Haytham:- Oh come now and blame me for this. AGAIN!!

Me:- * Annoyed *..... I can't believe that both of the are parents.

Connor:- * Appears from nowhere *.... Now you know how I feel when they both meet up like this.

Me:- Yup I do!! You wanna go and play video games with me.

Connor:-* Nods *..... Sure.

Hope you enjoyed and as I said I will be busy with the exams next week, so I won't be able to write stories. Wish me luck. 😔

Be amazing.
RC ~😋

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