Cesare Borgia x Reader (Part 2)

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Here part two.
As I said, some of the informations are from AC identity.

Hope you enjoy.


It had been rough years for Cesare. After Y/N left, he didn't leave the Villa since he knows no one other then the H/C haired girl. He wanted to be what she wanted, a strong man, and yes he did. When his brother died, Cesare became the Captain General of the Papal Forces. At first, he got so much frustrated when his brother became the Captain, but then he got what he wanted because he knew it was going to be his place and not his brother's. Rodrigo also gave up and let him be the Captain even though he didn't know that his son was so smart.

Shortly after that, his father forced him to marry a royal French woman who he didn't even know or like. Even when he was married, he couldn't take her out of his mind. Y/N was his first love, the first person to pull him away from his misery. Years later, his wife died, but he wasn't that sad about her(I don't know if she really died or not.). When he went to Rome, he started to search for her everywhere in hopes to find her. That was until he met his sister, there was something about her that made him want her. However, not that much like Y/N. He even still had the little marble dove, he was wishing that his little dove would be back to him.


Cesare was walking around Rome with his guards, making sure that the assassins wouldn't be near his property. The little dove Y/N gave him was always with him, he thought she might come to him in any moment. While he walked, he heard a feminine laugh near him. He looked to the side and his heart skipped a beat. He saw a woman that looked exactly like his childhood love, same H/L H/C hair and E/C eyes. The S/T skin looked so soft, she was wearing a F/C dress with a red scarf around her neck. The scarf was a pale red, but looked familiar to him. Could it be by any chance... He didn't want to believe it, could she really be Y/N?

"Are you going to come to the carnival?" Her friend asked her."I will be attending the carnival tonight of course." She said. Cesare couldn't left his gaze from her and since he was mindlessly looking at her, she turned to him feeling someone was watching her. She smiled sweetly at him as she waved her hand while mouthing a simple Hello to him. Cesare looked away from her and walked to the other direction to avoid her gaze, but in his mind he was planning on attending the carnival just to see her again.

Time skip:-

The carnival was so crowded and noisy, Cesare didn't know where he could find the H/C haired woman and doubted she would ever come. However, he felt a soft tap on his shoulder. He turned around and his blue eyes met a soft pair of E/C orbs, there was a smile on her face as she looked at him. She still had the scarf around her neck.


Her voice has a familiar childish tone as she talked, "I have seen you this afternoon staring at me and I wanted to talk with you, but you left before I could even say anything." She slightly pouted. Cesare cleared his throat to hide his embarrassment, "I just thought I saw you somewhere." He said. The woman giggled, " Everyone says this to me and I end knowing them, but if I really know, I would never forget your face." She said. "Is that so?" He questioned which made her nod.

Cesare then saw Lucrezia walking toward him, "Just I have to go now, hope to see you soon." And with that he left, but the woman noticed something fell down from him. She picked it up and it was the marble dove Cesare kept. This dove is like the one I gave to Cesare. Could he be...? She just kept on looking at it.


After the carnival, both of them didn't meet again. Cesare noticed the missed dove and whenever he was out, he would look for it. Lucrezia didn't mean anything to him anymore as he found Y/N, well not until he make sure she IS Y/N.

One day as he walked, he saw the familiar woman setting alone on a bench looking at something in her hands. He walked toward her and sat down which made her look at him, "Oh you again. Good afternoon sir." She greeted him with a soft smile. "To you as well." Was his reply. The young lady tilted her head in confusion, "Why do you seem sad?" She asked him. "It's nothing, really." He looked away. "It's not nothing. I know we barely know each other, but you can tell and I'm willing to listen." She said, fixing her setting position to face him.

Cesare sighed and looked at her, "I lost something really important to." She looked down at her closed hand. "What would that thing be?" She asked again. Cesare raised an eyebrow, "Why do I even talk with you? You will just think that I'm silly like my family." He said. "You remind me of a close friend I know, he also had family problems." She mumbled and thankfully, he didn't hear it. "Did you say something?"

"I said, are you going to tell me or not?"

He sighed.

"It's a white marble dove."

The E/C eyed lady smiled and opened her hand in front of him, "So this belongs to you then." She said smiling. Cesare quickly took it and held it tightly. "Thank God you're fine." He mumbled to himself. "Why do you care about it a lot? It's just a stupid marbled dove and an old one not to mention." Cesare glared at her, but then sighed, "It's special because someone I love dearly gave it to me." He said.

"You love dearly!?"

He nodded, "She was my first friend and I loved her so much, but she had to leave with her father. She gave it to me so I won't forget about her." Her heart started to beat fast, she lowered her head that her locks covered her E/C eyes "I also got a special friend who gave me this scarf that his mother made for him and since that day, I didn't take it off whenever I go out..." There was a soft sob, "...You were right, this scarf always kept me warm...Cesare." And without any warnings, she quickly hugged him tightly.


"I missed you so much! I knew when I saw you that day that you were familiar to me." Y/N cried, hiding her face in his shoulder. "Y/N, is that really you?" She pulled away from the hug and nodded her head. Cesare didn't waste any moment and quickly crashed his lips against her which made her shocked, but eventually she kissed back. After they pulled away, the started to breathe. "I knew I would find one day." He said, smiling happily. "So you mean it when you said you loved me?" She asked with a teasing tone.

"And I still love you Y/N."

"Me too, Cesare. Me too."

Both of them stood up, "You became a beautiful lady after all those years." Cesare said. "Well, same goes for you. I mean look at you!! You're handsome and tall. Did you make your dreams true?" She said. Chuckling, Cesare answered "I became the best Captain General of the Papal Forces, I managed to make my dream true and the dream of finding you also became true today." Y/N giggled with a slight blush, "So my dream of finding you too." She said. Cesare kissed her lips again and then took her to his family's Villa where she would be his queen.

And this was how the lovey dovey doves met again. Both of them didn't give up and at the end, the fate gave them what they wanted. Love.


Part two is done.

It has been a while. I was writing a new book and if your interest, you can read it. I published the first story and more will come soon.

Hope you like it.
RC ~😋

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