Desmond Miles x Ancestor Assassin Reader

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Heyyy there lovely readers. Here's a new story. I don't know Desmond's character so much, so I'm sorry if he is OOC.

Imagine:- Desmond discovers that he has Ancestor Female Assassin and she appeared to him because of a glitch in the Animus.


" Wow, Desmond you have a female ancestor. This cool!!" Rebecca said all excited and a bit teasing Desmond.

" I myself surprised!!" Desmond said, setting down on a chair near Shaun who was working on settling down the memories.

" Alright, here's a simple background about her." Rebecca said, "Her name is Y/N L/N, she's one of the best master assassin in Russia. She lived at the same time period when Ezio became an old man. The Russian Brotherhood raised her at the age of twelve, she became an Assassin at the age of fourteen and then a Masters Assassin at eighteen, then at her twenty fifth year she became a Mentor. She had lost her family and friends and was left alone in the streets fighting for survive. The Russian Brotherhood were impressed by how she survived in a very young age, so they took her in." She finished with a smirk, "It seems you got someone interesting!"

Shaun then spoke up, " Alright, you can go to the Animus. Everything is ready!!" Desmond nodded and went to the Animus, ready to discover what ancestor had for him.

Time skip:-

Desmond spent a good four weeks to know Y/N very well. She and the other Russian Assassins were protesting an artifact that called the Key of Eden (A/N:- this is from my imagination. I don't think there's a key of Eden, I guess!) Which happened to open a hidden Library that has a lot of information about the Apple.

Desmond found it amusing how Y/N made her way to be a respected Assassin, how she fought for justice and freedom and how she would sacrifice herself for the Brotherhood. He was about to know more about woman. However, something happened.

" There's something is wrong!" Shaun said which earned Rebecca's attention.

She walked toward him and asked," Is there something wrong in the matching?"

Shaun fixed his glasses and started to work again on the computer, " The memories are matching perfectly, but I don't understand what's going on!"

" I will let Desmond out of the Animus!" But before Rebecca could reach him, a strong light appeared, covering the whole cave. A few seconds later and the light disappeared, Desmond shot up from the Animus coughing slightly from the strong and weird impact. Rebecca and Shaun reached to him to see if he was alright. " Desmond, are you okay?" Asked Rebecca.

" Yes, I'm fine!"

" Моя голова! (My head!)"

A sudden strange accent was heard in the cave, the three Assassins looked at the direction of the voice and they were all surprised. The woman was wearing white robes exactly like the one Altaïr was wearing. She stood up and looked around the unfamiliar place, " Где я?(Where am I?)" She murdered, but then saw the three young Assassins looking at her. She pointed her hidden blade toward them in threatening manner, "Кто ты? Что это такое место?(Who are you? What is this place?)" She asked with a blank voice.

Shaun took a step forward and lifted his hands up, " We don't speak your language!" He said, trying to be calm.

Y/N then spoke up, " Who are you?" She asked again.

" I'm Rebecca, this is Shaun and Desmond. " Rebecca said, which made Shaun sigh. " You don't need to worry about anything."

" How do I trust you?" Y/N asked, still pointing her blade.

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