Jacob Frye x Reader

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Hi everyone!!

Warning:- Very long.

Also this story will take a place in 1888, means with Jack The Ripper. And the story will be different from the actual one.

Hope you enjoy.

Imagine:- You help Evie to find Jacob and you kill Jack, but you didn't want anyone to know who you really are.


Your POV:-

Jack The Ripper was like an illness in London and I had to stop him. He took Jacob away, but he didn't know about me and this was an advantage for me to investigate secretly about where he put Jacob. However, inspector Abberline called Evie, Jacob's sister, to stop Jack. But little did they knew that I was getting closer and closer to Jack. I wasn't an Assassin, but I knew how to fight and how to avoid Jack as best as I could. Everything was going according to the plan.

I was looking at the mad house were Jack was when he was a child. From the corner of my eyes, I noticed Evie.

" It's time!!" I thought to myself as I jumped down from the building in front of her.

" Who are you?" She asked me. I pulled down the hood of Jacob's old robes, showing her my face. " I'm an ally!! I know Jacob, he is a close friend of mine." Will I lied about that, me and Jacob were lovers and since she didn't know me, I had to pretend to know Jacob as a friend. She looked at me up and down, this was so annoying. I really don't like people looking at me like this.

" What are you doing here?" She asked again " I'm here to save Jacob and stop that psychopath." I looked at her in the eye and she raised an eyebrow. " Who are you? And how do you know that Jacob is here?" She's suspicion me, right? I sighed and said "My name is Y/N and I did my own investigation by following Jack and witness his ways of killing." I said blankly.

She looked at me angrily and said " And you didn't bother to stop him and just watched him kill those innocent people!!" I snapped at her coldly " I have to keep myself undercover, so that he won't......." I paused for a moment " So he won't kill me." It was another lie, I knew he wouldn't even leave a small scar on me because of my secret ability.

" I needed to sacrifice if I wanted to save Jacob and the rest of the city." She only looked away and closed her eyes. " Alright Y/N, I believe you!! We can help each other to stop Jack." I nodded and then we sneaked inside the mad house.


Once inside, everything was in a horror scene, blood and dead bodies everywhere. Me and Evie looked around, searching for any clues to lead us to Jack. Then Evie saw his Letter on the wall with her eagle vision, I couldn't see it since I wasn't an assassin. She turned to me with a serious expression.

" He keeps him in the old basement, we need to hurry!!" I nodded my head and we both made a run for it.

Time skip:-

We both walked down the staircase of the basement, it was dark and cold in here. I felt so sad that Jacob was forced to stay here for long time, it pains my heart as well filling me with rage. " I will show you Jack, I promise!!" I thought to myself not realizing that Evie stopped in a front of a certain door.

" Jacob!!" She whispered his name. I walked toward the door and looked through the small slot in the door, indeed there was a man inside. Just then we heard Jack talking.

" Welcome to the reunion, Miss Frye!! I never thought you would bring another person to die with you and your brother."

Both of us followed his voice which led us to an open area with a double side stairs. Evie walked ahead of me, but then I felt a presence with us. " Evie!!" I ran to her and pushed her away before Jack would jump on her. He stood up and looked at us " Nice reaction, but it won't save you again." My E/C eyes stared at him as I smirked " Just try me!!"

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