Shay Cormac x Rogue Assassin Reader(Part 1)

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The photo shows your Templar uniform, just imagine the coat is red if you want to. It will be a little bit like Shay's story.

Hpoe you enjoy.

Imagine:- You are considered as a traitor because you freed a Templar after you discovered the truth.


" Where's Y/N Anyway? I didn't see her this morning."

" I don't know, Shay, but maybe you can find her on the rooftop of the mansion."

Shay and Liam were talking together, wondering were the H/C haired woman would be. She had been avoiding them for a while now and no one knew why except her.

" Speak of the Devil, there she is!!" Liam said, pointing at Y/N who was walking mindlessly. " She looks annoyed!! What might happened with her?" Shay asked.

" I don't know, shall we ask her?" Liam said, crossing his arms, Shay just shrugged and walked toward her with Liam close behind.

" Y/N.." Shay called earning the woman's attention. She looked up and saw both Liam and Shay walking toward her.

" What do you want?" She said blankly which made both of the men look at each other.

" Do you want to join us? We are going to the training area." Shay said. Y/N just looked down and nodded slowly.

Shay and Liam then noticed what seemed to be like an envelope " What's that Y/N?" Liam asked, pointing at the paper in Y/N's hand.

" It's nothing, just a letter from a close friend of mine." She said, hiding the envelope quickly.

" Alright then, enough questions and let's go. Hope and the others are waiting." Shay said, making both of his friends nod.

Y/N always liked Shay, she found him attractive and funny. However, she did knew that he saw her just as a friend and she knew this when he told her that he like Hope. She felt that everyone left her alone and this mad her frustrated. First her parents and then the man she loves and it became more frustrating when she learnt the hidden truth.


When the three assassins reached to the training area, Hope, Chevalier, Kesegowaase and Achilles were already there.

" Ah, you finally arrived." Achilles said, greeting the tree assassins.

" I think we made it in time." Shay joked around.

" But you still need to learn how to be faster." Hope spoke up then looked at Y/N. " And how are you Y/N? We haven't seen you a lot recently!" She said.

" I'm fine,you needn't worry about me." Y/N said and walked away from them, setting under a nearby tree and pulled out the letter.

" What's wrong with her all pissed off?" Asked Chevalier.

" She just wants to kill that Templar we captured a few days ago since he is the one who killed her parents." Achilles said looking at the H/C girl who was focused in the letter, but he didn't know she was listening to them.

" Why don't you let her do what she pleases?" Asked Shay.

" She still has a lot to learn Shay. If we let her do everything without planning, then she will be killed immediately by the Templars. She needs to learn how to be patient." Hope said calmly.

" We all do care about her, that's why we do this for her sake." Achilles' statement made everyone understand why he couldn't let Y/N kill the Templar.

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