Edward Kenway x Reader

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Hi, sorry for not updating so soon. Here comes another story.

Hope you enjoy.

Imagine:- You are a strong MAN and a dear friend to Edward who may have  feelings toward you, but you lost your life in a fight. However, you have another chance to live because of special power you have. BUT you have to give up on something........



You heard your Captain yell for all of you to start the fight. All of the crewmembers, including you, jumped after Edward to the other ship.

You fought so strongly against the enemies, it was so exciting as you thought. You always liked to help the blond assassin whenever you could, like right now. He was more then a friend to you, more like an older brother who you respected, but little did you know that Edward was sooo interested in you. You know, in romantic way. However, you ignored your doubts just to keep your friendship.

You were so focused in the man in front of you that you didn't recognize that there was another man was aiming at you. However, Edward saw him and tried to warn you.

"Y/N, watch out!!" Edward yelled, but it was too late.


A bullet hit you in the chest, you were shocked. Pain started to overwhelm you, blood oozing from your wound. Just like that you backed away, getting closer to the broken railing and fall down the sea. The cold water surrounded you as you felt your life slip away from you. You closed your eyes and welcomed the death to take you.


You opened your eyes, expecting to be in heaven. Well, your surroundings were white, but it wasn't heaven for sure. At least that's what you thought.

" Welcome child." An angelic yet familiar voice called you. You turned around and saw a woman in white. She has silky H/L H/C hair and E/C eyes that were sparkling, her S/T skin looked so soft. A gentle smile on her face as she walked to you.

" Who... are you?" You asked, making her laugh.

" Oh, I didn't know that you wouldn't recognize me." She said, still smiling. You didn't know what she meant by that, so you asked again " What are you talking about?" She giggled and patted your head. " I'm your mother!!"

Now that you realize something, she did looked like your mother. But she is dead long time ago, so that means that you're really dead too. You panicked and started to shake a bit.

" Are you alright, my son?" You looked at her face to see concern on those gentle features. " Mother, am I......d-dead?" You were so frightened to know the answer, but you have to. She nodded her head and you panicked worse than before.

" No, no, no, I can't be!! I still wnat to live!!" You said, but your mother put a reassuring hand on your shoulder. " Basically, you're not fully dead." You looked at her confused " What?" She smiled at you and said " It's temporary, you have a chance to live again."

Your E/C eyes lit up with a sparkle, but still confused " What do you mean? I don't understand!!" She sighed and said "It's a special ability I had in me when I was alive. I died before, but came back to life again. However, you must know that this is your last chance." You looked existed and held her hands " How can I go back to life?" You asked " You go there to that portal, but you will have to be careful because this is your last life. Oh and you will be alive as a--------"

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