Federico Auditore x Wife Reader

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Imagine:- You and Federico visit his family after you journey in Rome, but an accident happened that day.


" Hurry up, Mama!!"

Alberto, your son, called you as he waited with Federico downstairs. " Just a little bit and I will be ready." You yelled from your and Federico's room. Alberto puffed his cheek which made his father laugh at him. " You have to be patient. I used to wait your mother for hours." Federico said as he ruffled Alberto's hair. " Y'know I can hear you, right?...." You said as you walked downstairs "..... It's not my fault if I wanted to look good in front of your parents." You completed your statement and rolled your eyes playfully then you crossed your arms with fake annoyance.

" Come on mio caro (My dear), I was kidding." Federico said as he walked toward you, you just turned your head to the other side pretending to be mad. Your husband wrapped his arms around your waist " Perdonami, mia signora. Lo farò per te, prometto. (Forgive me, my lady. I will make it up for you, I promise.)" He pouted like a child. You smiled and turned around still in his arms " Okay I forgive you, but don't do it again." You warned "Promise." He kissed you on the lips.

"Mama and Papa are kissing, eww." You completely forgot about Alberto. You and Federico laughed and he puffed his cheeks again " Come on, let's go!!" Alberto said as he ran to the door. You and Federico chuckled and followed your 7 years old son. Alberto looked exactly like Federico, but he has your personality. He always loved to visit his grandparents, uncles and his aunt. Alberto always has his ways with the Auditores, especially Ezio. He is his favorite uncle and today was the day he was going to see his beloved family since you were in Rome for 3 months.

Time skip:-

" Alberto!!"

" Nonna Maria!! (Grandma)." Alberto called as he ran to his grandmother for a hug. She lifted Alberto up and kissed his cheek, he was so light for a 7 years old boy. You and Federico walked toward Maria, she put Alberto down and hugged both of you " Madre, How are you today? (Mother)" You said after she pulled away from the hug. " I'm good my dear Y/N. How is the bambino ( Baby)? Hope you're resting well." She said as she raised an eyebrow playfully. " I'm doing good mother..." You smiled warmly at her and nodded your head toward Federico. You were just two months pregnant "... But Federico and Alberto making everything hard." You put the back of your hand on your forehead and closed your eyes as you spoke up. " Y/N!!" Federico said shocked.

Maria looked at Federico who was looking at you with wide eyes "Federico, I'm disappointed!! How dear you to make Y/N tired like this?" He looked speechless for a moment until you and Maria laughed at him " Just kidding, mio figlio (My son). Come, let's set down. Giovanni, Ezio and Claudia will be here soon." You both nodded. " Alberto, go and play with Petruccio. He is upstairs." Maria said. Alberto nodded and ran upstairs to play with Petruccio.

After a while of talking with Maria, Claudia walked in with a basket. She noticed you and ran to you after putting the basket down. " Fratello, sorella!! Sei venuto!! (Brother, sister!! You came!!)" She hugged you then hugged Federico.

Shortly after, Giovanni walked in as well. " Ah Y/N and Federico, Welcome my children." He said as well hugged both of you. " Where's the little Auditore?"

" Nonno!! (Grandpa)"

"Ohh, Alberto!!"

Alberto ran to Giovanni and jumped in his arms, he always loved Giovanni so much. " Alberto look at you, you grow up nicely." Giovanni said as he held Alberto properly. " Stop exaggerating my dear! It's just 3 months." Maria said as she crossed her arms " Still, he started to become a man." He said, making Maria rolling her eyes. " I learnt how to ride a horse, grandpa." Alberto beamed happily " But you fall down few times Alberto." Federico said, making Alberto frown.

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