Father Ethan Frye x Albino! Daughter!Reader

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I think I didn't find anyone did about Jacob and Evie's father right? So here it comes.

Hope you enjoy.

Imagine:- running away from your home because of your father.


When they say a seven years old girl, what everyone would think about her?

Of course a lovely child with a bright smile and sing-like giggle. But in your case, these things are not real to you. Your life was as painful as ever, you may ask why?

Well, it was all related to your father who trains you everyday to be an assassin like him with your older brother and sister or that's what everyone thinks. From your point of view, you felt like he was getting revenge on you because you took his beloved wife away from him. In other words, you were a killer in his eyes more then a daughter, at least this was what you thought. You felt your training program was harder then Jacob and Evie's. You felt like...... he prefered them on you. Painful right?


You were in a hand-on-hand fight with your mentor - who's your father- and he already had beaten you up. He punched you on the face, sending you flying to the ground. You groaned as you tried to stand up, but your knees failed you. Ethan approached you followed with your worried brother and sister. He crossed his arms and said " How are you going to be an assassin if you stay useless like this?"

Everyone in your house knew how strict Ethan could be when it comes to training. Your red eyes looked up at him as they were felled with tears. " Is this what you're good at? Only crying!? How pathetic!!"  His voice had a rage in it " We will finish this tomorrow." Then he turned and left.

You couldn't hold it anymore, you cried and sobbed making the twins sad. They were three years older than you. Sometimes you would ask, what's they have that you don't? If they were the reason of your mother's death, would he blame them? Of course not, they are his NORMAL children not like you. With white hair and red eyes and have some breathing problems. This thing made you hate them all, Evie, Jacob, your father and even yourself. It wasn't your fault that your mother died, it wasn't your fault that you became like this.

" Why!?" You sobbed as you asked. Jacob and Evie walked to you and tried to help you up, but you pushed them away " Y/N what are you doing? We are trying to help you?" You looked at them angrily " I don't need any help, leave me alone!!" You then ran out of the room. You reached to your bedroom and shut the door locked, you cried the whole night. Even when Jacob called you for dinner, you refused to eat with them. Then a question rang in your mind......

" If they don't want me, why am I still here? Why shouldn't I leave them?"

No answer, but you had the solution for these questions.

" I must leave from this hell!! I don't want to be an assassin. But where should I go?...... It doesn't matter, I have to leave sooner before later."


You grabbed a paper and pen and wrote down a letter to your so called family. You changed your clothes to a white shirt and F/C jacket and black pants with a flatfoot shoes. You sneaked out of the window quietly yet quickly and ran out to the streets far away from your home.


Ethan was setting in his room thinking about today's events. He felt like he was so strict with you more then before, something any father shouldn't do to his children. Although you were a bit weak he showed no mercy to you, instead he just added more pressure on you. " What am I doing? Just casting my anger on her? She has nothing to do with Cecily's death!! I must make it up to her." He thought, then he stood up and went to your room.

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