Shay Cormac x Rogue Assassin Reader(Part 2)

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The photo above shows your Templar uniform, just imagine the coat is red.

Hope you enjoy.

I will continue from Shay's POV from part 1.


Shay's POV:-

It had been six months since Y/N disappeared. No one happened to see her anywhere. I didn't know what she meant that day when she said we were using her, what truth did she discover? I would never know unless I find her and talk to her.

Anyway, I was in my way to Lisbon to find the artifact that the manuscript and the box led us to. It was just a matter of time before I get the artifact, but I didn't know that I would regret what I did.

Time skip cause I'm lazy:-

After I unlocked the precursor temple, I walked inside the temple. There was a huge gap between me and the artifact. "What do we have here?" However I shouldn't be quick to judge for there appeared a platform. I walked carefully toward the precursor sit and there appeared what I had been looking for "The artifact!!".

I examined it closely, its shape was strange. Well, this how ancient artifacts should look like, right? I was about to grab it, when I heard a familiar voice.

" Stop!!"

No way, I'm not imagining things. This is not possible.

I turned around and saw her. Y/N. She was standing in the middle of the platform and I smiled when I saw her still alive. " Y/N, you're ali----!!" I stop myself and looked at her uniform. Templar uniform. I couldn't believe it, she left us to become a Templar. " So what Hope said that day was true, you're a traitor!!" I yelled at her.

" I don't need to explain anything to you assassin." She said calmly " Now, stay away from the artifact!!"

I laughed at her. She became a traitor and now she is ordering me, how silly!! "It won't work this way, Y/N!! You have no right to tell me what to do!!"

" You will destroy the world with this reckless move." She yelled at me.

" It's quite the contrary, we will save the world from you Templars!!" I turned around and grabbed the artifact, however, it suddenly turned into dust and the place started to shake.

" NO!!"

" What's happening?" I asked.

" I told you not to touch it!! The place will collapse, we need to escape!!" She said and ran out of the place. " Follow me if you want to survive,Shay!!" And I blindly followed her.

When we get out of the church, I gasped. The whole city was falling down, people were running to save their lives. I could hear their shouts and screams of help. I couldn't believe my eyes, it was all my fault. Achilles has a lot to explain to me.

We ran and ran and ran until we reached to a cliff. We both did a leap of faith and fall down in the water.


A few moments later and we reached to the Morrigan. One of the crewmembers help me and Y/N up, I'm thankful Liam is not here, otherwise he would kill Y/N or she would kill him.

" How could God do this to them?" The man who helped me said, shocked as well by the view in front of him.

I just looked at the city that was call Lisbon once and said " God had nothing to do with this!!"

I then heard a sigh, I turn to Y/N who was frowning " Yes, God had nothing to do with it, but you ASSASSINS have something to do with it!!" She yelled "Look what have you done? All those people were innocent, men, women and children. All of them did nothing to die!!" She rubbed her face with her hands, pushing the wet hair away from her face.

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