Haytham Kenway x Little Brother Reader(Part1)

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Okay this is an I'm still alive update. Since I'm busy with exams I couldn't write recently, so I'm writing this story since today is a holiday. Also I will start working on the requests after the exam, so I'm ready really sorry if the requests will be a bit late.

I really do hate exams, but I must do them if I want to finish college. Bear with me hehehe😅

Hope you enjoy~

I don'tknow what Edward said to Haytham before he died, so that's Why I'm doing something different.

Imagine:- You're Haytham's little brother and you met after long time.


Long time ago:-

"FATHER NOOO!!" Your brother yelled as you both saw your father fall down with blood pooled around him. Your eyes wide in shock as tears ran down your cheeks. Haytham, your older brother, ran to his father while you approached him slowly, not believing what happened.

" Father please stay!! Don't go, please!!" Haytham cried loudly, Edward coughed blood and smiled at him.

You finally reached him and fall down on your knees besid Haytham, still in shock. " F-father!!" You whispered. You really wanted to yell and hug him, begging him to stay with you, but you couldn't. Your father was fading away slowly and you couldn't bear to see him like this. Who would expect a boy in his fifth year to witness his father's death.

Edward laughed and looked at both of his sons with a gentle smile. " I'm happy....that both of you...are here....Haytham,Y/N....." He took a deep breath and continued his talk." I'm sorry.....I can't stay with you......I....I wanted to.....see you both....grow up..... to be what I hoped.....real men.....but it seems....fate surprised me again!!......" He coughed blood again and groaned in pain.

You didn't bother to held the tears as well as Haytham, both of you didn't want to lose him. " F-father, don't go!!" You finally managed to form your words. You loved him a lot, you laughed and smiled because of him. He was your father.

" I wish...... to stay my son, but...... it's my time to go......Oh and...... Happy birthday, Y/N..... I bought you....a small gift....hope you like it." He smiled at you and lifted his bloodied hand to show you a locket. You took it from him and hugged it while he wiped your tears away, you couldn't believe he died in your birthday. Edward then looked at Haytham and said " Take care of...... Y/N, Haytham.... He is..... your little brother..... look after him.... and don't leave him....... Help each other....both of you......and know.....That I will always .....be proud of.....you, no matter what.....you become." He started to close his eyes and said his last words " I....love you....my boys." With that your father disappeared once and for ever.

" FATHER PLEASE DON'T GO........PLEASE OPEN YOUR EYES!!" Haytham cried while you sobbed, but little did you know that the attackers are still there. You saw them approach you and alerted Haytham. " Haytham..... someone is here!" He wrapped his arms around you protectively and glared at the people who were coming with sly smirks. " Stay close brother.....everything will be fine."

One of them pointed his finger toward you and said " Bring the young one." Your E/C eyes widen in shock as you held in Haytham tightly. They wanted you, they wanted to separate you from your brother. Haytham growled " Stay away from us." They didn't listen.

A man tried to pull you away, but Haytham held you tightly, determined not to let you go. Another man pulled Haytham from the back and they separated both of you.



You tried to reach your hand to him, but you failed. They took you away from him and you would never see him again in your life, or that's what you thought!!

Present time:-

It had been long time since your father's death and long time since last time you saw Haytham, you even doubted that he is still alive. The only thing you knew that you were alone in this world. In this dark and cold dungeon like room. You might ask why? The reason is, you fought with a man who happened to be a captain  of his own ship. I think you can guess what's happened after that and since then you never saw the land. It was even a miracle that you escaped from the men who took you away.

Anyway, you didn't even bother to worry about your life. You held the circular locket your father gave to you, it doesn't have a photo in it, but it has the first letter of your last name 'K'.

You smiled at the memories of your father playing with you and Haytham, and how he told you different stories before you sleep, how you and Haytham would wake him up. However, it won't come back because you lost everyone. " Heh, who would think that I will even make it up to now!?Right father?." You thought, looking at the ceiling.

Your condition was horrible, you had been suffering from a high fever for two weeks beside from whip's wounds on your back and another parts of your body because of your behavior. You knew you wouldn't last another month unless there's someone to save you.

Suddenly, you felt the ship hit something and the impact was so strong. You wanted to stand up and leave, but you were so numb to stand. Another hit came with contact with the ship, knocking you out. Darkness started to surrender you as you thought it was your end.

Haytham's POV:- ( Finally)

We were in our way to Boston after a long mission. I was standing beside Shay on the helm while I was looking at the horizon. I was really in a bad mood not because of the mission, we perfectly succeeded in completing it. Next week is my little brother's birthday and the anniversary of father's death, that's why I'm in a bad mood.

" Master Kenway, you have been quite pessed off. Are you alright?" It seemed Shay noticed my bad mood and asked. I signed and looked at him from the corner of my eyes " It's nothing you need to worry about Shay. I'm just annoyed because the mission took a little bit longer then expected" I said." If you say so then-----"

Shay was interrupted by one of the crewmembers" Captain, there's a ship near us and it is crushed in an ice mountain." He shouted. " We must check it, there might be survivors." Shay looked at me and I nodded.

Shay turned the ship toward the broken one which was stuck in the ice mountain. Somehow, my heart wouldn't stop beating fast for unknown reason.

" What's wrong with me? Pull yourself together Haytham, it's nothing but a broken ship." I thought to myself as I made my hands in fists.


I will be publishing both of the parts together.

But man, I was crying when I wrote about Edward's death.

Edward:- * Pretending to be surprised * ...... Oh, you care about me Roben.

* Glaring at him *...... Shut up!!

Edward:- * Hugs me*..... I love you Roben!!

Let go of me Edward, you're killing me!!!



Part two is coming immediately.

Be amazing~

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