The Frye Twin x Young Sister Reader(Part 3)

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Part threeeeeee!!

This one is a bit long.

It was night, Jacob, Evie and Eric were still looking for you. The place where Jacob thought you would be wasn't the right place. He even ordered his Rooks to look for any signs of you, but he didn't get any informations from them. Both Jacob and Evie were worried about you since they just recently learned that you were their little sister. Eric was the same, he knew Amelia would use your past to earn your trust and loyalty.

" Where could she be?" Jacob asked " We should have expected this since miss Amelia is behind everything she would change her house.". Eric wasn't paying attention to what the Fryes saying, he was looking around the empty streets in hope he would find a clue that might help him to find you. Until....... " Guys guys guys, come here!!" Jacob and Evie turned their heads to Eric who was looking at something interesting. "What is it?" Jacob said.

What Eric saw was a Blighter with the...... Disloyal Assassins. " I think we should follow them. Maybe they can lead us to Y/N's place." Both of the twins nodded and started to follow the men from the rooftops.

Time Skip because I'm lazy.

After what seemed to be like forever, they finally reached to what seemed to be a mansion. A big house, where you might be captive. " Let's get inside from that window!! It seems like it's not guarded ." Evie said and both males nodded.

They sneaked quietly to the window, trying not to make any noise. Evie was the first one to climb up to the window followed by Jacob then Eric. When they got inside, they found themselves in an empty hallway. It was weird!! Why weren't there any guards around here since it's a place for the Templars? Evie deep down had a bad feelings about this place, but she tried to pushed it aside so she could focus on finding you. " Let's go!! There must be a room in this hallway." Eric said. Jacob and Evie were a few feets ahead of Eric, they turned right and found a room at the end of the hallway. They walked quietly to the room and tried to open it. Surprisingly, the door wasn't locked, so they opened it and walked in. The room wasn't dark, there was candles here and there to lit the room. " Oh no Y/N!!" Evie yelled whispered to you. In the middle of the room was you, tied up in a chair and beaten up horribly. They reached to you and started  to untie you " You...Came!!" Your voice were sore when you tried to talk, face had some bruises and there was some blood at the corner of your mouth and on your forehead.

They finished undoing the ropes and helped you to stand up " Come on, let's get you out of he-----" you interrupted Jacob " No!!" Was the only thing you said " What? What are you saying?" Evie said " There's one thing I need to do!!" You gave a slight smirk and attacked the twins. You sent a sudden punch on Evie's face and kicked Jacob in the stomach, sending them both on the floor groaning from pain. Suddenly, the room was filled with Templars. There was about twenty of them against two. Jacob and Evie looked behind to Eric, but he was nowhere to be seen. They looked back at you to see you were holding a gun at them " Both of are idiots to fall in this trap..." You said evilly " Don't you think so, miss Amelia?"

Just when you said her name, she stepped out of nowhere behind you with an evil smirk as well " It looks like our plan has worked perfectly." She said, putting her hand on your shoulder " What are you doing, Y/N? Are you betraying us?" Evie said " It's not a matter of only betraying the Creed, she also betrays us, her family!!..." Jacob said with rage. " How dear you to even call yourself a family to me? You left me alone, a child to face the death, but guess what? I'm going to earn my revenge----" Evie cut you off by yelling at you " WE NEVER LEFT YOU ALONE!! THIS WOMAN WAS THE ONE WHO TOOK YOU AWAY FROM US, FROM FATHER....... WE THOUGHT YOU DIED WITH MOTHER!!". You started to her with cold eyes and said something made both of them lose their last hope of turning you back.

" You think I'm going to believe everything you said. Think twice when you decided to blame the woman who loved me. This's unforgivable mistake."

Your voice was cold and your grip on the gun tightened and was about to shoot, until you found yourself in the middle of the smoke. " Y/N be careful!! They might attack you!!" Amelia shouted to you. She could hear the voices of slicing, splashing of the blood and groan of men around the room. When the smoke disappeared, all the Templars were dead and there was only you, Amelia, Jacob, Evie and..... "Eric!!" Jacob and Evie said at the same time.

" I knew there was something wrong when the hallways weren't guarded." Amelia looked at him " Y/N, kill him!!" She ordered you " As you wish ma'am..." you then turned to her and shoot her in the leg. She fall down and screamed in agony " What are you doing? You suppose to serve the Order!!" Evie and Jacob stood up not understanding what exactly was happening. " I really don't understand anything!?... Eric can you explain this?" Evie said with confusion " I will tell you..... The man who betrayed us wasn't an assassin from the start. She sent him there to check on me and act as if he he betrayedthe Creed, so the mentor would send me to London and bring him back and then use me against you......" you said confidently " So does that mean you---" Jacob said " Yes, I didn't betray the Creed. Everything was planned, me and Eric made sure that there was no mistake in it......"

" How could you forget about everything I did to you..... I took care of you, feed you and give you a shelter." She faked a hurt expression " You did everything because you were the one who took me away from my family.... No Templar trusts an Assassin." You held the gun at her head " No please... Don't kill me...!?" She pleaded " This one thing I can't do..... Goodbye miss Amelia." And with that you shoot her in the head. A tear fell down and was followed by more, Jacob and Evie walked toward you and hugged you tightly. " It's alright dear little sister, your safe." Jacob said, petting your back. " I'm sorry.....I didn't mean to......... hurt you..... I can't hate you both..... you're my family...... I'm a Frye too..." you said between the sobs " You will always be a part of the family Y/N. You will always be." Evie said looking at her brother and smiled.

Time skip ( A few months later):-

It's been a few months since the incident with miss Amelia. You didn't go back to America and decided to stay with your brother and sister. Eric was a bit sad, but he understood you needed to be with them. You met Henry Green and the Rooks, you also met a man who was named Freddy and another one named Alexander Graham Bell.

Sometimes you and Evie would team up against Jacob, sometimes the opposite. You would tease Evie and Henry because you could see them looking at each other lovingly. However, you would steal Jacob's top hat and run away from him, laughing loudly and calling him 'Mad hatter'.

You were now watching the sunset from the clock tower ' Big Ben ' with your brother and sister. It was nice to be between your family after long time. " I love you guys..." You said, smiling happily " We love you too N/N." Jacob said, calling you with your nickname. " We're happy you're back to us." Evie said and both of them kisses your cheeks. " You know what would be better?...." Jacob asked " Teasing some Blighters....." he walked to edge the tower " Jacob no..." you and Evie said " Jacob yes..." and with that he jumped from the tower. " Oh god....." you laughed while Evie sighed. Both of you followed Jacob to stop him before he does something wrong.

You were so happy that you finally get back to your original life and your beloved family.


FINALLY....... I'm done with this story. The next one is Edward x Japanese Reader.

Edward:- * Popping his head*.... The next story is about me.

Me:- Yes.

Edward:- * Glaring at Jacob*..... Ha, it's my turn Shorty. Come on Roben....* Throwing me on his shoulder*......

Me:- * Angrily*..... Where the hell are you taking me?

Edward:- To the Jackdaw of course.

Me:-* Blushing*.... W-why would you take me there?

Edward:- So you can write without anyone bothering you.... * Suddenly smirking*..... Were you thinking something else? Cause if so, you know you can only ask-----

Me:- * Hitting his back *...... S-shut up and k-keep walking.

See in the next story.
Be amazing ~


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