Edward Kenway x Child Reader

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A cute idea I had, so I decided to write it. LOL!! The photo up there shows your outfit.

Imagine:- you're the daughter of Mary Read who is known as James Kidd, and you were to stay with Edward to take care of you.


" Now Edward, you need to take care of Y/N since I have an important errand to do."

James said looking at the pirate assassin in front of him. He groaned in annoyance.

" Why don't you ask Anne to take care of her?" Asked Edward, crossing his arms.

" She is busy with whatever she does, so stop acting like child and watch after her." Kidd spat with Edward. Then he knelt in front of you with a warm smile " Now Y/N, do as I told you okay!! Be a good girl and don't make a fuss to my friend." He said and you smiled big.

" Yes daddy!!" You said innocently. You knew about him being originally a woman and you knew that her name is Mary. You also call her mom whenever you were alone, but when there's someone around you would call her dad. Although you were cute and lovely girl, you had an evil monster mind. Let's just say you are a little innocent devil.

" That's my girl." He then stood up and was about to leave until he remembered something. " Oh before I leave....." he walked toward you and covered your ears " If I saw a small wound or even a single hair missing , I will make sure that you will never have children in the future." Edward covered his private area with his hands afraid. Edward knew that Mary would do such a thing like this, so he only obeyed.

James then left the ship to do his job while you waved goodbye to him. " Okay now little lass, what should we do?" He asked with a smile. " I know!!"

Edward could swear that your smile had a bit of slyness and somehow Edward regretted asking you.


"C'mon Y/N, you need to eat it!!"

" NO!!"

"Don't be stubborn and eat up!!"

" NO, I don't want to!!"

The argument between you and Edward was the silliest thing ever. You, being the stubborn child, refused to eat the vegetables in your food and Edward decided to make you eat it even with some force. Not to mention what you did to him earlier, you played with his maps, broke some of his stuff and happened to find you standing on the railing of the ship several times. Edward didn't know how Mary dealt with you.

" Ugh, alright then lass!! You can go and play outside, but don't leave the ship!! I don't want to be half a man." He muttered the last part to himself, but thankfully you left before you could ask him about what he said. You then stepped out of his cabin and ran out to the freshy air. Your H/C hair moved perfectly with the wind as you looked around until then an evil idea came to your mind.


" WHERE'S SHE? WHERE'S Y/N?" Edward yelled at his crewmen, they could hear anger in his voice as well as a bit of fear.

" Captain calm down, we will find her." Edéwale said, trying to calm his nervous Captain. " She must be somewhere nearby." He added.

" SHE CAN BE ANYWHERE EDÉ!! KIDD WILL KILL ME IF ANYTHING HAPPENED TO HER!!" Edward somehow managed to imagine what Mary could do to him if you were injured. She can hang him upside down on a tree or maybe do worst. " I'm going to look for her. If anyone wants to join then come along." With that he ran out of the ship.


You walked through the streets of Nassau, smiling happily and leaving a furious pirate behind. You felt a slight movement in your bag, so you open it to see tall white ears and big black eyes looking up at you. You smiled and pull out your bunny friend. He was white and fluffy, you begged a lot for your mother to let you keep it and you managed to persuade her.

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