Female Connor Kenway

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Well I know this is ridiculous, but I really like writing stories like this. Sorry, bear with me.... Hehehe!!! This kind of stories will have a different events with the similar characters.

Anyway be prepared to be pure minded and all innocent. And your name is Y/N Kenway.

Imagine:- being the female version of Connor Kenway and you happened to meet him and his father.


It was a normal day for you. Everything is normal, killing the Templars, going in missions, yelling at the old woman ( aka Achilles. I will keep the same name though.) And dealing with your so called mother. Normal, right?

Anyway, you were running from roof to roof, and stopped when you saw few red coats attacking a poor family. You growled and pulled your tomahawk and jumped at them, but little did you know that there was another hooded figure jumped with you. Both of you air Assassinated two of the Templars. Then both of you looked at each other then ran to the rest of the Templars.

After the fight cause I'm lazy:-

You then looked at him with curious eyes, and the same could be said to him. " Who are you?" You both spoke up at the same time. It was awkward to speak at the same time. " Are you an Assassin too?" Again the both of you spoke at the same time. You lifted your hand up as a sign of speaking first. " Are you an Assassin?" He nodded his head and pulled down his hood.

Once he pulled his hood, your eyes widen and took a step back, and that caused you to trip over a dead Templar and fall down. He Panicked and ran to you, he offered his hand and you gladly took it. " He looks like me!! How is that possible!! I can't believe this......!!" You thought to yourself. " Are you alright?" He asked with a hint of worry in his voice and you nodded. " You.... you... you look like me!!" Was the only thing you said. He titled his head with confusion, and you pulled your hood down as well. He gasped and backed almost tripped like you, but he kept his balance.

" What in the world? How.... How come?" Both of you studied your features, you have the same eye color, skin tone and hair color. Not to mention the same robes and weapons, everything was the same. You were of course more feminine then him. " Who are you?" He asked you " Me name is Y/N Kenway, and you?" He gulped and said " Connor Kenway." That's it, you were about to pass out, but you managed to keep your mind focused.

" I-I...... I can't find the right words." He muttered the last part. He heard your statement and said " Same here!!" You pinched the bridge of your nose to collect your thoughts and find a good idea, then it hit you.

" Do you want to go to the woods, so we can talk in calm atmosphere?"

" I would like to."

Time skip:-

You and Connor made it to the woods and chatted to know each other well. It turned that both of you had the same life, the same events and personality beside the looks. You were surprised at first, but then you warmed up to him and talked normally to him.

" I was wandering if you-------"

" Connor!?"

" Oh god!! Why now?" Connor and looked behind and saw an old man with wired looking hat, and hands behind his back. He looked a bit like Connor. You also noticed his clothes, they are the clothes of the grandmaster of the Templars. The most strangest thing was that he reminded you of your mother. You wanted to attack him, but it seemed that Connor knew this man in a way or another.

" What do you want?" Connor's voice was so cold and blank. " You killed another Templars again, didn't you?" He asked more colder then Connor. Then you decided to step in " They were hurting an innocent family, so we killed him." The man looked at you and his eyes widen upon seeing you, he then looked back at Connor and pointed at you. " Who is this Connor? You didn't tell me you have a sister!!" He tried to keep his calm self, but you could sense a bit of shock in his voice and eyes. Connor shook his head " She is not my sister!! She is me, but as girl!!" Connor spoke up, making his explanation simple.

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