Ezio Auditore x Reader (Modern)

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Here's another story. This one is in high school life. PART 1

Cristina is your best friend and Ezio's ex girlfriend.

Warning:- Self harm and deep depression.

Imagine:- Ezio falls in love with a girl named Selena and she did a trap to separate you from your childhood best friend.

If your name is Selena do change the OC.



" I can't believe you did this to her!!" Ezio said angrily. " I swear I didn't do it to her!! Believe me Ezio, she is the one behind everything!!" You said as you were at the average of tears. " I thought you were my friend. A CLOSE FRIEND OF MINE!! I don't want to see you ever again!! Forget about our friendship!!" He took his 'innocent girlfriend' and walked out of your house. You fall down on your knees and cried hard. Ezio thought that you sent a boy from another school and gave him money to rape Selena, but you didn't know the boy yet he said you gave him money and told him to do so. You knew that you wouldn't do such a low thing even if you have a crush on him. You loved him so much that you put your happiness aside for him to be happy. He dated Cristina, your best friend, and yet you wished them a happy life. You couldn't believe Ezio would no longer be your friend, your best childhood friend.

End of flashback:-

You woke up at the sound of your alarm, you weren't in the mood to go to school today. You walked to your bathroom and took a quick shower. You wore a long sleeved and oversized hoodie to hide the scars in your arms. Since the incident, you started to cut yourself everytime you would feel depressed. You even ate less and less food that you become a bit skinny.

You left your house without eating your breakfast. The walk was so quiet which relaxed you a bit. You reached to the school and walked toward your locker, then you heard a cheerful voice from behind.

" Good morning Y/N!!" Cristina greeted you with her bright smile. She was Ezio's girlfriend, but Selena did a trap that made both of them break up. However, Cristina was strong that she moved on the next day and she founda good boyfriend for her. " Morning Cristina." You said almost whispered with a small sad smile. She noticed your sore voice and the dark bags under your eyes " What is it Y/N? You look horrible today. And not only today, even the previous days. You know you can tell me everything." She said with concern.

You sighed. Well, nobody knew about what happened to you a few weeks ago, even your best friend who you keep your secrets with. You looked at her and smiled weakly " I'm fine I swear. Just a bit worried about some stuff." Cristina gave you a suspicion look and sighed " Alright, whatever you say!!" You thanked her and walked to the class.

Just when you got in there, you were greeted by Leonardo who was drawing. " Hey there." He smiled gently at you and Cristina. You nodded and Cristina greeted back then you took your seat. A few minutes later and a certain brown haired male walked inside with his girlfriend alongside like a lost puppy. "Morning Cristina, Morning Leonardo." He greeted both of them, ignoring your presence. " Morning Ezio!! How are you today?" Leo asked " I'm very well mio amico!! (My friend)". Cristina rolled her eyes at his cocky smile. " Ezio~ Let's set down, I'm tired of standing~." Selena said with a sickly sweet voice, he nodded and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. She then noticed you and smirked while Ezio glared at you.

Cristina noticed what happened " Why didn't Ezio greet you Y/N?" She asked you. You panicked and looked away from her " We just got in a small fight. Don't worry we will be back to normal in no time." You said. Although you knew this time Ezio would never be your friend again, you still had hope that he will discover the truth. One day. You sighed again and pulled out your notebook. You looked at Ezio from the corner of your eyes, and saw how happy and loyal to this worthless girl. You wanted badly to take her place, but you lost this chance and there will never be any second one.

Time skip (Lunchtime):-

You managed to escape Cristina's questions and walked to the back of the school to have your lunch peacefully, but it seemed it wasn't your lucky day for you to meet Selena again. " Well well well, what do we have here?" She said in mocking tone " Leave me alone Selena!!" You said as you walked pass her, but she pulled your arm and put you back original place. " You think Ezio will forgive you for what you did? Ha think twice before." You felt your blood boiling as you looked at her, but you kept calm. " I don't care anymore, you can have him as long as you wish, but you should know that he will know the truth sooner or later." You said confidently.

She then took her drink and poured it on your clothes and face. You were shocked at first then you looked at her angrily " Why would you do that?". Then you heard him calling " Selena, where are you, mio amore? (My love)". She then looked at you and smirked " You will see!!"

Then Ezio came and noticed you with Selena. He ran to you and Selena turned around...... Crying. " Oh Ezio, thank goodness you came!!" She said letting go of a fake sob. " What happened Selena?" You just looked at her hugging Ezio and ' cried ' hardly. " I was walking without paying attention to my steps and Bumped into her and spilt my drink on her mistakenly. I apologized to her, but she said mean things to me. I didn't mean what I did!!"She said while Ezio glared at you.

" Can't you just leave us be Y/N? She didn't mean what she did." Then Selena talked again " She also threatened me to leave you or else she would do something worst." Your E/C eyes widen when you heard her lies, he looked at you very angry and you tried to calm him down by defending yourself " Ezio I didn't do this!! I....I was walking alone....and then she came........and said ......you will never forgive me..and...and----!?" He cut you off by lifting his hand up " Enough!! Selena was right when she said you're no longer yourself. What happened to you? You're not the Y/N I know, you're disgusting me with what you're doing. You really need to go to the mental hospital."

You could feel the tears form in your eyes. You didn't hate a close person to Ezio as much as Selena. Even when Cristina was with him, she never did those horrible things to you. It was quite the opposite, she would told him to call you or invite you to his house. But Selena, she's the devil himself. Even the Devil would be ashamed of doing such a low things like her. She was the one who made Ezio and Cristina broke up after a few months. Let's just say Selena is madly in love with Ezio that she got jealous of you and Cristina and she needed to remove you out of the way. And apparently, she succeeded. Ezio easily forgot about your old friendship and replaced it with oh so called love for a ........Bitch.

You felt your heart shatter into peices, you wanted to disappear from this cruel world. You broke into tears and ran away to your home. Ezio felt he overacted as he looked at you running away, and Selena was smirking slightly knowing that you would never stop in her way. However, little did she know that there was a certain girl recorded everything happened between you and her.

" So that's why Y/N was all down and depressed, but don't worry I make sure to break her heart in the same way she did to you and me." Cristina then called Leo, Claudia and Federico to make a quick plan.



Me:- * Whispering*........ I need to be quiet......

Edward:- Roben ~ Where are you?~

Me:- * About to cry*...... Someone please save me!! I don't want to stay in that ship......* Suddenly have an idea *..... Mary!!

Well I will stop here in this story. See you in part 2!!

Be amazing.
RC ~😋

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