Arno Dorian x Child Reader

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I will try doing it as cute as possible. LOL!!!😅

Imagine:- Arno finds you in the graveyard, sleeping between two graves until he discovered who the people you were sleeping between. Then he took you with him and looked after you.


It had been few months since Élise's died. Arno couldn't really accept the fact that he no longer would see her again, see her smile and hear her laugh. He would visit her grave everyday and talk to her about what happened to him. He knew she is with him, in his heart and mind. He vowed he won't forget about her not even a small moment. Although she was a Templar, she was good and kind woman to everyone. " Well, I'm still keeping my promise of protecting the innocent people........." He was a the average of breaking down as tears willed up in his eyes. " I really miss you mon chéri!? " he wiped his tears and stood up " I think it's time to take my leave now. Repose en paix Élise..... ( Rest in peace Élise.)" Then he started to walk away from the grave.

Just when he was about to leave, he heard a few loud sobs. Arno followed the voice and it led him to a pair of graves with a........... girl between them...... She was holding a small baguette in her arms. Arno couldn't believe his eyes. A child sleeping here, between two dead people. She seemed to be about 7 years old or so. He looked at the names on the gravestones and was surprised to find they were a husband and a wife from the L/N family. He knew the man, Monsieur L/N who happened to support the Assassins and help Arno several times, but who was this girl? He then heard her whispering something.......

" Papa, m-mama.......!?"

She was calling her parents. He couldn't effort seeing the little child in such miserable way. Just when he was about to wake her up, he something shining beside her. He knelt down and quietly picked it up and examined it, it was a locket. He opened it and saw a small photo of a married couple, Monsieur L/N and his wife. His eyes widen when he discovered that this young girl was his daughter. His expressions frowned upon seeing the daughter of the man who helped him in the streets like this. " And here we thought that they killed all the L/Ns and yet there was someone alive from them." Arno whispered to himself. The child, who happened to be you, was now crying. Tears fall down as you called your parents.

Arno couldn't hold it anymore, so he decided to wake you up. " Hey wake up, petit!! (little one.)" He whispered while shaking her slightly. You opened your eyes slowly and sat up. You vision was blurry, so you rubbed your eyes with your hands to see more clearly. When blur disappeared, you saw a man with hood on. You backed away from him, afraid that he might hurt you or he might be one of the people who killed your parents. " S-stay away from me!!" You said while hugging the baguette close to you. You couldn't see the majority of his face because of the hood and it was the middle of the night.

" You need no fear, child. Je suis un ami. (I'm a friend)" He said, offering his for her to take " I happened to know your father, he was my friend." You looked up at him wit your big E/C orbs. Somehow you felt like you needed to trust him, but you didn't him. You hadn't even seen his face, and that was an enough reason to stay still.

Arno understood your hesitation and pulled his hood down, showing you his pretty face and his warm brown eyes. He also has brown hair that was tied in a small ponytail. You eyed his features, his eyes, nose and lips and you know deep down you can trust him. You took his hand and stood up, fixing your dirty white and sleeveless dress. Your H/L H/C was tangled as if you didn't brush it long time ago. Sorrow overwhelmed Arno when he saw your sad E/C eyes. There was a long silence between both of you, the only sound was the night cold wind that made you shiver out of coldness. Arno noticed you small shivers and offered you his blue coat. " Warm....!?" You mumbled to yourself and Arno smiled. " I'm Arno Dorian. What's your name, jeune femme? ( young lady?)" You took a deep breath and said " Y/N..." Was all you said with sore voice, you didn't talk much to people so that's way your voice was like this. " Y/N, what a nice name to a beautiful princess." He smiled as he pulled your small hand and kissed the back of it. You blushed and looked away.

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