Chapter 4

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"Why are we on the roof?" Natasha asks.

"Because I'm pretty sure Tony doesn't want to rebuild his building again," I reply.

"Yes, that would be preferable," Stark says from behind.

It's just Tony, Bruce, Nat, and I on the roof because Sam went to go check on Steve and Clint is no longer interested in the subject.

"So how do you contact Thor?" Bruce asked.

"Through a gatekeeper," I smirk.

I look up at the sky and yell out.

"Hey, Heimdal! I know you can hear and see me! Would you mind giving Thor a message for me? Yeah, can you send him down to earth because I have a problem I'm hoping he can solve! Oh and make sure the Bifrost hits the ground and not the building! Please and thanks!"

I turn around and smile at them and then make my way back inside the building.

"Where are you going?" Tony asked.

"Inside because I'm starving and have no money to get food, so I'm taking yours!" I yell back.

"No job because you don't exist," he mumbled, but I still heard him.

"Well no shit Sherlock," I smiled to myself.

I'm so happy. That needed to be said and if Kevin wouldn't put it in the script, I would.


I pass Sam in the hall and I feel the need to ask where Steve is. I owe him an apology. What I said earlier was cocky and out of line. I still hate him after Endgame, but what I said was uncalled for.

"Hey, Sam, could you perhaps lead me to where Steve is? I need to talk to him," I say.

Sam looked at me with anger in his eyes and he has every right to be angry. I upset his best friend. I would be angry too if someone upset my friend and then asked about them. They don't deserve to talk to them.

"Please, I need to apologize," I plead and Sam hesitates, but he shows me to Steve's room.

"Steve?" I say and peak my head through the door.

He looked up at me but looked back down showing no interest in me.

"Look, I'm sorry about earlier. I was out of line. I know how much I hurt you and - "

"That's just it," Steve interrupted me.

"What do you mean?" I ask, confused.

"Well, I think I was upset at first, but after sitting here for a while, I thought about what you said. Now, I realize that it was a reality check. I don't have Peggy anymore and I need to accept that and move on. I have someone from my past that needs me," he explained himself.

"I know because you're with him 'til the end of the line," I scoff.

Except you ditch him for Peggy, but whatever. What happened to bros before hoes?

"Yeah, how do you know that?" Steve smiles.

"Right, you missed the whole explanation. Well, I'm from an earth where all of you guys are just movies and comic books. I know that in this world Captain America still has films, radio shows, and comic books to keep the wartime happy, but it was still real. On my earth, you're just a character. Bucky is my favorite by the way," you say and Steve smiled at you.

"You like villains?" Steve looked at his feet,

"Sometimes. Bucky isn't a villain though," I said and Steve looked up at me full of hope.

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