Chapter 18

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Clint's POV

I go up to my bedroom and Laura follows me. Apparently, we have to talk. Which means nothing good.

"So, Natalie Carter. How did you meet her?" Laura asks me.

I knew she would ask about her eventually. I know that nothing would surprise her at this point, so I just tell her straight up.

"Well, she broke into Avengers Tower and claimed she was from another universe. We looked into it and she was telling the truth. Thor said that her universe collided with ours and now she's stuck here. Apparently, she's supposed to be a hero that was sent to our earth to save us or something. I didn't really pay attention," I shrug as I explain to my wife as her shocked face turns into a sad one throughout my summary.

"So, she can never see her family again?" Laura asks me.

I sadly nod my head. I know how much Natalie misses her family and I really feel bad for her. She kind of came to me after I told her that I knew that Natasha and Tony were going to die. I don't blame her. She knows that I understand.

Maybe that's why she and Steve are going to get together. I don't know if their fight ended, but it seems like it has. Steve was basically ripped from his family and so was she. They get each other. Plus it's so obvious they have feelings for each other.

"You know if they're going to stay the night, some of them are going to have to double up," Laura says, changing the topic.

"That's not gonna sell," I laugh.

It's doubtful that any member of my team is going to double up with anyone.

"Well, we have two extra rooms and a couch. They can compromise. What about Nat and Dr. Banner? How long is that been going on?" Laura asks me, but I don't see why because there is nothing.

"Has what?"

She just laughs as she put some dirty laundry into a laundry basket.

"Oh, you are so cute."

"Nat? And Banner?"

"I'll explain when you're older, Hawkeye," she finishes.

"Okay. The other room can go to Steve and Natalie. They kind of have a thing. They say they hate each other, but they don't," I smirk knowingly.

"Oh really?" Laura walks over to me hoping I can fill her in on all the drama.

I do.

I'm a good husband like that.

"Yeah," I scoff.

"Not only is newbie from another universe it's apparently a universe where all of this is all a movie. A movie she seems to be obsessed with and knows everything about. She hated him for something he did, or does in the future," I explain.

"What did he do?"

"He broke I promise I guess. I think it's stupid. They'll get over it. As for the couch, Thor seems to be off on some journey. I saw him leave, so Tony can take the couch," I finish organizing the room situation.

The two of us look out the window to see Tony and Steve chopping up some firewood.

I should bring them around more often.

"You know I see those guys, those gods - "

"You don't think they need me," I say and start to put on my shoes to go do some work with Cooper.

"I think they do. Which is a lot scarier. They're a mess," my wife points out.

"Yeah. I guess they're my mess."

She runs a comforting hand through my hair as we both stare out at the two men.

"You need to make sure this team is really a team and that they have your back," she says and I stand up to kiss her.

I'm happy she's supportive and always looking out for me. She's perfect and that's just what I need.

Unfortunately, our moment was interrupted when I got a text from Fury.

Fury: I need Stark. I'll be waiting in your barn.

"Hey, wanna do me a huge favor?" I ask my wife.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Get Tony to go to the barn. He has a visitor," I tell her.

"You got it, Hawkeye."

Natalie's POV

I sit in the living room playing with Lila because Nat and Banner are having a discussion in their room. Well, what's going to be their room. As soon as they are told.

"You're really good with kids," I voice from behind says.

I turn around to see Laura watching me play dolls with her daughter. I miss this. Playing with little girls. I never thought that I would say that, but I do. As much as I hate little brats, they can be okay.


"Do you have any?" she asks me as she walks over the couch that is behind the spot I am sitting in on the floor.

I practically choke on air. Man the Barton's really like the idea of people having a family because Clint asked me that at the party before things went to shit.

"Oh, god no. I just work at a daycare. I'm not ready for that. I'm not even ready for a relationship. I only had one significant other and she broke my heart and I never seem to have any luck with guys," I explain as I continue to play with Lila.

"From what I've heard, you had luck with a particular soldier," Laura smirks at me.

"Is Clint telling everyone that?" I scoff.

"I think you should let yourself try," she smiles at me.

Maybe she's right.

I should try.

Just not now.

"Good thing I took care of that. You and Steve are going to have to share a room," Laura smiled proudly.

Now I really am choking on air. I cough uncontrollably for a hot minute.

"I'm sorry what?"


A few hours later, the whole household gathers in the dining room area. Plus, Nick Fury, of course. When I told him where I was from, he was a little shocked. He said Maria told him, but he didn't believe her until I took him to a separate room and told him how he lost his eye.

That shut him up.

"Ultron took you guys out of play to buy himself time," Fury says.

"Yeah, but now we have the Maximoffs early. They're getting us the cradle," I add.

"Where is Ultron exactly?" Steve asks.

"That's not really the issue. He's everywhere. He's not really trying to hide," Nick says.

"Ultron is focused on getting to the missiles and thanks to Jarvis, he can't. Hopefully, this will lead his focus away from the cradle long enough so we can put Jarvis into it," I explain.

"Do you have contact with the Maximoffs?" Tony asks me.

"We didn't exactly have time to exchange phone numbers, but I told them where we would be. I'm trying to think ahead to when we actually destroy your murder bot," I scoff.

"Okay, fair point. How will we do that?" Tony replies.

"We need to gather all of them into one spot that way we know for sure. I know where they all are, so maybe we can get them there. Plus, it's not exactly in town, so we shouldn't have many casualties. If any," I state.

"Sounds good. When do we leave?" Nat asks, totally ready to kick this robot's ass.

"The second we get that cradle."

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