Chapter 6

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Alright, I'm currently riding the jeep into the base at the beginning of Age of Ultron and it finally hit me that I'm actually in my fantasy right now. Like it's crazy. Anyway, so I obviously have no training, so Natasha told me that I should just stay behind, but I told her my point of view.

I've seen these movies about a million times and I know where to go and where not to go. Who is Pietro going to trust? Not an Avenger I can tell you that.

I can't even describe my excitement right now. Like seeing this all up close and in real life is too insane. I need to stop obsessing and get my head in the game.

High School Musical fans know what I'm saying.

"Natalie, get ready to jump!" Natasha says.

"Oh trust me. I know."

Natasha jumps off the jeep about to kick a HYDRA agent and Clint jumps off with his bow ready to fire. Me, however, jumped off and almost fell, but thanks to my 6 years of gymnastics as a kid, I was able to somersault onto the ground. I thought it was pretty impressive for someone who basically sat on her butt since she was 13.

"Need a lift to the building kid?" Tony asked before flying away.

Me knowing that he would've dropped me by a shielded building surrounded by armed agents, I declined.

"Suit yourself," Tony shrugged as best he could in the metal suit and fly off.

I begin my own path to the base, but Natasha stopped me.

"Here! Take this!" she shouted and tossed me a handgun.

"I don't know how to use this! I'm a psychologist, not a spy!" I looked at her stunned to think she would give me a weapon after not trusting me all that much. I can tell the only reason she does is because Steve trusts me.

"It's easy. Aim and shoot," Clint shouts.

"I was always told that it was more complicated than that!"

"It is, but we don't have time for a lesson right now."

I shrug and realize that it's almost time for the best moment in cinematic history.

I wait until I hear the crash over coms and then it comes.



Ah, gets me every time.

I start laughing uncontrollably and Natasha looks at me like I'm crazy.

"Sorry, it gets me every time," I sigh as I sober up.

"Jarvis, what's the view from upstairs?" Steve says after his little scolding of the billionaire.

"The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield. Strucker's technology is more advanced than any other HYDRA base we've taken," Jarvis repeats the words I've heard many times.

"It's the scepter. You guys better move fast. This part always stressed me out," I say the last part under my breath.

"Long last," Thor mumbles and I make my way to Pietro.

It's actually not that hard to run through HYDRA agents when you don't go after them. They really couldn't care less about me. Which is fan-friggin-tastic if you ask me.

"That long last is lasting a little long boys," Natasha says in her smirky voice.

It's a little sad that I know you know exactly what I'm talking about.

"Yeah, I think we lost the element of surprise," Clint adds.

"Well, coming earlier wouldn't affect the timeline that much. I knew this was how it would go down. We couldn't really change that," I explain.

"Wait a minute," Tony says and I start to laugh before he even finishes.

"Is no one is going to deal with the fact that Cap just said language?"

We hear Cap sigh over coms along with the bang of him flipping a motorcycle over his head like it was nothing.

I will miss not being able to ever see that moment again.

"I know. I just slipped out."

I laugh with a tinge of sadness knowing that I never get to see a single Marvel movie again.

"Alright guys, get ready. We are about to have incoming," I say a little pissed I didn't get to the building in time knowing that Strucker is having a conversation right now about the twins.

As I said, I watched these movies a lot.

"Also Tony," I say again over coms.

"I know Jarvis just told you that the city is receiving fire and I know that you are about to send out the Iron Legion. Do not, I repeat, do not send them out. Do you understand me?" I say very sternly.

Maybe this will at least delay Ultron. No robot victims, no need to build Ultron so soon.

"Why? It can save lives," Steve argues.

"Actually, around here, you guys aren't so popular. Especially Stark. Sending his army will only make them not want to listen and more people will die. I cannot stress this enough. Do not send them," I command.

"Captain?" Tony asks for confirmation.

"Listen to her Tony," Steve backs me up and I couldn't be more grateful.

"Alright guys, here they come. Clint watch out," I warn knowing that he's going to get hurt.

"Thanks for the heads up," he says back.

Clint's POV

Alright, so apparently I'm the first victim. How do I prepare for this?

"Hey, Nat! Can I have one of your shocky thingys?" I ask and she gives me a strange look before handing me one as well as a remote control and turning back to take down another agent.


That's when I see it.

A blur.

"I think I have eyes on Maximoff," I say into coms.

"Alright, wait for me to get to you. Try to keep him busy!" Natalie returns my report.

I see him again, and I draw back my bow and fire a perfectly good shot, but he was too fast. I take cover by the tree, knowing that he saw me and that he would make his way over to me. I have the disc in my hand ready to use with the remote in the other.

The second I looked back to see if Maximoff was coming, he runs right past me and pushes me to the ground. Little did he know I had placed the electric disc onto him in the process. He walks past me and looks down at me with a smug look on his face.

"You didn't see that coming?" he smirks and I smile back, much to his confusion.

"Actually I did," I say and press the button on the remote.

Maximoff falls to the ground and passes out.

"Okay, I have the speedster unconscious. Now what?" I asked, standing up.

"He won't stay down for long. Minutes at the most. His metabolism is super fast. Whatever you did won't keep him under," Natalie tells me.

"Now get down," she continues.

"What? Why would I - "

Before I could finish, I was shot and put down. I've been shot before, but this one hurt. A lot.

"Clint!" I hear Nat shout.

"I have eyes on the enhanced," I hear Cap say and I look over to where I left Maximoff, but he wasn't there.

"In my defense, I thought I had him," I say, trying to cheer myself up.

It didn't work.

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